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Demetriou # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software # must display the following acknowledgement: # This product includes software developed for the # NetBSD Project. See http://www.NetBSD.org/ for # information about NetBSD. # 4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # <> PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/ export PATH TERM=wsvt25 export TERM HOME=/ export HOME BLOCKSIZE=1k export BLOCKSIZE EDITOR=ed export EDITOR umask 022 ROOTDEV=/dev/md0a if [ "X${DONEPROFILE}" = "X" ]; 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$09wЉl$$uL$D;QuLN)L$.Wt$P |$$)Hf,Nf?Ń$r)PQhRMT$flFL$fLFt%f~t$t$<2tWŋpf~l$M|FPQhRlM1$^_[]ÐUSWV[`t$ F1҉$1FHT$t%fft:6́ftfu(f|Ht LDHNjVPl$(UxƋD$cPUT(͋$:1frDHfGfGVD$ PQ<$fl$E =t)σr+PQhRK$E ʋ$f|J׺=tfTOD$ Ht VUD$t9t PUE81^_[]ÐUSWV[_|$,L$(D$$ $qH tȋT$0f+~L$49~ L$,L$,1t$|$ )$hf+MT$D$49gf|Nud|$ Nωl$UT$RQ,u uhDnjt$Pt$0VvtRV tm9u.NWRVt t ^_[]ÐSWV[]t$|$LQjPQWvt2HfyuftfDHjWPVFu`HP T$IL$$f|HtQH$,T$,*h+,$j1|$0fdž $dž(HT$hW T$DHjWPVt+l$͉ $l$,t$0t$ED$9G u*D$G4$P L$,1TNGDHjWPVt t&dž(@f8u$dž  ^_[]ÐUSWV[f[zA =tl$$G)B fT$L$D$ uf͋t PaH,$UjA|$(todž(dž $FDGjRPVrtiL$T$$щ $t$(t$$~AL$D$ 9A u$GAL$$t$PQ ,$tL^_[]DGjt$ PVmr t׋@f8u$dž wSWV[Y|$t$T$t$ t$ j$ Gt 1^_[ÐUSWV[ÖYT$$wA =tF)G D$ *$Ffu^L$t PF4$j?L$t$,t$,jWQPt$DFjWPQ,qtjt$t$,t$,t$ $t$~>D$ 9G u%FGL$$T$UPQ. $JЃ^_[]ÐUSWV[HXt$0l$$D$jPj :|$ ..., where is one of: chiodkctlfdiskmbrlabelmount_ext2fsmount_lfsmount_ntfsnewfs_lfsraidctlrrestorescsictlslattachmoreinstallbootwiconfigchmodmkdirmvpax-shchownchgrpdmesgifconfigmknodmount_cd9660mount_msdosmount_tmpfsnewfsmount_mfsswapctlgzcatgunzipchrootping6slotportal [inv] [ ] [inv1] [inv2]paramsgetpickersetpicker [ [unit [count]]] [voltags]ielemcdlu load|unload abortinvinv1inv2voltagsf:CHANGER/dev/ch0%s: opencan't register cleanup functionunknown command: %s%s: too few arguments%s: too many arguments%s: inappropriate modifier `%s'%s: CHIOMOVEinvalid element type `%s'invalid unit number `%s'invalid modifier `%s'%s: CHIOEXCHANGE%s: CHIOPOSITION%s: no arguments expected%s: CHIOGPARAMS%s: %d slot%s, %d drive%s, %d picker%s, %d portal%s %s: current picker: %d %s: CHIOGPICKER%s: CHIOSPICKER%s: malformed command line%s: inappropriate special word: %s%s: no %s elements %s: invalid unit/count %d/%dcan't allocate status storage%s: CHIOGSTATUS%s %d: INEABEXENABACCESSEXCEPTIMPEXPFULL Primary volume tag: %s ver. %d Alternate volume tag: %s ver. %d From: %s %d Vendor-specific data size: %lu %s: CHIOIELEMunload%s: CDIOCLOADUNLOADusage: %s [-f changer] command arg1 arg2 [arg3 [...]] Where command (and args) are: %s%s status not availableunable to allocate space for the argument %sunknown operand %sno value specified for %s%s: illegal argument combination or already setbs supersedes ibs and obsrecord operations require cbscbs meaningless if not doing record operationsconvibsiflagiseekmsgfmtoflagoseekskipconversion record sizeconv option disabledblock countfile countinput block sizeiflag option disabledskip blocksmsgfmt option disabledoutput block sizeoflag option disabledseek blocksprogress blocksposixusage: dd [operand ...]%s: seek error creating sparse file%s: end of device%s: short write on character device%s: short write on tape devicefiles is not supported for non-tape devicescase conv and -DNO_CONVdupfd IOfsync stdout%llu+%llu records in %llu+%llu records out %llu odd length swab %s %llu truncated %s %llu sparse output %s %llu bytes transferred in %lu.%03d secs (%llu bytes/sec) skip reached end of inputabcfGgHhiklMmNnPqt:Wonly one -t option may be specified.only one of -f -G and -P may be specifiedonly one of -G and -P or -i may be specifiedonly one of -P and -i may be specifiedretrieving information on mounted file systemscan't allocate statvfs array%s is not a mount pointWarning: %s is not a local %sWarning: %s mounted as a %s %sCan't get mount informationempty type listcan't allocate type arrayNAME=%s%10s (%-12s): %7ld block size %12ld frag size %10lld total blocks %10lld free blocks %10lld available %10lld total files %10lld free files %12lx filesys id %10s fstype %#15lx flag %17ld filename length %10lu owner %17lld syncwrites %12lld asyncwrites 512-blocks1024-blocks1K-blocks1M-blocks1G-blocksnon-standard block size incompatible with -PFilesystem %s Used Available Capacity Mounted on %-*.*s %*s %*s %*s %%CapFilesystem %*s %*s %%iCapiUsediAvail/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/bin/df/df.cprtstathflag == 0blocksize > 0%s %lld %lld %lld %s%% %s %-*.*s %*lld %*lld %*lld %3s%% %*jd %*jd %4s%%Usage: %s [-aclMnqW] [-G|-bkP|-bfgHhikmN] [-t type] [file | file_system]... Mounted oncannot seek temp filecannot read temp fileline too longcannot write temp file/tmp/%sed.XXXXXX%s/ed.XXXXXXcould not allocate memoryw+cannot open temp filecannot close temp fileEnter key: bad hex digit in keybad binary digit in keydes_setkeydes_cipherdecryption failed (block corrupted)decryption failed (incomplete block)cannot read fileinvalid pattern delimiterunexpected end-of-file& no previous commandcannot open input filecannot close input filenewline inserted newline appended cannot read input filecannot open output filecannot close output filecannot write filestdin: %s cannot read stdin%ld  \abfnrtv\p:sxES ? interruptinvalid filenamewarning: file modifiedscript, line %d: %s number out of rangeinvalid command suffixunexpected addressunexpected command suffixno current filenameinvalid redirectioncannot nest global commandsdestination expectedinvalid destinationno previous substitutionno matchfilename too longshell access restrictedinvalid mark charactered.hupno previous patterntrailing backslash (\)infinite substitution loopnothing to undoTAPE/dev/nrst0f:t:%s: Ambiguous command `%s' or `%s'?%s: unknown command%s: illegal count%s: block location %u internal error: unknown request %ldasfbsfbsrfsffsrofflinerdhposrdsposretensionrewindrewofflsetblksetdensitysethpossetsposweofeewnocache%d: unknown tape drive type %s tape drive, residual=%d erblocksize: %d (%d, %d, %d, %d) density: %d (%d, %d, %d, %d) current file number: %d current block number: %d WriteProtectMounted76543210%s=%o%s=%xusage: %s [-f device] command [count] RCMD_RELAY_SIGNALYESRCMD_LOOPrcmd appears to be looping!unknown user idmalloc468KLdel:np:u:wtcponly super user can use the -u optionshell/tcp: unknown servicecan't establish stderrsetsockopt remotesetsockopt stderrpollusage: %s [-46dn] [-l login] [-p port]%s [login@]host command [-u locuser]port must be between 1 and %d%s: detaching cleanercouldn't malloc device name string: %mcouldn't convert '%s' to raw name: %mcouldn't open device %s for reading: %mcouldn't malloc superblock buffer%s: not LFS%s: not a version 2 LFS%s: couldn't malloc segment table: %m%s: attaching cleaner%s: resized buffer hash from %d to %d%s: ientry failed for ino %dsegment %d: bad seguse count %d%s: bmapv returned %d (%m)%s: inval seg %d%s: markv returned %d (%m) for seg %d%s: inval returned %d (%m) for seg %dbC:cdDfi:J:l:mn:qr:sS:t:lfs_cleanerd: may only specify one filesystem when using -i flaglfs_cleanerd: -c disabled due to reports of file corruption; you may re-enable it by rebuilding the cleanerlfs_cleanerd: couldn't become a daemon!lfs_cleanerd:m:%smalloc failed: %mcouldn't allocate fs table: %m%s: couldn't init: error code %d%s: needs_cleaning returned %d%s: clean_fs returned %d%s: shutdown/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/libexec/lfs_cleanerd/lfs_cleanerd.clfs_cleaner_mainnfss == 0LFCNSEGWAITALL/home/builds/ab/HEAD-llvm/i386/202411190100Z-dest/usr/include/ufs/lfs/lfs_accessors.hwriting segment to copy log%s: sumsum magic number bad at 0x%jx: read 0x%x, expected 0x%x%s: sumsum checksum mismatch at 0x%jx: read 0x%x, computed 0x%x%s: bad pseg at %jx (seg %d)zero-length FINFO at %jx (seg %d)%s: data checksum bad at 0x%jx: read 0x%x, computed 0x%xlfs_fi_getblockidx < lfs_fi_getnblocks(fs, fip)usage: lfs_cleanerd [-bcdfmqsJ] [-i segnum] [-l load] [-n nsegs] [-r report_freq] [-t timeout] fs_name ...bytes read: %lldbytes written: %lldsegments cleaned: %llderror segments: %lldutilization total: %gutilization sos: %gutilization avg: %4.2futilization sdev: %9.6f%s: can't read inode%s: filesystem unmounted%s: nsegs changed%s: bfree = %d, avail = %d, clean = %d/%d%s: failed to stat ifile%s: failed to get load avg%s: no segment cleanable%s: cleaning with goal %lld bytes (%d segs clean, %d cleanable)%s: add seg %d prio %llu containing %ld bytes%s: cleaning with goal %d segments (%d clean, %d cleanable)%s: add seg %d prio %llu%s: no blocks to clean in %d cleanable segmentssending blocks %d-%d%s: markv returned %d (errno %d, %m)%s: errno %d, returning%s: wrote %lld dirty + %lld supporting indirect + %lld supporting Ifile = %lld bytes to clean %d segs (%lld%% recovery)%s: cleaner not making forward progressincreasing number of segment buffers to %dfailed resizing table to %d failed to allocate buffer #%d preload to segment buffer %dpwriteSuccessfully coalescedFile not in use or inode not foundNot large enough to coalesceNegative sizeNot enough blocks to account for sizeMalloc failedLFCNBMAPV failedNot broken enough to fixToo many blocks not foundToo many blocks found in active segmentsI/O errorNo such errorcoalescing already in progress%s: fork to coaleasce: %m%s: new coalescing process, pid %d%s: coalesced %d discontiguous inodesino %ju, computed blocks %jd > held blocks %juino %ju, %jd blocks: array too large ino %llu, %jd blocks: %s %s: coalesce: LFCNBMAPV: Too large %s: coalesce: LFCNBMAPV: %mino %llu total discontinuity %d (%jd) for %jd blockstoo many blocks tossed, not rewritingallocate block buffer size=%d: %s ino %ju markv %jd blocksbuffer cache: %d hits %d misses (%2.2f%%); hash width %d, depth %d bremfree: lost tail/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/sbin/fsck_lfs/bufcache.cincoredepth <= nbufsgetblk!(bp->b_flags & B_BUSY)!(bp->b_flags & B_DELWRI)brelsebp->b_flags & B_BUSYpseg at 0x%jx: wrong magic number pseg at 0x%jx: expected ident %jx, got %jx pseg at 0x%jx: serial %d < %d pseg at 0x%jx: summary checksum wrong warning, serial=%d ss_serial=%d summary good: 0x%x/%d /home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/sbin/fsck_lfs/lfs.csb0 %ju, sb1 %juAttempting to verify newer checkpoint...** Newer checkpoint verified; recovered %jd seconds of data ** Newer checkpoint invalid; lost %jd seconds of data check_summarybc >= 0Not enough inode blocks in pseg at 0x%jx: found %d, wanted %d iip=0x%jx, daddr=0x%jx Partial segment at 0x%jx expected %d blocks counted %d Partial segment at 0x%jx data checksum mismatch: given 0x%x, computed 0x%x lfs: ifile read: cleanerinfo: error %d lfs: ifile ino %d read %dlfs_valloc: inuse inode %d on the free listlfs_balloc: bread bno %lldix < ULFS_NDADDRlfs_dino_getibix < ULFS_NIADDRSuperblock magic number (0x%lx) does not match expected 0x%lx Superblock checksum (%lx) does not match computed checksum (%lx) lfs_dino_setdblfs_dino_setibFirst alternate superblock is no good, using primaryPrimary superblock is no good, using first alternateNo -b flag given, not attempting to verify checkpointdone.addwedgename startblk blkcnt ptypebadsectorflush | list | retrydelwedgegetgeometrykeeplabelyes | nosetcachenone | r | w | rw [save]strategy[name]synccache[force]Wedge name too long; max %zd charactersWedge partition type too long; max %zd charactersInvalid start block: %sStart block out of range.Start block must be >= 0.Invalid block count: %sBlock count out of range.%s created successfully. %s: badsectors list%s: blocks %lld - %lld failed at %s%s: badsectors flush'badsector retry' must be used %s with character device%s: bad sector clusters %lld total sectors %lld %s: bad sectors flushed %s: Retrying %lld - %lld %s: lseek block %lld%s: block %lld - Wedge dk name too long; max %zd characters%s: getcache%s: No caches enabled %s: read cache enabled %s: write-back cache enabled %s: read cache enable is %schangeable not %s: write cache enable is %schangeable %s: cache parameters are %ssavable %s: cache Force Unit Access (FUA) %ssupported %s: cache Disable Page Out (DPO) %ssupported %s: getwedgeinfo%s at %s: %s %s: %llu blocks at %lld, type: %s %s: getmediasize%s: getsectorsize%s: %llu bytes in %llu blocks of %u bytes qe%s: listwedges%s: listwedges: unable to allocate wedge info buffer%s: no wedges configured %s: %u wedge%s: %s: %s, %llu blocks at %lld, type: %s successfully scanned %s. rw%s: DIOCGSTRATEGY%s: DIOCSSTRATEGY%s: %s -> %s Usage: %s device %s device command [arg [...]] Available commands: B0123FSafgiIluvA:b:c:E:r:s:w:z:Bad partition number -E %s.%03d %s Bad argument to the -s flag.%d/%d/%d%nBad argument to the -b flag.%u%n/%u%nBad argument to the -A flag.bad disktabInvalid sector size %zdBootselector may only be configured interactivelyPartition data not specified-s flag requires a partition selected.Cannot allocate %zd bufferExtended partition %d is not defined.Which partition do you want to change?Should we write new partition table?Primary GPT header was deletedSecondary GPT header was deletedPrimary DOS with 12 bit FATXENIX / filesystemXENIX /usr filesystemPrimary DOS with 16 bit FAT <32MExtended partitionPrimary 'big' DOS, 16-bit FAT (> 32MB)NTFS, OS/2 HPFS, QNX2 or Advanced UNIXAIX filesystem or OS/2 (thru v1.3) or DELL multiple drives or Commodore DOS or SplitDriveAIX boot partition or CoherentOS/2 Boot Manager or Coherent swap or OPUSPrimary DOS with 32 bit FATPrimary DOS with 32 bit FAT - LBAType 7??? - LBADOS (16-bit FAT) - LBAExt. partition - LBAOS/2 BM: hidden DOS 12-bit FATCompaq diagnosticsOS/2 BM: hidden DOS 16-bit FAT <32M or Novell DOS 7.0 bugOS/2 BM: hidden DOS 16-bit FAT >=32MOS/2 BM: hidden IFSAST Windows swapfileWillowtech Photon coShidden Windows/95 FAT32hidden Windows/95 FAT32 LBAhidden Windows/95 FAT16 LBAWillowsoft OFS1NEC DOSAlien Internet Services NOSJFS on OS2TheosPlan 9Plan 9, or Theos spannedTheos ver 4 4gb partitionTheos ve 4 extended partitionPartitionMagic recoveryHidden NetwareVENIX 286 or LynxOSLinux/MINIX (sharing disk with DRDOS) or Personal RISC bootSFS or Linux swap (sharing disk with DRDOS)Linux native (sharing disk with DRDOS)GoBack change utilityBoot US Boot managerEUMEL/Elan or Ergos 3ALFX/THIN filesystem for DOSOberon partitionQNX4.xQNX4.x 2nd partQNX4.x 3rd partDM (disk manager)DM6 Aux1 (or Novell)CP/M or Microport SysV/ATDM6 Aux3DM6 DDOEZ-Drive (disk manager)Golden Bow (disk manager)Drive PROPriam Edisk (disk manager)SpeedStorGNU HURD or Mach or Sys V/386 (such as ISC UNIX) or MtXinuNovell Netware 2.xx or SpeedstoreNovell Netware 3.xxNovell 386 NetwareNovellDiskSecure Multi-BootPC/IXM2FS/M2CS partitionXOSL boot loader filesystemMINIX until 1.4aMINIX since 1.4b, early Linux, Mitac dmgrLinux swap or Prime or SolarisLinux nativeOS/2 hidden C: driveLinux extendedNT FAT volume setNTFS volume set or HPFS mirroredLinux Kernel AiR-BOOT partitionLegacy Fault tolerant FAT32Legacy Fault tolerant FAT32 extHidden free FDISK FAT12Linux Logical Volume ManagerHidden free FDISK FAT16Hidden free FDISK DOS EXTHidden free FDISK FAT16 LargeAmoeba filesystemAmoeba bad block tableMIT EXOPC native partitionsHidden free FDISK FAT32Datalight ROM-DOS Super-BootMylex EISA SCSIHidden free FDISK FAT16 LBAHidden free FDISK EXT LBABSDI?IBM Thinkpad hibernationHP Volume expansion (SpeedStor)FreeBSD or 386BSD or old NetBSDOpenBSDNeXTSTEP 486Apple UFSOlivetty Fat12 1.44MB Service partSHAG OS filesystemBootStar DummyBoot Wizard HiddenApple BootApple HFSBSDI BSD/386 filesystemBSDI BSD/386 swapSolaris 8 boot partitionSolaris boot partitionDRDOS/sec (FAT-12)Hidden LinuxHidden Linux SwapDRDOS/sec (FAT-16, < 32M)DRDOS/sec (EXT)DRDOS/sec (FAT-16, >= 32M)Syrinx (Cyrnix?) or HPFS disabledReserved for DR-DOS 8.0+DR-DOS 7.04+ Secured FAT32 CHSDR-DOS 7.04+ Secured FAT32 LBADR-DOS 7.04+ FAT16X LBADR-DOS 7.04+ EXT LBAREAL/32 secure big partitionOld Multiuser DOS FAT12Old Multiuser DOS FAT16 SmallOld Multiuser DOS ExtendedOld Multiuser DOS FAT16 BigCP/M 86CP/M or Concurrent CP/M or Concurrent DOS or CTOSHidden CTOS MemdumpDell PowerEdge Server utilitiesDG/UX virtual disk managerSTMicroelectronics ST AVFSDOS access or SpeedStor 12-bit FAT extended partitionDOS R/O or SpeedStor or Storage DimensionsSpeedStor 16-bit FAT extended partition < 1024 cyl.BeOSGPT Protective MBRLinux PA-RISC boot loaderDOS 3.3+ SecondarySpeedStor large partition or Storage DimensionsPrologue multi-volumen partitionpCache: ext2/ext3 persistent cacheBochs x86 emulatorVMware File SystemVMware SwapLinux RAID partition persistent sbSpeedStor >1024 cyl. or LANstep or IBM PS/2 IMLXenix Bad Block Table/usr/mdec/dev/rwd0dusage: %s [-aBFfgIilSuv] [-A ptn_alignment[/ptn_0_offset]] \ %*s[-b cylinders/heads/sectors] \ %*s[-0123 | -E num [-s [id][/[start][/[size][/bootmenu]]]] \ %*s[-t disktab] [-T disktype] \ %*s[-c bootcode] [-r|-w file] [-z sectorsize] [device] -a change active partition -f force - not interactive -g preserve existing GPT headers -i initialise MBR code -I ignore errors about no space or overlapping partitions -l list partition types -u update partition data -v verbose output, -v -v more verbose still -B update bootselect options -F treat device as a regular file -S output as shell defines -r and -w access 'file' for non-destructive testing E%d: link: Bootselector , infinite timeout, timeout %d secondsFirst active partition: %d Drive serial number: %u (0x%08x) Extended partition E%d: Partition %d: PART%s%dSIZE=0 PART%s%dID=%d PART%s%dSIZE=%u PART%s%dSTART=%lld PART%s%dFLAG=0x%x PART%s%dBCYL=%d PART%s%dBHEAD=%d PART%s%dBSEC=%d PART%s%dECYL=%d PART%s%dEHEAD=%d PART%s%dESEC=%d %s (sysid %d) %*s bootmenu: %s %*s start %lld, size %lld (%u MB, Cyls , Active, flag 0x%x%*s beg: cylinder %4d, head %3d, sector %2d %*s end: cylinder %4d, head %3d, sector %2d %*s Extended partition table: %*s%d: /%lu/%lu%*sInformation from PBR: %*s%s: PBR is not bootableNot bootableSector %lld is unreadable (%s) All bytes are identical (0x%02x) Bad magic number (0x%04x) %*sPBR appears to be bootable OEM name%*sBPB FAT16 boot signature found %*sBPB FAT32 boot signature found read_disk(); fd == -1read_disk(); secsize invalid%*s%s: "%s" %s: bootcode too large%s: bootcode too small%s: invalid magicCannot determine the number of headsCannot determine the number of sectorsInstalled bootfile doesn't support required options.Bootfile %s doesn't support required bootsel optionsBootfile %s doesn't support the required options, install default bootfile instead?Default bootfile %s doesn't support required options. Got flags 0x%x, wanted 0x%x Update the bootcode from %s?Timeout value (0 to 3600 seconds, -1 => never)%d: The first active partition %d: Harddisk %d Default boot option%s: [%lld..%lldcyl default: %lld, %lldcyl, %uMB] %s: [%lld..%lld default: %lld] EOFgbcyl%s is not a valid %s number. decimal%lld is not between %lld and %lld. The data for partition %s%d is: sysidbootmenuThe bootselect code is not installed, do you want to install it now?Explicitly specify beg/end address?beginning cylinderbeginning headbeginning sectorending cylinderending headending sector%s: [%.*s] (space to clear)'%s' is longer than %d characters. Nested extended partitions are not allowedOutside bounds of extended partitionOverlaps another extended partitionSector zero is reserved for the MBRPartition exceeds size of diskOverlaps another partitionThere cannot be 2 extended partitionsDo you really want to delete all the extended partitions?Extended partition busyExtended partition outside main partitionreallocarrDISK=%s DLCYL=%d DLHEAD=%d DLSEC=%d DLSIZE=%lld BCYL=%d BHEAD=%d BSEC=%d BDLSIZE=%lld NUMEXTPTN=%d Disk: %s cylinders: %d, heads: %d, sectors/track: %d (%d sectors/cylinder) total sectors: %lld, bytes/sector: %zd cylinders: %d, heads: %d, sectors/track: %d (%d sectors/cylinder) total sectors: %lld Partitions aligned to %d sector boundaries, offset %d Do you want to change the active partition?Choosing %d will make no partition active. active partitionAre you happy with this choice?Making partition %d active. Do you want to change our idea of what BIOS thinks?Disk %d: cylinders %u, heads %u, sectors %u (%lld sectors, %dMB) BIOS's idea of #cylindersBIOS's idea of #headsBIOS's idea of #sectors%s is not a character devicecannot opendisk %s%s: bad disktype%s: fstat%s size (%ju) is not divisible by sector size (%d)%s: DIOCGDEFLABEL%s: DIOCGDINFOCan't read %s partition table%s partition table invalid, no magic in sector %lldremoving corrupt bootsel information%s partition table: using old-style bootsel information%s bootsel information corrupt - ignoringCan't write fdisk partition tableCan't write bootcodeCan't write %dth extended partitionwrite_disk(); wfd == -1 [n] %s: [none] %s is not a valid partition number. secondaryCan't read %s GPT headerEFI PARTFound %s GPT header CRC %u at sector %lld, backup at %lld given GPT header location doesn't seem correctcan't delete %s GPT header We haven't written the MBR back to disk yet. This is your last chance. WARNING: The disk is carrying GUID Partition Tables. If you continue, GPT headers will be deleted. Geometries of known disks:Start sector already allocatedNo free spaceNo space in extended partitionUndefinedPartition table:No active partition.Extended partition table:Extended partition table is corruptNetBSD disklabel disk geometry:BIOS disk geometry: Boot selector configuration:Select the default boot option. Options are: fqrs:wsector number (%s) incorrectly specifiedsector number (%s) out of rangeUpdating in-core %sdisk label. and on-disk usage: %s [-fqrw] [-s sector] device get labelInvalid sector size %u malloc I/O bufferseek labelread label (sector is possibly out of range)read labelFound %s partition; size %u (%u MB), offset %u skipping existing %s partition at slot %c. skipping overlapping %s partition at slot %c. WARNING: no slots free for %s partition. adding %s partition to slot %c. Version 6Version 7System V4.1BSDEighth Edition4.2BSDMSDOS4.4LFSHPFSISO9660ADOSFILECORELinux Ext2NTFSccdjfsUDFSysVBFSEFSNiLFSMINIX FSv3VMware vmkcoreVMware VMFSVMware ReservedZFSset labelNot updating disk label.No change; not updating disk label.# %s: type: %hu disk: %.*s label: %.*s removable ecc badsectbytes/sector: %u sectors/track: %u tracks/cylinder: %u sectors/cylinder: %u cylinders: %u total sectors: %u rpm: %u interleave: %u trackskew: %u cylinderskew: %u headswitch: %u # microseconds track-to-track seek: %u # microseconds drivedata: %u/%u/%u %c: %9s %9s %c: %9u %9u %10.10s%10hhu %5u %5llu %5.5s %5u %5llu %5hu %5u %5llu %6u %20.20s # (Cyl. %6u- %6u%hu partitions: # size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg/sgs] SMDMSCPold DECESDIST506HP-IBHP-FLtype 9floppyvndATAPIflashrumpdgetmntoptsmount table fullspecified device does not match mounted deviceincorrect super block%s on %s: %suserquotagroupquotardonlyhiddensympermrumpautomountedgetargsrelatimeusage: %s [-o options] special node realpath '%s' failed"%s" is a relative path.using "%s" instead.bdiN:no:s%slfs_cleanerd:m:%s.pid/var/run/%slfs_cleanerd:s:%s.pid/libexec/lfs_cleanerd-b-dusage: %s [-bdins] [-N nsegs] [-o options] special node aiu:g:m:o:%s on %suid=%d, gid=%d, mode=0%o, flags=%s usage: %s [-a] [-i] [-u user] [-g group] [-m mask] bdev dir unknown %s id: %sinvalid file mode: %szero size partitionpartition label indicated fs type "%s", expected "%s"illegal inode block size: %d cannot specify inode block size when version == 1 fragment size must be <= block size %dblock size must be < segment size%s: disklabel segment size (%d) too small, using default (%d)filesystem offset %ld out of rangefilesystem offset ignored for version 1 filesystem%d: block size not a power of 2%d: frag size not a power of 2%d: segment size not power of 2Segment size %d is not a multiple of frag size; trying size %d. Segment size %d is too large; trying smaller sizes. (Did you perhaps accidentally leave "16" in the disklabel's sgs field?) Could not allocate enough segments with segment size %d and block size %d; please decrease the segment size. Using segment size %d, block size %d, frag size %d. Creating a version %d LFS%d with roll-forward ident 0x%x%.1fMB in %d segments of size %d Segment 0 offset is not multiple of frag size Using flags "-O %lld" would result in the first segment containing only part of a superblock. Please choose an offset of 0, %d, or %d or more, Could not assign a disk address for the second superblock. Please decrease the segment size. lfs: ifile read: segentry %llu: error %d directory too big/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/sbin/newfs_lfs/make_lfs.cmake_dirspaceleft == 0lfs_dir_settypefs->lfs_hasolddirfmt == 0lfs_dir_setnamlenlfs_copydirnamereclen > LFS_DIRHEADERSIZE(fs)spacelen > namlensuper-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:WARNING: The LFS64 on-disk format is not final.WARNING: 64-bit volumes should be used only for testing.insane maxpartitions value %dAB:b:DFf:I:i:LM:m:NO:R:r:S:s:v:w:interleaveminfreesegresvseg%s: bad sector sizeinode block sizeroll-forward idfile system versionbit widthbit width %d is not sensible; please use 32 or 64Cannot make a 64-bit version 1 volume%sr%s/dev/%s: neither a character special device nor a regular file%s: is zero sized%s: is not `%s', but `%s'This volume is too large for a 32-bit LFS.Using negative block numbers; not recommended. You should probably use -w 64.%s is not a character special device, ignoring -Apreadbw = %ld B/s, seek time %ld ms (%ld seeks/s) using initial segment size %ld %s `%s' is not a valid number.`%s' is not a valid suffix for %s.%s `%s' is too large to convert.%s `%s' (%lld) is less than the minimum (%lld).%s `%s' (%lld) is greater than the maximum (%lld).%s `%s' is out of range.usage: newfs_lfs [ -fsoptions ] special-device where fsoptions are: -A (autoconfigure segment size) -B segment size in bytes -D (debug) -M count of segments not counted in bfree -N (do not create file system, just print out parameters) -O first segment offset in sectors -R count of segments reserved for the cleaner -b block size in bytes -f frag size in bytes -m minimum free space %% -s file system size in sectors -v version /home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/sbin/fsck_lfs/segwrite.clfs_writeinode!(bp->b_flags & B_INVAL)lfs_gatherbp->b_flags & B_DELWRInblocks = %d, not %d %s: fragment is not last blocklfs_updatemeta%s: no clean segmentslfs_newseglfs_writeseglfs_dtosn(fs, LFS_DBTOFSB(fs, (*bpp)->b_blkno)) == sp->seg_numberdevvp is NULLCould not allocate %zu bytesunlock to 0 with no summarySeglock not heldlfs_writesuperdaddr > 0lfs_fi_setblock%s: ulfs_bmaparray returned %d looking up lbn %lldlfs_update_single%s: bread bno %lldlfs_dino_getdblfs_ss_setocreatefs->lfs_is64 == 0unknown disk type `%s'DIOCGDINFO on %s failedPlease implement DIOCGWEDGEINFO or DIOCGDINFO for disk device %ssectors-per-unitsector-sizesectors-per-tracktracks-per-cylindercylinders-per-unitCan't open config file %sUnable to find start of "array" params in config file %sConfig file error ("array" section): unable to get numRow and numColConfig file error ("array" section): unable to get numCol, numSparefifo[No disk queue discipline specified in config file %s. Using %s.]%64s %dCan't determine queue type and/or max outstanding reqs from line: %.*sUsing %s-%dQueue length for %s out of range [%d interp as %d], assuming 1Can't find "disks" section in config file %sConfig file error: unable to find device file name for disk at col %dConfig file error: warning: unable to get device file for disk at col %d: %sabsentConfig file error: unable to get device file for spare disk %dConfig file error: warning: unable to get device file for spare disk %d: %sCan't find "layout" section in configuration file %sConfig file error ("layout" section): unable to find common layout param line%d %d %d %cUnable to scan common layout lineUnknown parity config '%c'Can't find block design file name in config fileRAID: config error: Can't open layout table file %sRAID: config error: Can't read layout from layout table file %s%u %u %u %u %u %uUnable to parse header line in block design fileCan't find sparemap file name in config filesparemap file name '%s' too long (max %d)Program Bug: (RF_SPAREMAP_NAME_LEN(%d) %% %zd) != 0Size mismatch creating layout specific data: is %tu sb %zu bytes%s: Unable to allocate tablerf_ReadSpareTable%s: Unable to allocate table:%d%s: Can't open sparemap file %sInvalid sparemap file: can't find header linefdisk %d Invalid sparemap file: Can't find "fdisk %d" lineSparemap file prematurely exhausted after %d of %d linesSparemap file format error - line %d of %d linesParity declusteringDistributed sparing parity declusteringDeclustered P+QRAID Level 5 rotated sparingChained DeclusteringInterleaved DeclusteringRAID Level 0RAID Level 1RAID Level 4RAID Level 5Declustered EvenOddParity loggingstat failure on: %sinvalid device: %sa:A:c:C:f:F:g:GiI:l:LmM:r:R:sSpPt:uU:vBad last unit %sUnable to open device file: %sRAIDFRAME_REWRITEPARITYRAIDFRAME_SHUTDOWNRAIDFRAME_SET_LAST_UNITRAIDFRAME_RESCANioctl (%s) failed|/-\Unable to create RAIDframe configuration structureRAIDFRAME_CONFIGURERAIDFRAME_GET_INFO%20s: %s %s status is: %s. Skipping label. RAIDFRAME_CHECK_PARITYoptimalreconstructingdist_sparedused_spareraid%d: has no parity; parity map disabled RAIDFRAME_PARITYMAP_STATUSraid%d: parity map enabled with %u regions of %s raid%d: regions marked clean after %d intervals of %d.%03ds raid%d: write/sync/clean counters %llu/%llu/%llu raid%d: %d dirty region%s %x%xraid%d: parity map disabled RAIDFRAME_PARITYMAP_GET_DISABLEraid%d: parity map will %s %sabled on next configure remaindisRAIDFRAME_PARITYMAP_SET_PARAMSraid%d: parity cleaned after intervals of %d.%03dsraid%d: will use %d regions on next configuration `%s' is not a valid parity map commandRAIDFRAME_PARITYMAP_SET_DISABLEraid%d: parity map will be %sabled on next configure # raidctl config file for %s # WARNING: no optimal components; using %s RAIDFRAME_GET_COMPONENT_LABEL# sectPerSU SUsPerParityUnit SUsPerReconUnit RAID_level_%c %d %d %d %c fifo %d %s is not a component of this deviceRAIDFRAME_FAIL_DISKComponent label for %s: Row: %d, Column: %d, Num Rows: %d, Num Columns: %d Version: %d, Serial Number: %u, Mod Counter: %d Clean: %s, Status: %d YesNo sectPerSU: %d, SUsPerPU: %d, SUsPerRU: %d Queue size: %d, blocksize: %d, numBlocks: %llu RAID Level: %c Autoconfig: %s Root partition: %s Last configured as: raid%d ForceSoft*invalid*RAIDFRAME_SET_COMPONENT_LABELRAIDFRAME_INIT_LABELShardsoftRAIDFRAME_SET_AUTOCONFIGRAIDFRAME_SET_ROOTraid%d: Autoconfigure: %s raid%d: Root: %s RAIDFRAME_ADD_HOT_SPARERAIDFRAME_REMOVE_COMPONENTRAIDFRAME_REBUILD_IN_PLACE%s: Parity status: clean %s: Parity status: DIRTY %s: Initiating re-write of parity RAIDFRAME_CHECK_PARITYREWRITE_STATUS%s: Parity Re-write complete RAIDFRAME_CHECK_RECON_STATUSReconstruction is %d%% complete. Parity Re-write is %d%% complete. gettimeofday failed!?!? %3d%% |%s| ETA: %s %c%02d:mirrorusage: %s dev create [0 | 1 | mirror | 5] component component ... %s [-v] -A [yes | no | softroot | hardroot] dev %s [-v] -a component dev %s [-v] -B dev %s [-v] -C config_file dev %s [-v] -c config_file dev %s [-v] -F component dev %s [-v] -f component dev %s [-v] -G dev %s [-v] -g component dev %s [-v] -I serial_number dev %s [-v] -i dev %s [-v] -M [yes | no | set params] dev %s [-v] -m dev %s [-v] -P dev %s [-v] -p dev %s [-v] -R component dev %s [-v] -r component dev %s [-v] -S dev %s [-v] -s dev %s [-v] -t config_file %s [-v] -U unit dev %s [-v] -u dev Bad number `%s'Initiating re-write of paritySTART array# numCol numSpareSTART disksSTART layoutSTART queueSTART spareComponents:No spares.Parity status: DIRTYParity status: cleanSpares:Reconstruction status:Parity Re-write status:./restoresymtableb:cD:df:himM:NRrs:tuvxyillegal blocksize -- %sblock size must be greater than 0unknown digest algorithm: %s%c and %c options are mutually exclusivecan't open %sillegal dump number -- %sdump number must be greater than 0none of i, R, r, t or x options specifiedBegin incremental restore Calculate node updates. Begin level 0 restore Calculate extraction list. Verify the directory structure usage: %s -i [-cdhmvyN] [-b bsize] [-D algorithm] [-f file] [-M mtreefile] [-s fileno] %s -R [-cdvyN] [-b bsize] [-D algorithm] [-f file] [-M mtreefile] [-s fileno] %s -r [-cdvyN] [-b bsize] [-D algorithm] [-f file] [-M mtreefile] [-s fileno] %s -t [-cdhvy] [-b bsize] [-D algorithm] [-f file] [-s fileno] [file ...] %s -x [-cdhmvyN] [-b bsize] [-D algorithm] [-f file] [-M mtreefile] [-s fileno] [file ...] option requires an argument -- %c%s: not a directory %s: not on extraction list extract%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%sAvailable commands are: ls [arg] - list directory cd arg - change directory pwd - print current directory add [arg] - add `arg' to list of delete [arg] - delete `arg' from list of files to be extracted extract - extract requested files setmodes - set modes of requested directories quit or xit - immediately exit program what - list dump header information verbose - toggle verbose flag (useful with ``ls'') help or `?' - print this list Debug - turn on debugging If no `arg' is supplied, the current directory is used / verboseverbose mode off verbose mode on setmodeswhatDebugdebugging mode off debugging mode on %s: unknown command; type ? for help canonname: not enough buffer space restore interrupted, continue%s > %s: %s: no filename match. glob() aborted. unknown error! command lines cannot be continued missing %c ls: out of memory directory reopen failed %s%s: name exceeds %d char Warning: undefined file type %d %*ju dir %10ju %s %s: not on the tape ./%juMark entries to be removed. Delete whiteouts %s: REMOVE corrupted symbol table name/inode conflict, mktempname %s [%s] %s: %s deleted hard link %s to directory %s [%s] %s: %s|LINK cannot KEEP and change modesNODE and LEAF links to same inode[%s] %s: Extraneous name %s: (inode %ju) not found on tape [%s] %s: inconsistent state [%s] %s: impossible state Find unreferenced names. %s: remove unreferenced name unreferenced with flagsRemove old nodes (directories). cannot remove, non-emptyContinue extraction of new leaves Extract new leaves. %ju: bad first %s: not found on tape expected next file %ju, got %ju unknown file on tape unexpected file on tapeExtract requested files Add whiteouts Add links Check the symbol table. incomplete operationsWarning: missing name %s missing inumber %ju type should be LEAF|NIL|NAMEFND|MODECHGExtract directories from tape %s/rstdir%jd%s/rstdir%jd-XXXXXXcannot mkstemp temporary file %scannot open temporary file %s%s/rstmode%jd%s/rstmode%jd-XXXXXXopendirfile: %s Root directory is not on tape Warning: `.' missing from directory %s Warning: `..' missing from directory %s %s%s: name exceeds %zu char error reading directory corrupted directory: bad reclen %d corrupted directory: bad inum %d Set directory mode, owner, and times. modefile not defined directory mode, owner, and times not set fopen: %s cannot open mode file %s %s: cannot read modefile.Mode, owner, and times not set. Not all external attributes set. %s: cannot seek in modefile.Not all directory cannot find directory inode %ju Cannot restore %s%s extended attributes for Cannot find directory inode %ju named %s write error extracting inode %ju, name %s read: %s Mangled directory: reclen not multiple of 4 reclen less than UFS_DIRSIZ (%d < %lu) bad seek pointer to rst_seekdir %d no memory for directory table %s: cannot write directory databaseTry making space in %s, %s %s or set environment variable TMPDIRto an alternate location with more disk space.deleteino: out of range %ju deleteino: %ju not found %s: pathname too long no memory to extend symbol table bad name to addentry %s link to non-existent name duplicate entry not marked REMOVEDfreeing referenced directoryfreeing non-empty directorylookupino failedlink not foundcannot move ROOTbad name no space for string table Checkpointing the restore cannot create save file %s for symbol table fwrite: %s output error to file %s writing symbol table Initialize symbol table. no memory for entry table cannot open symbol table file %s stat: %s cannot stat symbol table file %s cannot allocate space for symbol table cannot read symbol table file %s Incremental tape too low Incremental tape too high initsymtable called from command %c %s is not a directory addino: out of range %ju duplicate inumcannot find entry in parent list/dev/ttycannot open %s: %s Cannot allocate space for tape buffer Verify tape and initialize maps Tape is not a dump tape Converting to new file system format. cannot stat .: %s bad block size %d Tape is not volume 1 of the dump header read failed at %d blocks no header after volume mark! Cannot find file removal list Changing volumes on pipe input? You have not read any tapes yet. Unless you know which volume your file(s) are on you should start with the last volume and work towards the first. (Use 1 for the first volume/tape, etc.) You have read volumesSpecify next volume #: Volume numbers are positive numerics Mount tape volume %d Enter ``none'' if there are no more tapes otherwise enter tape name (default: %s) Cannot open %s tape is not dump tape Volume mismatch: expecting %d, tape header claims it is %d Wrong dump date got: %s wanted: %sread %ld recs, tape starts with %ld Skipping %d duplicate record%s. active file into volume 1 the epoch [unknown]#Dump date: %s#Dumped from: %s#Level %d dump of %s on %s:%s #Label: %s /set uname=root gname=wheel error writing to mtree file%s: unknown file mode 0%o skipped socket %s unextracted directory %s extract file %s %s: zero length symbolic link (ignored) extract special file %s %s: cannot create special file: %s extract fifo %s %s: cannot create fifo: %s %s: cannot create file: %s %s (%s) = %s Set attributes for %s: %scorruptedremainder %s, (%d bytes), %sextattr_set_fdextattr_set_linkextattr_set_file (set using %s)posix1e.acl_accessacl_set_fdacl_set_link_npacl_set_fileposix1e.acl_default (unable to set)ran off end of tape not at beginning of a file skipping %d junk block(s) Missing address (header) block for %s at %d blocks getfile: lost data: %s MD5SHA1RMD160Warning: %s %s End-of-input encountered while extractingCannot have multiple dumps on pipe input ioctl MTFSF: %s no memory for %s %s: inconsistent map size %s: map size changed Cannot extract %zu bytes %s for inode %ju, name %s of extended attributesoverrun attribute buffer write error extracting inode %ju, name %s write: %s seek error extracting inode %ju, name %s lseek: %s symbolic link name: %s->%s%s; too long %d unallocated block in symbolic link %s mid-media short read error. partial block read: %d should be %d Tape read error while trying to set up tape trying to resynchronize restoring %s skipping over inode %ju continuation failed: %s End-of-tape encountered tape read error: %s Tape block size (%ld) %s (%ld) is not a multiple of dump block sizeTape block size is %d Note: Doing Byte swapping gethead: unknown inode type %d Checksum error %o, inode %ju file %s Volume header (%s inode format) begins with record %lldDumped inodes map headerUsed inodes map headerFile header, ino %juFile continuation header, ino %juEnd of tape header; predicted %ld blocks, got %ld blocksunexpected tape header unknown tape header type %d skipping to next header resync restore, skipped %ld blocks mktempname: called with TMPNAMEnot on ino list%s%ld%juRSTTMPwarning: cannot rename %s to %s: %s rename %s to %s newnode: not a nodewarning: %s: %s Make node %s removenode: not a noderemovenode: non-empty directoryRemove node %s removeleaf: not a leafRemove leaf %s warning: cannot create symbolic link %s->%s: %s warning: cannot create hard link %s->%s: %s linkit: unknown type %d Create %s link %s->%s symbolicwarning: cannot create whiteout %s: %s Create whiteout %s delwhiteout: not a leafwarning: cannot delete whiteout %s: %s Delete whiteout %s bad entry: %s parent name %s sibling name: %s next entry name: %s next link name: %s next hashchain name: %s entry type: %s inode number: %ld flags: %s |REMOVED|TMPNAME|EXTRACT|NEW|KEEP|EXISTED%s is not on the tape %s? [yn] dump core%s type=%s uid=%d gid=%d mode=%#4.4o flags=nodump%suchg%suappnd%sopaque%sarch%sschg%ssappndO%s %d C R%d W%d L%d %d I%d %d ioctlLost connection to remote host.who are you?/etc/rmtinvalid user name: %sProtocol to remote tape server botched (code "%s"). Protocol to remote tape server botched. (rmtgets got "%s"). unknown %s command: %sbustarget lunSCBUSIORESETinvalid target: %sinvalid lun: %sSCBUSIOSCANSCBUSIODETACH[primary] [grown] [block|byte|physical][blocksize [immediate]]identify[vpd]reassignblkno [blkno [...]]preventallowturnone|r|w|rw [save]flushcache[speed]getreallocsetreallocreportlunsnormal|wellknown|all|#unable to allocate defect listgrownbytephysical notice:requested defect list format not supported by device and defects: none reported %s: scsibus%d target %d lun %d %sblock address ------------- bytes from cylinder head index -------- ---- ---------- cylinder head sector -------- ---- ---------- %13u %8u %4u %10u failed to clean Unit Attention: %scurrent disk sector size: %d invalid block size: %simmformatting.SCIOCCOMMAND%s: SCSI command timed out%s: device is busy%s: device had unknown status %x.%d0%%..100%%..done. vpd%s: scsibus%d target %d lun %d <%s, %s, %s> t10eui64naatarget portport grouplun groupmd5scsires9res10res11res12res13res14res15fibre channelobsoletessaieee1394rdmaiSCSISAS proto%uunable to allocate defect descriptorinvalid block number: %sSCIOCRESETSCIOCDEBUG%s: no caches enabled %s: read cache %senabled %s: write-back cache %senabled %s: caching parameters are %ssavable %s: no automatic reallocation enabled %s: automatic read reallocation %senabled %s: automatic write reallocation %senabled %s: error recovery parameters are %ssavable unable to allocate lun reportnormalwellknownUnknown select report '%s'%s: report truncated %uto %u %s: lun %llu usage: %s device command [arg [...]] Commands pertaining to scsi devices: Commands pertaining to scsi busses: Use `any' or `all' to wildcard target or lun : noneVPD Device IDs:VPD Serial:entire track defective SENSE KEY: %s %c Filemark Detected%c EOM Detected%c Incorrect Length Indicator Set INFO FIELD: %d COMMAND INFO: %d (0x%x) ASC/ASCQ: %s FRU CODE: 0x%x SKSV: %s Additional Sense Information (byte %d out...): %2d:Error in %s, Offset %d, bit %dParametersError in %s, Offset %dActual Retry Count: %dProgress Indicator: %d%s: Check Condition on CDB: %02xNo Additional SenseRecovered ErrorMedia ErrorHardware ErrorIllegal RequestUnit AttentionWrite ProtectedBlank CheckVendor UniqueCopy AbortedAborted CommandEqual ErrorVolume OverflowMiscompare ErrorDiagnostic Failure on Component 0x%02xASC 0x%02x ASCQ 0x%02xNo Additional Sense InformationEnd-Of-Partition/Medium DetectedSetmark DetectedBeginning-Of-Partition/Medium DetectedEnd-Of-Data DetectedI/O Process TerminatedAudio Play Operation In ProgressAudio Play Operation PausedAudio Play Operation Successfully CompletedAudio Play Operation Stopped Due to ErrorNo Current Audio Status To ReturnNo Index/Sector SignalNo Seek CompletePeripheral Device Write FaultNo Write CurrentExcessive Write ErrorsLogical Unit Not Ready, Cause Not ReportableLogical Unit Is in Process Of Becoming ReadyLogical Unit Not Ready, Initialization Command RequiredLogical Unit Not Ready, Manual Intervention RequiredLogical Unit Not Ready, Format In ProgressLogical Unit Does Not Respond To SelectionNo Reference Position FoundMultiple Peripheral Devices SelectedLogical Unit Communication FailureLogical Unit Communication TimeoutLogical Unit Communication Parity ErrorTrack Following ErrorTracking Servo FailureFocus Servo FailureSpindle Servo FailureError Log OverflowWrite ErrorWrite Error Recovered with Auto ReallocationWrite Error - Auto Reallocate FailedID CRC Or ECC ErrorUnrecovered Read ErrorRead Retried ExhaustedError Too Long To CorrectMultiple Read ErrorsUnrecovered Read Error - Auto Reallocate FailedL-EC Uncorrectable ErrorCIRC Unrecovered ErrorData Resynchronization ErrorIncomplete Block FoundNo Gap FoundMiscorrected ErrorUncorrected Read Error - Recommend ReassignmentUncorrected Read Error - Recommend Rewrite the DataAddress Mark Not Found for ID FieldAddress Mark Not Found for Data FieldRecorded Entity Not FoundRecord Not FoundFilemark or Setmark Not FoundEnd-Of-Data Not FoundBlock Sequence ErrorRandom Positioning ErrorMechanical Positioning ErrorPositioning Error Detected By Read of MediumData Synchronization Mark ErrorRecovered Data With No Error Correction AppliedRecovered Data With RetriesRecovered Data With Positive Head OffsetRecovered Data With Negative Head OffsetRecovered Data With Retries and/or CIRC AppliedRecovered Data Using Previous Sector IDRecovered Data Without ECC - Data Auto-ReallocatedRecovered Data Without ECC - Recommend ReassignmentRecovered Data Without ECC - Recommend RewriteRecovered Data With Error Correction AppliedRecovered Data With Error Correction & Retries AppliedRecovered Data - Data Auto-ReallocatedRecovered Data With CIRCRecovered Data With LECRecovered Data - Recommend ReassignmentRecovered Data - Recommend RewriteDefect List ErrorDefect List Not AvailableDefect List Error in Primary ListDefect List Error in Grown ListParameter List Length ErrorSynchronous Data Transfer ErrorPrimary Defect List Not FoundGrown Defect List Not FoundMiscompare During Verify OperationRecovered ID with ECCInvalid Command Operation CodeLogical Block Address Out of RangeInvalid Element AddressIllegal Function (Should 20 00, 24 00, or 26 00)Illegal Field in CDBLogical Unit Not SupportedInvalid Field In Parameter ListParameter Not SupportedParameter Value InvalidThreshold Parameters Not SupportedNot Ready To Ready Transition (Medium May Have Changed)Import Or Export Element AccessedPower On, Reset, or Bus Device Reset OccurredMode Parameters ChangedLog Parameters ChangedCopy Cannot Execute Since Host Cannot DisconnectCommand Sequence ErrorToo Many Windows SpecifiedInvalid Combination of Windows SpecifiedOverwrite Error On Update In PlaceCommands Cleared By Another InitiatorIncompatible Medium InstalledCannot Read Medium - Unknown FormatCannot Read Medium - Incompatible FormatCleaning Cartridge InstalledMedium Format CorruptedFormat Command FailedNo Defect Spare Location AvailableDefect List Update FailureTape Length ErrorRibbon, Ink, or Toner FailureRounded ParameterSaving Parameters Not SupportedMedium Not PresentTape Position Error At Beginning-of-MediumTape Position Error At End-of-MediumTape or Electronic Vertical Forms Unit Not ReadySlew FailurePaper JamFailed To Sense Top-Of-FormFailed To Sense Bottom-Of-FormReposition ErrorRead Past End Of MediumRead Past Beginning Of MediumPosition Past End Of MediumPosition Past Beginning Of MediumMedium Destination Element FullMedium Source Element EmptyInvalid Bits In IDENTIFY MessageLogical Unit Has Not Self-Configured YetTarget Operating Conditions Have ChangedMicrocode Has ChangedChanged Operating DefinitionINQUIRY Data Has ChangedRAM FAILURE (Should Use 40 NN)Data Path FAILURE (Should Use 40 NN)Power-On or Self-Test FAILURE (Should Use 40 NN)Internal Target FailureSelect Or Reselect FailureUnsuccessful Soft ResetSCSI Parity ErrorINITIATOR DETECTED ERROR Message ReceivedInvalid Message ErrorCommand Phase ErrorData Phase ErrorLogical Unit Failed Self-ConfigurationOverlapped Commands AttemptedWrite Append ErrorWrite Append Position ErrorPosition Error Related To TimingErase FailureCartridge FaultMedia Load or Eject FailedUnload Tape FailureMedium Removal PreventedSCSI To Host System Interface FailureSystem Resource FailureUnable To Recover Table-Of-ContentsGeneration Does Not ExistUpdated Block ReadOperator Request or State Change Input (Unspecified)Operator Medium Removal RequestedOperator Selected Write ProtectOperator Selected Write PermitLog ExceptionThreshold Condition MetLog Counter At MaximumLog List Codes ExhaustedRPL Status ChangeSpindles SynchronizedSpindles Not SynchronizedLamp FailureVideo Acquisition ErrorUnable To Acquire VideoOut Of FocusScan Head Positioning ErrorEnd Of User Area Encountered On This TrackIllegal Mode For This Track%s: SCSI command timed out %s: device is busy %s: device had unknown status %x %s: Not super-userb:DdfhknprvxzIncompatible options -f and -nIncompatible options -%s and -rShutdown at %.24s. shutdown: forkshutdown: [pid %d] /etc/nologin NO LOGINS: System going down at %s -n/usr/bin/wall%s: Can't find `%s' (%m)*** %sSystem shutdown message from %s@%s *** FINAL System going down at %5.5s System going down in %ld minute%s System going down in 30 seconds System going down IMMEDIATELY poweroff%s by %s: %s/sbin/reboot/sbin/halt-v-x-zCan't exec `%s' (%m)Can't exec `%s'/fastbootfastboot file for fsck . /etc/rc.shutdownnowTZtime is already pastillegal time formatUsage: %s [-Ddfhknprvxz] [-b bootstr] time [message ... | -] Shutdown NOW! System shutdown time has arrived but you'll have to do it yourself About to run shutdown hooks... Done running shutdown hooks. hHlmns:t:TIOCSDTRTIOCSLINEDcouldn't detachslipusage: %s [-t ldisc] [-hHlmn] [-s baudrate] ttyname = secondthirdfourthfifthsixthseventheighthninthtentheleventhtwelfthAabdef:Mnqrwxmalloc regex%s (%s): CTLTYPE_%s, alias %d, children %d/%d, size %zu, flags 0x%x<%s>, func=%p, ver=%dCannot print `%s': %s %s: node contains no data %s: no children %s: !malloc failed! STRINGQUADSTRUCTBOOLREADONLYREADWRITEANYWRITEPRIVATEPERMANENTOWNDATAIMMEDIATEHEXANYNUMBERHIDDENregcomp: %s: %sregexec: %s: %s/kern/clockrate/kern/evcntvmstat -e/kern/vnodepstat/kern/proc(2|_args)?/kern/file2?/kern/ntptimentpdc -c kerninfo/kern/msgbuf/kern/boottime/kern/consdev/kern/cp_time(/[0-9]+)?/kern/hashstatvmstat -H/kern/sysvipc_infoipcs/kern/cp_id(/[0-9]+)?/kern/coredump/setid/mode/kern/drivers/kern/intr/listintrctl/kern/intr/affinity/kern/intr/intr/kern/intr/nointr/vm/vmmetervmstat' or 'systat/vm/loadavg/vm/uvmexp2?/vfs/nfs/nfsstatsnfsstat/net/inet6?/tcp6?/identidentd/net/inet6/icmp6/nd6_[dp]rlistndp/net/inet6/ip6/addctlpolicyip6addrctl/net/key/dumps[ap]/net/[^/]+/[^/]+/pcblistnetstat' or 'sockstat/net/(inet|inet6)/[^/]+/statsnetstat/net/inet/(ipip|esp|ah|ipcomp)/.*_stats/net/inet/ipsec/ipsecstats/net/bpf/(stats|peers)/net/inet.*/tcp.*/deb.*trpt/net/inet.*/ip.*/anonportalgo/reserve/net/ns/spp/deb.*trsp/hw/diskstatsiostat/machdep/consdev/machdep/diskinfo/proc/[^/]+/rlimit/[^/]+/[^/]+/net/[^/]+/debug/ddb/vendor%s: !returned size wrong!tick = %d, tickadj = %d, hz = %d, profhz = %d, stathz = %d %s: use '%s' to view this information %s: use 'netstat' to view this information %s: missing 'options DEBUG' from kernel? %s: missing 'options DDB' from kernel? %s: no vendor extensions installed %lld.%9.9ld 0x%llx hw.ncpu%s%s%duser = %llu, nice = %llu, sys = %llu, intr = %llu, idle = %llu %d = %llu%s: failed query %s: '%s' is an invalid mode %04o (%s)bad size %zu for kern.drivers%s[%d %d %s]%.2f %.2f %.2f bitmask_scanInvalid port: %sPort out of range: %s%s,%zu%s 1bitmask_print%s 2%x:%llu(%d/%d/%d),%x %s: size mismatch %c%xunlimited%s: '%s' is not a valid limit %s#%zu: %s: the value is not available (%s) 0x%0*x0x%0*llx -> %07x%07zu bytes \x%2.2x%s: this type is unknown to this program ...(%zu more bytes)describeunable to parse '%s' Must specify -w to set variables Cannot write `%s': %s Must specify -w to create nodes %s: already have %s for new node symbol%s: missing value %s: '%s' is not a valid address quadstruct%s: '%s' is not a valid type %s: '%s' is not a valid size %s: '%s' is not a valid mib number %s: '%c' is not a valid flag %s: unrecognized keyword '%s' %s: cannot specify both value and address %s: '%s' is not a valid integer %s: '%s' is not a valid bool %s: ignoring size=%zu for string node, too small for given value %s: '%s' is not a valid quad %s: struct not initializable %s: need a size or a starting value %s: cannot make an immediate %s %s: nodes do not have data %s: wrong size for type %s: struct must have size %s: CTL_CREATE failed: %s %s(%s): (created) Must specify -w to destroy nodes %s: CTL_DESTROY failed: %s %s(%s): (destroyed) Must specify -w to set descriptions %s: CTL_DESCRIBE failed: %s %s: description not set %s level name '%s' in '%s' is invalid %s: not a number %s: string too long usage: %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s [-dneq] [-x[x]|-r] variable ...[-ne] [-q] -w variable=value ...[-dne] -a[-dne] -A[-ne] -M[-dne] [-q] -f file(no description)LESSSECURELESSVISUALEDITORLESSEDIT%E ?lm+%lm. %g@/\less/\help/\file/\@WARNING: terminal is not fully functionalNo filenames allowed with -t optionPress RETURN to continue Cannot allocate memoryLESS_LINESLESS_COLUMNSkrklkukdkPkNkh@7kDkbLESS_TERMCAP_DEBUGhcxndaNR@8MOUSE_START[?1000h[?1006hMOUSE_END[?1006l[?1000lticmso|^LESS_TERMCAP_%s$<[%dm[38;5;%dm[48;5;%dmNothing in top lineNothing in bottom lineNo bracket in top lineNo bracket in bottom lineNo matching bracketch_ungetchar overrunFinishing logfileWarning: log file is incompleteseek error to 0seek errorread error8bcccbcc18b95.butf-88bcccbcc18b95.b126.bbiso88598bcccbcc18b95.33b.latin38bcccbcc18b95.33b5.b8.b15.b4.b12.b18.b12.b.arabic8bcccbcc18b95.33b.3b.7b2.13b.3b.b26.5b19.bgreek8bcccbcc18b95.33b4.2b4.b3.b35.b44.bgreek20058bcccbcc18b95.33b14.b35.b44.bhebrew8bcccbcc18b95.33b.b29.32b28.2b2.bkoi8-r8bcccbcc18b95.b.KOI8-T8bcccbcc18b95.b8.b6.b8.b.b.5b7.3b4.b4.b3.b.b.3b.georgianps8bcccbcc18b95.3b11.4b12.2b.tcvnb..b...bcccbccbbb7.8b95.b48.5b.TIS-6208bcccbcc18b95.b.4b.11b7.8b.8bcccbcc18b95.bb125.bb8bcccbcc12bc5b95.b.windows-12518bcccbcc12bc5b95.b24.b.windows-12528bcccbcc12bc5b95.b.b11.b.2b12.b.windows-12558bcccbcc12bc5b95.b.b8.b.5b9.b.4b.ebcdic5bc6bcc7bcc41b.9b7.9b5.b..8b6.10b6.b9.7b9.8b8.17b3.3b9.7b9.8b8.6b10.b.b.b.IBM-10474cbcbc3b9cbccbccbb4c6bcc5b3cbbc4bc4bccbc191.bUTF-8utf8UTF8ANSI_X3.4-1968US-ASCIIlatin1ISO-8859-1latin9ISO-8859-15latin2ISO-8859-2ISO-8859-3latin4ISO-8859-4cyrillicISO-8859-5ISO-8859-6ISO-8859-7IBM9005ISO-8859-8latin5ISO-8859-9latin6ISO-8859-10latin7ISO-8859-13latin8ISO-8859-14latin10ISO-8859-16IBM437EBCDIC-USIBM1047KOI8-RKOI8-UGEORGIAN-PSTCVN5712-1NEXTSTEPwindowsCP1251CP1252CP1255LESSBINFMT*s<%02X>LESSUTFBINFMT^%cLESSCHARSETLESSCHARDEFLC_ALLLC_CTYPELANGinvalid hex number(s) in LESSUTFCHARDEFmissing colon in LESSUTFCHARDEFinvalid charset nameinvalid chardefchardef longer than 256Integer is too bigLESSHISTSIZE.less-history-file:.markLESSSEPARATOR.search.shellLESSHISTFILEXDG_STATE_HOME.lesshst.local/stateXDG_DATA_HOME"%s less %sExamine: Command not availableCannot edit standard inputWARNING: This file was viewed via LESSOPENNo next file(N-th) No %snext fileNo previous fileNo %sprevious fileNo next tagNo previous tagNo such fileset mark: clear mark: goto mark: |mark: Brackets: [Press 'h' for instructions.]There is no --%s optionThere is no %s optionSub-pattern (1-%d):!done#done|doneNon-match First-file EOF-ignore Keep-pos Regex-off Wrap Sub-%d &/Pattern not found(P)/usr/bin/.syslessLESSKEYIN_SYSTEM/etc/syslesskeyLESSKEY_SYSTEM/etc/syslessLESSKEYIN.lesskeyLESSKEY.lessWarning: some commands disabledWarning: some edit commands disabledXDG_CONFIG_HOME.configWarning: environment variables from lesskey file unavailable@/\less/\empty/\file/\@"%s" may be a binary file. See it anyway? %s is a terminal (use -f to open it)Missing filename ("less --help" for help)Warning: "%s" exists; Overwrite, Append, Don't log, or Quit? Overwrite, Append, Don't log, or Quit? (Type "O", "A", "D" or "Q") Cannot write to "%s"Input preprocessor failed (status %d)Input preprocessor terminated: %sInput preprocessor exited with status %xless:vim:vi:ex:set ts=tabstop=LESSMETAESCAPE%c%s%c%s*LESSECHOlessecho%s -p0x%x -d0x%x -e%s -n0x%x LESSOPEN ignored: must contain exactly one %%sLESSCLOSELESSCLOSE ignored; must contain no more than 2 %%s-cLESSMETACHARS; *? '"()<>[]|&^`#\$%=~{},...skipping... Cannot seek to end of fileCannot seek to end of buffersCannot seek to beginning of fileCannot seek to line number %nDetermining length of fileDon't know length of fileCannot seek to that file positionback-bracketback-lineback-line-forceback-screenback-searchback-windowclear-markdisplay-flagdisplay-optionend-scrollexaminefirst-cmdfirstcmdflush-repaintforw-bracketforw-foreverforw-until-hiliteforw-lineforw-line-forceforw-screenforw-screen-forceforw-searchforw-windowgoto-endgoto-end-bufferedgoto-linegoto-markindex-fileleft-scrollnext-filenext-tagnoactionno-scrollpercentprev-fileprev-tagremove-filerepaint-flushrepeat-searchrepeat-search-allreverse-searchreverse-search-allright-scrollset-markset-mark-bottompshelltoggle-flagtoggle-optionundo-hiliteclear-searchvisualback-completeforw-completehomekill-lineliteralword-backspaceword-deleteword-leftword-right#line-edit#command#env#stop#versioninvalid operator '%s' in #version linenon-numeric version number in #version line%s: line %d: \x%02xmissing = in variable definitioninvalid escape sequence "\k%s"missing actionunknown action: "%s"LESSANSIENDCHARSLESSANSIMIDCHARS0123456789:;[?!"'#%()*+ ]8;]8;;\Line numbers turned offCalculating line numbers (press RETURN)Cannot seek to start positionCannot create pipeMark not in current filem %c %d %s %s Mark not setInvalid mark letter %clog file support is not availableInput is not a pipeLog file is already in useNo log fileLog file "%s"Invalid line fractionInvalid line numberPosition target at screen line %d.%06ldPosition target at screen position %sInvalid column fractionInvalid column numberHorizontal shift %d columnsHorizontal shift %s of screen widthCannot use lesskey file "%s"Cannot use lesskey source file "%s"tags support is not availableTags file "%s"less regular expressions) Copyright (C) 1984-2023 Mark Nudelman ** This is an EXPERIMENTAL build of the 'less' software, ** and may not function correctly. ** Obtain release builds from the web page below. less comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. For information about the terms of redistribution, see the file named README in the less distribution. Home page: https://greenwoodsoftware.com/less Invalid color specifier '%c'Set --use-color before changing colorsInvalid color string "%s"Tab stops and then every %d spaces-" must be followed by 1 or 2 charsquotes %srscroll character is %sUse "h" for helpLine number width must not be larger than %dStatus column width must not be larger than %dinterrupt character is %sinvalid number of linesinvalid number of columnsheader (lines,columns) is %sinvalid search option '%c'search options: %sThe %s option should not be followed by =%s is an ambiguous abbreviation ("less --help" for help)There is no %s option ("less --help" for help)No such optionCannot change the %s optionCannot query the %s optionCannot use "-+" or "--" for a string optionCan't use "-!" for a numeric optionNegative option is invalid--%s-%c (--%s)Value is required after %sNumber too large in '%s'Number is required after %sLESS_IS_MORESearch includes displayed screenSearch skips displayed screenSearch includes all of displayed screenMax buffer space per file (K): Max buffer space per file: %dKDon't automatically allocate buffersAutomatically allocate buffers when neededRepaint by scrolling from bottom of screenRepaint by painting from top of screenBe less helpful in promptsBe helpful in promptsAssume intelligent terminalAssume dumb terminalcolor desc: Don't quit at end-of-fileQuit at end-of-fileQuit immediately at end-of-fileOpen only regular filesOpen even non-regular filesDon't quit if end-of-file on first screenQuit if end-of-file on first screenDon't highlight search matchesHighlight matches for previous search onlyHighlight all matches for previous search patternBackwards scroll limit: Backwards scroll limit is %d linesCase is significant in searchesIgnore case in searchesIgnore case in searches and in patternsTarget line: 0123456789.-Don't display a status columnDisplay a status columnInterrupt (ctrl-C) returns to promptInterrupt (ctrl-C) exits lessDon't use the LESSOPEN filterUse the LESSOPEN filterShort promptMedium promptLong promptDon't use line numbersUse line numbersConstantly display line numberslog file: Log file: Ring the bell for errors AND at eof/bofRing the bell for errors but not at eof/bofNever ring the bellDisplay control characters as ^XDisplay control characters directly (not recommended)Display ANSI sequences directly, other control characters as ^XDisplay all blank linesSqueeze multiple blank linesFold long linesChop long linestag: tags file: Display underlined text in underline modeBackspaces cause overstrikePrint backspace as ^HDon't highlight first unread lineHighlight first unread line after forward-screenHighlight first unread line after any forward movementTab stops: 0123456789,Send init/deinit strings to terminalDon't use init/deinit stringsForward scroll limit: Forward scroll limit is %d linesScroll window size: Scroll window size is %d linesquotes: Don't show tildes after end of fileShow tildes after end of fileHorizontal shift: 0123456789.Use keypad modeDon't use keypad modeUse new bottom of screen behaviorUse old bottom of screen behaviorF command follows file descriptorF command follows file nameUse backslash escaping in command line parametersDon't use backslash escaping in command line parametersrscroll character: Allow duplicates in history listRemove duplicates from history listIgnore mouse inputUse the mouse for scrollingUse the mouse for scrolling (reverse)Lines to scroll on mouse wheel: Scroll %d line(s) on mouse wheelDon't save marks in history fileSave marks in history fileLine number width: Line number width is %d charsStatus column width: Status column width is %d charsIncremental search is offIncremental search is onDon't use colorUse colorDon't get size of each fileGet size of each fileDon't color each line with its status column colorColor each line with its status column colorHeader lines: Number header linesDon't number header linesSearch includes header linesSearch does not include header linesDon't redraw screen when quittingRedraw last screen when quittingSearch options: Don't exit F command when input closesExit F command when input closesDisplay visual bellDon't display visual bellLines to read looking for modelines: Read %d lines looking for modelinesinterrupt character: Wrap lines at any characterWrap lines at spacesDon't show error message if preprocessor failsShow error message if preprocessor failsBackspace handling is specified by the -U optionDisplay underline text in underline modePrint backspaces as ^HTab handling is specified by the -U optionExpand tabs to spacesPrint tabs as ^ICarriage return handling is specified by the -U optionDelete carriage return before newlinePrint carriage return as ^Msearch-skip-screenauto-buffersclear-screendumbquit-at-eofquit-if-one-screenhilite-searchmax-back-scrollignore-casejump-targetstatus-columnlesskey-filelesskey-srcquit-on-intrno-lessopenlong-promptline-numberslog-fileLOG-FILEquietsilentraw-control-charssqueeze-blank-lineschop-long-linestag-fileunderline-specialhilite-unreadno-initmax-forw-scrollquotesshiftno-keypadold-botfollow-nameuse-backslashrscrollno-histdupsmousewheel-linessave-marksline-num-widthstatus-col-widthincsearchuse-colorfile-sizestatus-lineno-number-headersno-search-headersredraw-on-quitsearch-optionsexit-follow-on-closeno-vbellwordwrapshow-preproc-errorsproc-backspaceproc-tabproc-returnLESS_DATA_DELAYSignal %d0123456789ABCDEF... (interrupt to abort)... ( or interrupt to abort)Invalid patternNo previous regular expressionPlease re-enter search patternNothing to searchGTAGSGRTAGSGSYMSGPATHNo tags fileNo such tag in tags fileunknown tag typeTag not foundLESSGLOBALTAGS%s -x%s %sunknown ACU typecan't open phone number fileunrecognizable host name disconnecting... call abortedhayesminutehourLocal file name? %s: cannot create List command for remote system? [take] cat %s;echo  %d lines transferred in Local command? %s: cannot open chars transferred in [put] cat>%s stty -echo;cat>%s;stty echo  timeout error (%s) can't find `%s' away for can't execlcan't forkcan't create %s [cd] %s: bad directory %s%d %s%c [set] ~{[*?$`'"\echo %s"Echo" failed "%s": No match Buffer overflow expanding "%s" write error usage: from [to] can't execl! can't establish pipe timed out at eol usage: from [to] can't fork! [sh] ! [EOT] receive file from remote hostsend file to remote hosttake file from remote UNIXput file to remote UNIXpipe remote filepipe local command to remote hostconnect program to remote hostchange directoryexit from tipsuspend tip (local+remote)suspend tip (local only)set variableget this summarysend breakphonehalfduplexnostopE:F:P:a:p:c:l:ns:hefot0123456789only one escape character allowedbad flow settingbad parity settingmore than one line specifiedConversion of `%s' to a baud rate failed, using %ldmore than one parity specifiedmore than one phone number specifiedcu%dall ports busylink downunsupported speed %ldConnect failedUsage: cu [options] [phone-number|"dir"] Use cu --help for help BSD tip/cu Usage: cu [options] [phone-number|"dir"] -E,--escape char: Use this escape character -F,--flow {hard,soft,none}: Use RTS/CTS, ^S/^Q, no flow control -f: Use no flow control --nostop: Do not use software flow control -a, -p,--port port: Use this port as ACU/Dialer -c,--phone number: Call this number -h,--halfduplex: Echo characters locally (use "half duplex") -e: Use even parity -o: Use odd parity -P,--parity {even,odd,none}: use even, odd, no parity -l,--line line: Use this device (ttyXX) -n: Disable escape character processing -s,--speed,--baud speed,-#: Use this speed -t: Connect via hard-wired connection HOSTno host specifiedREMOTE/etc/remoteunknown host %scan't open host description filepossible reference loop in host description filedu%s: missing device spec%s: missing phone numberdldvcudimust be interactivev0123456789%s, unknown optionphone number too long (max = %d bytes)tip%dPHONESbad baud rate %d%s [EOT]can't clear O_NONBLOCKConnected connected n r t fEb%c %2s%-2s %c %s Lost carrier.%s: unknown parity value usage: %s [-v] [-speed] system-name %s [-v] [-speed] phone-number %s/.tiprcset %sn r t bf %s: unknown variable %s=%-5daccess denied out of core beautifybaudratebadialtimeoutdialeofreadeofreofwriteeofweolexceptionsframesizephonesraiseraisecharrecscripttabexpandverbechocheckdisconnecttandemlinedelayldelaychardelaycdelayetimeoutrawftphdxlocalechohardwareflow dialing...ATv0 ATTD01234timeout waiting for reply NO CARRIERERROR in inputCONNECT 1200Unknown Modem error: %c (0x%x)ATH0 03cannot hang up modem please use 'tip dialer' to make sure the line is hung up ATv1 AT Cannot synchronize with hayes... alphasumioaddrresetvideobootconfboarddtb$MACHINE/usr/pkg/share/u-bootINSTALLBOOT_UBOOT_PATHSb:B:cefm:no:t:u:vInvalid block number `%s'-m-tDetermine unameuname()`-o %s' is not supported for %s`-b bno' is not supported for %s`-B bno' is not supported for %sUnknown unsupported flag %#x (coding error!)Can't use `-b bno' with `-o append'Can't use `-b bno', `-B bno' or `-o append' with `-c'Opening file system `%s' read-%sExamining file system `%s'File system `%s' is not of type %sFile system `%s' is of an unknown type/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.sbin/installboot/installboot.cparams->machine != NULLOpening primary bootstrap `%s'Examining primary bootstrap `%s'`%s' must be a regular file or a directory`%s' must be a regular fileFile system: %s File system type: %s (blocksize %u, needswap %d) Primary bootstrap: %s%s (to be cleared)(none) (directory)Secondary bootstrap: %s EditClearPlease specify the primary bootstrap file%s bootstrap operation failedSynchronising file system `%s'Closing file system `%s'Closing primary bootstrap `%s'no_setbootparams != NULL%s: bootstrap installation is not supportedno_clearboot%s: bootstrap removal is not supportedno_editboot%s: bootstrap editing is not supportedparseoptionsoption != NULL, =,Unknown option `-o %.*s'Option `%s' must not have a valueOption `%s' must have a valueInternal error: option `%s' has invalid type %dInvalid option value `%s=%.*s'Valid options are:=number=word=string, getmachinemach != NULLprovider != NULLInvalid machine `%s' from %sSupported machines are:getfstypefstype != NULLInvalid file system type `%s' from %sgetubootpathspaths != NULLusage: %s [-fnv] [-B s2bno] [-b s1bno] [-m machine] [-o options] [-t fstype] [-u uboot-paths] filesystem primary [secondary] usage: %s -c [-fnv] [-m machine] [-o options] [-t fstype] filesystem usage: %s -e [-fnv] [-m machine] [-o options] bootstrap /home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.sbin/installboot/sum.ccompute_sunsumbb16 != NULLset_sunsumOld Sun checksum: 0x%04x Recalculated Sun checksum: 0x%04x i386amd64/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/i386.ci386_setbootparams->fsfd != -1params->filesystem != NULLparams->s1fd != -1params->stage1 != NULLstage1 bootstrap `%s' (%u bytes) is larger than 8192 bytesstage1 bootstrap `%s' (%u bytes) is too smallReading `%s'Reading `%s': short read, %ld bytes (should be %ld)Ignoring PBR with invalid magic in sector 0 of `%s' Data in mbr partition table of new bootstrapData in label part of new bootstrapInvalid magic in stage1 bootstrap %x != %xNo BPB in new bootstrap %02x:%02x:%02x, use -f (may invalidate filesystem)Insufficient reserved space before FAT (%u bytes available), use -f (may invalidate filesystem)Old BPB too big, use -f (may invalidate filesystem)invalid console name, valid names are:Patch area in stage1 bootstrap is too smallcom0kbdcom1kbdcom2kbdcom3kbdBoot options: timeout %d, flags %x, speed %d, ioaddr %x, console %d console %s keymap %s Cannot enable writes to the label sectorWriting `%s'Writing `%s': short write, %u bytesi386_editbootReading `%s': short readInvalid magic in existing bootstrapWriting `%s': short write, %zd bytes (should be %zu)a:d:g:hi:m:or:s:A:M:R:D%s is already specified to %sNIC serial number: Station name: station nameSSID for IBSS creation: Current netname (SSID): Desired netname (SSID): Current BSSID: Channel list: IBSS channel: Current channel: Comms quality/signal/noise: Promiscuous mode: Port type: MAC address: MAC addressTX rate (selection): TX rate (actual speed): Beacon Interval (current) [msec]: Maximum data length: maximum data lengthRTS/CTS handshake threshold: RTS thresholdfragmentation threshold: fragmentation thresholdRSSI -> dBm adjustment: Create IBSS: Microwave oven robustness: microwave oven robustness enabledRoaming mode(1:firm,3:disable): roaming modeAccess point density: system scalePower Mgmt (1=on, 0=off): Max sleep time (msec): Vendor info: WEP encryption: Authentication type (1=OpenSys, 2=Shared Key): authentication typeTX encryption key: Encryption keys: usage: %s interface [-Dho] [-A 1|2] [-a access point density] [-d max data length] [-g fragmentation threshold] [-M 0|1] [-m MAC address] [-R 1|3] [-r RTS threshold] [-s station name] SIOCG80211NWIDSIOCSWAVELANstring too longbadly formatted addressTransmitted unicast frames: %d Transmitted multicast frames: %d Transmitted fragments: %d Transmitted unicast octets: %d Transmitted multicast octets: %d Single transmit retries: %d Multiple transmit retries: %d Transmit retry limit exceeded: %d Transmit discards: %d Transmit discards due to wrong SA: %d Received unicast frames: %d Received multicast frames: %d Received fragments: %d Received unicast octets: %d Received multicast octets: %d Receive FCS errors: %d Receive discards due to no buffer: %d Can't decrypt WEP frame: %d Received message fragments: %d Received message bad fragments: %d SIOCGWAVELAN(wreq %04x)[ %s ][ On ][ Off ]UnknownLucentgeneric PRISM IISamsungD-Link[ %s ID: %d version: %d.%d ][ 0xscanning ...ap[%d]: Host initiatedFirmware initiatedInquiry request from host ScanReason: [ %s ] netname (SSID): [ BSSID: [ %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x ] Channel: [ %d ] Quality/Signal/Noise [signal]: [ %d / %d / %d ] [dBm]: [ %d / %d / %d ] BSS Beacon Interval [msec]: [ %d ] Capinfo: [ ESS WEP DataRate [Mbps]: [ %d ] SIOCGIFFLAGSSIOCSIFFLAGS[ Unknown ] No APs available AP InformationB:beflnstuvUsage: %s [-beflnstuv] [-B bsize] [-] [file ...] %6d %6s %s: not a regular filemalloc, using %zu bufferHLPRXdfghorstuwxthe -R and -h options may not be specified together.Cannot set file mode `%s'Cannot stat `%s'Usage: %s [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-dfh] mode file ... %s [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-dfh] --reference=rfile file ... HLNPRfailprvthe -R and -r options may not be specified together.the -H, -L, and -P options may not be specified with the -r option.%s: name too long%s is not a directory%s: directory causes a cycle%s/%s: name too long (not copied)%s%s: name too long (not copied)%s and %s are identical (not copied).cannot overwrite directory %s with non-directory %s%s is a directory (not copied).directory %s encountered when not expected./home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/bin/cp/cp.cpushdnednesp < MAXPATHLENpopdnednesp >= 0lutimens: %soverwrite %s? %s: error copying extended attributesreadlink: %sunlink: %ssymlink: %smkfifo: %smknod: %schown: %schmod: %schflags: %susage: %s [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-f | -i] [-alNpv] src target %s [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-f | -i] [-alNpv] src1 ... srcN directory %s => %s %llu/%llu bytes %d%% written FLPfhinsvwwarning: %s inaccessiblewarning: %s%s and %s are the same directory entryreplace %s? not replaced %s %c> %s usage: %s [-L | -P | -s [-F]] [-f | -iw] [-hnv] source_file [target_file] %s [-L | -P | -s [-F]] [-f | -iw] [-hnv] source_file ... target_dir link source_file target_file 1AaBbCcdFfghikLlMmnOoPpqRrSsTtuWwXxusage: %s [-1AaBbCcdFfghikLlMmnOoPpqRrSsTtuWwXx] [file ...] %s: %*llu humanize_number%'*llu %s %*lu %-*s %*lld, %*lld ????????????????????????total %s total %'llu total %llu ls: %s: %s out of memory!usage: %s [-p] [-m mode] dirname ... hifv%s: destination pathname too longrename %soverride %s%s%s/%s for %s? can't remove %s%s: remove%s: set times%s: set owner/group%s: set mode%s: set flags (was: 0%07o)/bin/cp-PRpv-PRp%s: waitpid%s: did not terminate normally%s: terminated with %d (non-zero) status/bin/rm-rfusage: %s [-fhiv] source target %s [-fiv] source ... directory Failed open to read on %sFailed open to write on %sFailed open to read/write on %sFailed stat on %sCannot write an archive on top of a directory %s%s: Waiting for tape drive close to complete...cpio%llu blocks Unable to truncate archive fileCannot append to an archive obtained from a pipe.Cannot append, device record size %d does not support %s specFailed read on archive volume %dEnd of archive volume %d reachedWrite failed, archive is write protected.Unable to append, trailer re-write failed. Quitting.Failed write to archive volume: %dWARNING: partial archive write. Archive MAY BE FLAWEDWARNING: partial archive write. Archive IS FLAWEDCannot allow updates to an archive with flaws.Unable to recover from an archive read failure.Attempting to recover from an archive read failure.Forward positioning operation on archive failedReverse positioning on pipes is not supported.Unable to obtain current archive byte offsetReverse position on previous volume.Unable to seek archive backwardsTape drive unable to backspace requested amountUnable to backspace tape %ld blocks.Unable to set signal maskUnable to restore signal mask ATTENTION! %s archive volume change required. %s ready for archive tape volume: %d Load the NEXT TAPE on the tape drive%s ready for archive volume: %d Load the NEXT STORAGE MEDIA (if required) and make sure it is WRITE ENABLED. Type "y" to continue, "." to quit %s, or "s" to switch to new device. If you cannot change storage media, type "s" Is the device ready and online? > Quitting %s! %s unknown command, try again Cannot re-open %s, try again Switching to a different archive Unexpected EOF on archive fileReady for archive volume: %d Input archive name or "." to quit %s. Archive name > Empty file name, try again Illegal file name: .. try again File name too long, try again Cannot save archive name.Cannot open %s, try again unknown format, %s skipped in %s Working on `%s' (%s) %lu files in %s %s vol %d, %lu files, %s read, %s written in %s Unable to locate tape filemark.Unable to backspace over tape filemark.Unable to backspace over last tape block.Cannot determine archive tape blocksize.Unable to backspace tape over %ld pad blockscould not pipecould not fork-dccould not exec%llu bytes%lu secs (%llu %s/sec)Cannot get working directoryCannot chdir to `.'Cannot chdir to `%s'Listing incomplete.Cannot mix current archive format %s with %s%s: Reading archive to position at the end...directory name is too long %sCannot access destination directory %sDestination is not a directory %sDestination pathname too long %sUnable to open %s to readCan't fchroot to "."Cannot resolve `%s'Attempt to write file `%s' that resolves into `%s/%s' outside current working directory `%s' ignoredPremature end of file on archive readArchive I/O error, cannot continueArchive I/O error. Trying to recover.Unable to append, archive header flawInvalid header, starting valid header search.Cannot identify format. Searching...Sorry, unable to determine archive format.Write block size of %d too large, maximum is: %dWrite block size of %d is not a %d byte multipleWrite block size %d too large, maximum is: %dWrite block size %d is not a %d byte multipleCannot append to an archive that may have flaws.Unable to rewrite archive trailer, cannot append.Unable to append when there are archive read errors.Archive read error limit (%d) reachedRead fault on %sFile changed size during read %sFile %s was modified during copy to archiveUnable to obtain block size for file %sActual crc does not match expected crc %sFailed write during copy of %s to %sFile %s changed size during copy to %sFailed stat of %sFile %s was modified during copy to %sUser specified archive volume byte limit reached.Archive was created with a broken tar; file `%s' is a directory, but marked as plain.Cannot malloc %d bytes%s.XXXXXXCannot create %sCannot close file descriptor on %sCannot unlink %sCannot rename %s to %sA hard link to the directory %s is not allowedUnable to copy %s, file would overwrite itselfcannot follow symlink %s in chain for %s%s skipped. Sockets cannot be copied or extracted%s has an unknown file type, skippingCannot access %s (stat)Cannot remove directory %sCannot obtain file stats %sAccess/modification time set failed on: %sCannot set file uid/gid of %sCannot set permissions on %sFile seek on %sOut of memoryFailed write to file %sFailed seek on file %sFile changed size %sFile %s was modified during readFile rewind failed on: %sCannot link file %s to itselfCannot remove %sCannot link to %s from %sUnable to allocate memory for file name bufferInvalid file name argumentUnable to allocate memory for filenameWARNING! These file names were not selected:File system cycle found at %sUnable to read directory %sFile system traversal errorUnable to access %sUnable to read symlink %s%s%2lu %-*s %-*s %4lu,%4lu %9llu == %s %s%s %s Removing leading / from absolute path names in the archive%b %e %Y%b %e %H:%M%s: unknown option %c %s: %c argument missing ustarinsecureforce-localuse-compress-programgnutimestampblock-sizebunzip2bzip2dereferencekeep-old-filesone-file-systemmodification-timeold-archiveportabilitysame-permissionspreserve-permissionsfast-readconfirmationread-full-blocksto-stdoutabsolute-pathssparsefiles-fromexclude-fromuncompressstrictatime-preserveunlinkexcludeno-recursionCannot create directory `%s' These format options are not supported for %s %s = %s 0ab:cdf:ijklno:p:rs:tuvwx:zAB:DE:G:HLMN:OPT:U:VXYZInvalid block size %sInvalid -p string: %cUnknown -x format: %spax: Known -x formats are:Invalid write limit %sWrite limit is not a %d byte multipleError count value must be positiveSupport for -%c is not compiled inDestination directory was not suppliedInvalid option nameUnable to allocate space for option listInvalid options format%s: Invalid combination of options:abcdfiklnoprstuvwxABDEGHLMPTUVXYZ+b:cef:hjklmopqrs:tuvwxzBC:HI:JOPST:X:Z014578write_opt=nodirThe -O/-o options are only valid when writing or extracting an archive-IUnable to open file '%s' for read-C-C Problem with file '%s'usage: pax [-0cdjnvzVO] [-E limit] [-f archive] [-N dbdir] [-s replstr] ... [-U user] ... [-G group] ... [-T [from_date][,to_date]] ... [pattern ...] pax -r [-cdijknuvzADOVYZ] [-E limit] [-f archive] [-N dbdir] [-o options] ... [-p string] ... [-s replstr] ... [-U user] ... [-G group] ... [-T [from_date][,to_date]] ... [pattern ...] pax -w [-dijtuvzAHLMOPVX] [-b blocksize] [[-a] [-f archive]] [-x format] [-B bytes] [-N dbdir] [-o options] ... [-s replstr] ... [-U user] ... [-G group] ... [-T [from_date][,to_date][/[c][m]]] ... [file ...] pax -r -w [-dijklntuvzADHLMOPVXYZ] [-N dbdir] [-p string] ... [-s replstr] ... [-U user] ... [-G group] ... [-T [from_date][,to_date][/[c][m]]] ... [file ...] directory usage: tar [-]{crtux}[-befhjklmopqvwzHJOPSXZ014578] [archive] [blocksize] [-C directory] [-T file] [-s replstr] [file ...] Empty replacement stringInvalid replacement string %sUnable to allocate memory for replacement string%s while compiling regular expression %sInvalid replacement string option %sEmpty pattern stringUnable to allocate memory for pattern stringWARNING! These patterns were not matched:Pattern select out of memoryPattern list inconsistentIgnoring file containing `..' (%s) ATTENTION: %s interactive file rename operation. Input new name, or a "." to keep the old name, or a "return" to skip this file. Input > Try again, illegal file name: .. Try again, file name too long Skipping file. Processing continues, name unchanged. Processing continues, name changed to: %s File name %s/%s, too longReplacement name error %sReplacement name too long %s >> %s%s >> %s >> %s /../Can't open current working directory.Cannot allocate memory for temp file name.cannot gzip while appendingLC_TIMEUnable to set up signal handlerCPU time limit reached, cleaning up.Signal caught, cleaning up.Unable to allocate memory for user selection tableUnable to find uid for user: %sUser selection table out of memoryUnable to allocate memory fo group selection tableCannot determine gid for group name: %sGroup selection table out of memoryEmpty time range stringImproperly specified time range: %sUnable to allocate memory for time rangeBad option %c with time range %sIllegal lower time range %sIllegal upper time range %sUpper %s and lower %s time overlapTime range format is: [yy[mm[dd[hh]]]]mm[.ss][/[c][m]]Cannot allocate memory for hard link tableHard link table out of memoryCannot allocate memory for file time tablepaxXXXXXXXXXXUnable to create temporary file: %sFailed ftime table seekFailed ftime table readFailed write to file time tableFailed seek on file time tableFile time table ran out of memoryCannot allocate memory for interactive rename tableNo interactive rename table, links may fail Cannot update rename tableInteractive rename table out of memoryCannot allocate memory for device mapping tableUnable to fix truncated inode/device field when storing %sArchive may create improper hard links when extractedCannot allocate space for directory access time tableDirectory access time reset table ran out of memoryCannot canonicalize %sUnable to store mode and times for directory: %sDevice map table out of memoryBusted tar archive: has both ustar and old tar recordswrite_optUnknown tar format -o option/value pair %s=%s%s=%s is the only supported tar format option%s=%s is only supported when writing.Tar cannot archive a character device %sTar cannot archive a block device %sTar cannot archive a socket %sTar cannot archive a fifo %sLink name too long for tar %sFile name too long for tar %sFile is too large for tar %sTar header field is too small for %sustar Trying to read GNU tar archive with GNU extensions and end-of-volume checks offGNU Long %s found in posix ustar archive.%s extended headers posix ustar archive. Extracting as plain files. Following files might be in the wrong directory or have wrong attributes.GlobalUstar cannot archive a socket %sLink name too long for ustar %sFile name too long for ustar %sDEVTYPELINKTYPEFile is too long for ustar %sGIDMTIMECHKSUMpathname too long: %scannot open %s: %spathname too long, line %d of %sHeader checksum %o does not match %oInvalid type in GNU longlink %dUstar %s header field is too small for %s/.*\/%s$///.*\/%s\/.*///^%s$///^%s\/.*//Fatal error, cannot open %s/./usage: %s [-LP] dfiPRrvWxfts_open failedremove '%s'? %s: -P was specified but file could not be overwrittenoverride %s%s%s:%s for '%s'? %s: is a directory"." and ".." may not be removedusage: %s [-f|-i] [-dPRrvWx] file ... Alias count botchalias %s=alias: %s not found arithmetic: unexpected '%c' (out of range) in numeric constant: %.*sarithmetic: unexpected '%c' (%#x) in expressionexpecting end of expressionexpecting ':'expecting ')'incr/decr require var nameexpecting primarytoken errordivision by zerodivide errorvariable contains non-numeric valuearithmetic expression: %s: "%s"PeHOME not setPWD not setbad substitutionCDPATHcan't cd to %sOLDPWDunexpected argumentUnable to find current directorystdout: %sCannot determine current working directorygetcwd() failed: %swrite errorinterruptedno execute permissionpermission deniedfile existsno such filedirectory nonexistenttoo many open filesfile table overflowfile system fulldisk quota exceededno streams resourcesno such device or addressread-only file systemtext busynot enough memoryremote access failedsymbolic link loopfile name too longargument list too longNode type = %d using redirections: do subshell () &) done subshell do { } failed } done Pipe call failed: %sPipe call failedCannot vfork (%s)too many nested function callsinvalid count: %d%s: is a block device%dm%ss %dm%ss %dm%ss %dm%ss %.4fbcefqrsuvhash: I/O error writing to standard output Command from PATH[%d]: special builtin function () { ; }internal error: %s cmdtype %d%builtinfunc%s not defined in %svVpusage: %s name...-v and -V cannot both be specifiedusage: %s%s name ... [-p] [-v|-V] is a shell keyword is an alias (multiline)... for: is%s a tracked alias for is a shell function is a shell builtin is a special shell builtin : not found %.*s: parameter %snot setnull or %.*s: parameter not set%d: unknown expansion type%d: ${#%.*s%c..}: unknown modifier%d: ${%.*s%c..}: unknown modifier:]not compiled with history supportnul ('\0') in shell inputCan't open %sELFCannot execute ELF binary %sCannot rewind the file %sOut of file descriptorspopfilesupto() misusedsh: turning off NDELAY mode sh: can't access tty; job control turned off Cannot set process group (%s) at %dCannot set tty process group (%s) at %dNo current jobsjob not created under job control[%d] %sJob [%d] does not have a process groupCannot continue job (%s)Job [%d] has no stopped processeslpZnp:more than one -p unsupportedinvalid name: -p '%s'%s readonlygjp-g -j and -p options cannot be combinedusage: jobid [-g|-p|-r] jobid%%%d No such job: %sNo current jobNo previous job%s: ambiguous[%d] %ld Cannot fork (%s)You have stopped jobs. && || ! | if else fiuntil ; do case ;& ;; esac() { ... }>|>>>&<&<><<...${#LINENO${LINENO${#${(...)$(...)"(([%d] %c %ld Done(%d) (core dumped): file changedyou have mailPOSIXLY_CORRECT/etc/profile/.profileENV Use "exit" to leave shell. Out of spacestunalloc ststrcat() over length botchd:p:rvariable name required Usage: read [-r] [-d C] [-p prompt] var...u=%s,g=%s,o=%s %.4o Not a valid octal number: '%s'Mask constant '%s' out of rangeCannot set mode `%s' (%s)umask: I/O error HSatfdscmlrpnvbinternal error (%c)%s: value overflow%s: bad number%-13s (-%c %-11s) %9llderror getting limit (%s)error setting limit (%s)unlimited ulimit: I/O error (stdout) kbytesstacklocked memorythreadnofilesvmemorysbsizeInvalid number: '%s'Number out of range: %sallexportcdprintemacserrexitignoreeoflocal_linenomonitornoclobbernoglobnolognoprivnotifynounsetpipefailpromptcmdsquietprofiletabcompletetrackallxtraceBad -c optionPScarg for %co missing+-NetBSD shell: %s NETBSD_SHELLCurrent option settings%s%c%c%-19s %s set -o defaultUnknown option %co %sUnknown option %c%cUsage: shift [n]can't shift that manyusage: getopts optstring var [arg]OPTARGUnknown option -%c No arg for -%c option OPTINDUnknown option -%cNo arg for -%c optionUsage: rotate [n]can't rotate that many";""&""&&""||""|""("")"";;"";&""`""if""then""else""elif""fi""while""until""for""do""done""{""}""case""esac""!"thenelifwhileuntil%d: Here document (<<%s) expected but not present2nd "!" unexpectedBad for loop variableBad function name (use quotes)Bad function nameBad fd numberUnimplemented form of eof marker for << redirectionMissing '))'Unterminated quoted stringMissing '}'Word "%.13s" unexpectedWord "%.10s..." unexpected%s unexpected (expecting "%.10s") (expecting %s)%d: Syntax error: %shuge prompt: No mem for prompt: Unterminated quoted string ($'...)Bad \c escape sequenceBad \c\ escape sequenceInvalid \u escape sequenceUnknown $'' escape sequenceEOF in backquote substitution-o promptcmds not set: Redirect (from %d to %d) failed: %sredirect reassignment (fd %d) failed: %scannot create %s: %sUnable to dup(%d->%d): %sMoving fd %d to %d made %d!Unable to make fd %d: %sinsufficient file descriptors available:vs:Usage: fdflags [-v] [-s fd] [fd...]%s: too big to be a file descriptorfdflags: I/O error '...'Missing +/- indicator before flag %sBad flag `%s'nonblockfsyncdsyncrsyncaltionosigpipecloexec +%#xCan't get status for fd=%d (%s)Can't get flags for fd=%d (%s)Can't set status for fd=%d (%s)Can't set flags for fd=%d (%s)<<EXITtrap -- -trap -- ''trap -- Usage: trap [-l] trap -p [condition ...] trap -P condition ... trap action condition ... trap N condition ... trap: '%s' bad condition \"$`Could not allocate formatted output bufferIFS= MAIL=MAILPATH=NETBSD_SHELL=PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/pkg/bin:/usr/local/binPS2=> PS4=+ OPTIND=1LINENO=1PS1PS1=$ PS1=# %.*s: bad variable name%.*s: is read onlyNBSH_INVOCATION|&;<>()$`\"' *?[]#~=%\''%.*s'%.*s: not available for export%s: bad variable nameNot in a functionINxList assignment not implementedefvx%.*s=%dUsage: %s [ -p | var[=val]... ]Usage: %s [ -p | [-n] var[=val]... ]missing ]unsupported expression when built with -DSMALL!=%s: out of range'%s': bad numberunknown signal number: %doption requires an argument -- sbad job id: %sbad signal number: %sbad process%s id: '%s'unknown signal %s; valid signals:usage: %s [-s signal_name] pid ... %s -l [exit_status] %s -signal_name pid ... %s -signal_number pid ... bgchdirletfalsefdflagsgetoptsfcinputrcsetvarulimitumaskunaliaswordexpevalPPID20220122 BUILD:20241118205345Z SMALL REJECT_NULS#-+ 0'%s: missing format character%s: invalid directiveprint failedincomplete escape sequence\x%s: missing hexadecimal number in escapeunknown escape sequence `\%c'format "%s" too complex%s: not completely converted%s: invalid field width%s: expected numeric valueUsage: %s [-L] format [arg ...] discarddsuspeol2lnextreprintrprntoption requires an argument -- %sundefvalue of %ld would disable the option -- %smaximum option value is %d -- %soption requires a numeric argument -- %sgfmt1:cflag=%x:iflag=%x:lflag=%x:oflag=%x:%s=%x:ispeed=%d:ospeed=%d %lxcflaglflagillegal gfmt1 option -- %sillegal gfmt1 optionillegal option -- %sTIOCSETDTIOCSTARTTIOCSTOPcbreakcookedeverythinginsaneostartrowscs5cs6cs7cs8-parity-evenp-oddp-pass8-decctlqcrterasecrtbscrtkillctlechoprterase-crt-newcrt-kerninfo-litout-tabsispeed %d baud; ospeed %d baud; %d rows; %d columns; queue = %d; line = %s;lflags-icanon-isig-iexten-echo-echoe-echok-echoke-echonl-echoctl-echoprt-altwerase-noflsh-tostop-flusho-pendin-nokerninfo-extprociflags-istrip-icrnl-inlcr-igncr-ixon-ixoff-ixany-imaxbel-ignbrk-brkint-inpck-ignpar-parmrkoflags-opost-onlcr-ocrnl-oxtabs-onocr-onlretcflags-cread-parenb-parodd-hupcl-clocal-cstopb-crtscts-mdmbuf-cdtrctscchars%s = %s;%-8s-aefgaef:gTIOCGLINEDTIOCGWINSZTIOCGQSIZEgfmt1TIOCSWINSZusage: %s [-a|-e|-g] [-f file] [operand ...] HLPRdfhvthe -L and -h options may not be specified together.%s: invalid %s nameUsage: %s [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-dfhv] %s file ... %s [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-dfhv] --reference=rfile file ... owner:group|owner|:groupAB:CDFIL:M:NO:P:RWef:ilmnrtvw%s: not be or leinvalid label sector: %sinvalid label offset: %sinvalid max partitions: %stoo large maxpartitions > %u unknown label: use -M/-B and $MACHINE/$MACHINE_ARCHunknown byteorderioctl DIOCWLABELsector size %usectors/track %utracks/cylinder %ucylinders/unit %uwarning, revolutions/minute %huboot block size %uwarning, boot block size %% sector-size != 0super block size %uwarning, super block size %% sector-size != 0warning, number of partitions (%hu) > MAXPARTITIONS (%d)warning, partition %c increased number of partitions from %hu to %dwarning, partition %c: size 0, but offset %upartition %c: offset past end of unitpartition %c: partition extends past end of unitpartitions %c and %c overlapsorry, could not allocate memory for list%s: unknown machine typemvme68knext68kalgoralphaluna68kmac68knews68knewsmipspmaxsun2sun68kx68kvaxamigaamigappcevbmipsevbppcsparcsparc64sun3atarimipscomvmeppcbeboxemipshppaibmnwsofppcrs6000sandpointsgimipssbmipscesfichp300ews4800mipsmacppcpmonprepdreamcastevbcfevbppc-mbrevbsh3hpcshmmeyeor1kriscvacorn32catsevbarmiyonixnetwindersharkcobaltlandiskepoc32hpcarmhpcmipsia64zaurus%s: unknown archaarch64earmearmhfearmv4earmv5earmv6earmv6hfearmv7earmv7hfmipselmips64elriscv32riscv64sh3elx86_64aarch64ebcoldfireearmebearmhfebearmv4ebearmv5ebearmv6ebearmv6hfebearmv7ebearmv7hfebm68000m68kmipsebmips64ebpowerpcsh3ebchanging %s byteorder to %sioctl DIOCSDINFOioctl DIOCWDINFO%s: No disk label on disk; use "disklabel -I" to install initial label%s: Label magic number or checksum is wrong! (disklabel or kernel is out of date?)%s: Open partition would move or shrink%s: Labeled partition or 'a' partition must start at beginning of diskioctl DIOCGDINFOcould not read existing labelfailed to read bootarea from sector %uread sector %u len %d looking for labeldeleted ignoring %sbyteswapped label at offset %jd from sector %ucorrupt label found at offset %jd in sector %u%slabel found at offset %jd from sector %u# %ssector %u offset %jd bytes DISKLABELSECTORDISKLABELSECTOR in environmentDISKLABELOFFSETDISKLABELOFFSET in environmentreading mbr sector %uCan't read master boot record %uInvalid signature in mbr record %uInvalid extended chain %x <= %xno space in bootarea (sector %u) to create labelattempting to write after failed readdisklabel write (sector %u) size %d faileddisklabel write (sector %u) size %d truncated to %d\ :%.*s|Automatically generated label:\ :dt=unknown%hu:se#%u:ns#%u:nt#%u:sc#%u:nc#%u:%ssu#%u:%srm#%hu:%sil#%hu:%ssk#%hu:%scs#%hu:%shs#%u:%sts#%u:p%c#%u:o%c#%u:t%c=unknown%hhu:b%c#%llu:EdDk.aXXXXXXre-edit the label? [y]: /usr/bin/vi# line %d: syntax errorline %d: warning, unknown disk type: %sline %d: bad flag: %sdrivedataline %d: bad drive data%lu partitionsline %d: bad # of partitionsbytes/sectorline %d: bad %s: %ssectors/tracksectors/cylindertracks/cylindertotal sectorssectors/unitrpmtrackskewcylinderskewheadswitchtrack-to-track seekline %d: unknown field: %sline %d: bad partition name: %sline %d: partition id %s, >= %zuline %d: too few fieldsline %d: warning, unknown file system type: %stip: use -l to see all valid file system typesline %d: invalid format[-ABCFMrtv] disk(to read label)-w [-BDFMrv] [-f disktab] disk disktype [packid](to write label)-e [-BCDFMIrv] disk(to edit label)-i [-BDFMIrv] disk(to create a label interactively)-D [-v] disk(to delete existing label(s))-R [-BDFMrv] disk protofile(to restore label)[-NW] disk(to write disable/enable label)(to show all known file system types)usage:%s %s %s %s Enter '?' for helppartition>Unknown command %s print this menuadjust the label size to the max disk sizemake partitions contiguousprint disk label and current partition tablechange label informationlist all known file system typesname the labelprint current partition tablerounding (c)ylinders (s)ectorswrite the current partition table%s %s [a-%c] define named partition Cannot get default labelAdjust disklabel sector from %u to %u [n]? Already at %u sectors Automatically adjust partitions [%s]? Disk type [%s]: Supported disk typesUnknown disk type: %sDisk name [%.*s]: Number of partitions [%hu]: Invalid number of partitions `%s' Sector size (bytes) [%u]: Invalid sector size `%s' Number of sectors per track [%u]: Invalid number of sectors `%s' Number of tracks per cylinder [%u]: Invalid number of tracks `%s' Number of sectors/cylinder [%u]: Invalid number of sector/cylinder `%s' Total number of cylinders [%u]: Total number of sectors [%u]: Hardware sectors interleave [%hu]: Invalid sector interleave `%s' Sector 0 skew, per track [%hu]: Invalid track sector skew `%s' Sector 0 skew, per cylinder [%hu]: Invalid cylinder sector `%s' Head switch time (usec) [%u]: Invalid head switch time `%s' Track seek time (usec) [%u]:Invalid track seek time `%s' Label name [%.*s]: Rounding [%s]: Label disk [n]?Filesystem type [%s]: Supported file system typesInvalid file system typename `%s' Start offset ('x' to start after partition 'x') [%s]: Bad offset `%s' Offset `%s' out of range Partition size ('$' for all remaining) [%s]: Bad size `%s' Size `%s' out of range %.40gc, %us, %.40gMUnit error %c Valid units: (S)ectors, (C)ylinders, (K)ilo, (M)ega, (G)iga, (T)eraInvalid answer# Current values:Rounding can be (c)ylinders or (s)ectorsLabel writtenLabel not writtencan't get msgbufdfl:nPpqT:t:vx:yrq%s has unknown file system type./usr/sbinstart %s %swaitvfork%s: file system is mounted read-write on %s; not checking exec %s for %s-oInvalid option stringcannot open `%s'cannot get disklabel for `%s'partition `%s' is not defined on diskpartition `%s' is not of a legal vfstypevfstype `%s' on partition `%s' is not supportedusage: %s %s [special|node]... ** %s (vmsg) %s: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN %s MANUALLY. Can't stat `/'Can't stat `%s'Can't convert to raw `%s'%s is not a character device Can't convert to cooked `%s'%12.12s %4.4s %lld Can't open checklist file: %s/etc/fstabpass %d, name %s BAD DISK NAME %s Unknown pid %ddone %s: %s (%s) = 0x%x %s: %s (%s): EXITED WITH SIGNAL %d THE FOLLOWING FILE SYSTEM%s HAD AN %s UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY:%s: %s (%s)%sdisk %s:%s in fstab more than once!untitledlost+foundwrong type to dirscan %dNAME=%s UNREFLINK COUNT %s COUNT %d SHOULD BE %dLINK COUNT INCREASINGADJUSTUNREF %s RECONNECTNO lost+found DIRECTORYCREATESORRY. CANNOT CREATE lost+found DIRECTORY lost+found IS NOT A DIRECTORYREALLOCATESORRY. NO lost+found DIRECTORY SORRY. NO SPACE IN lost+found DIRECTORYDIR I=%llu CONNECTED. PARENT WAS I=%llu DIRECTORY CORRUPTEDBad dir: ino %d reclen %d namlen %d type %d name %s NO SPACE LEFT IN %sEXPAND (ADJUSTED) (CREATED) (RECONNECTED) (EXPANDED)DIRECTORY %s: CONTAINS EMPTY BLOCKSADJUST LENGTHbad size: blk %lld, offset %d, size %d blk %lld < cgdmin %lld; blk + cnt %lld > cgsbase %lld blk %lld >= cgdmin %lld; blk + cnt %lld > sblock->fs_fpg %d bad inode number %llu to ginodebad inode number %llu to nextinodebad inode number %llu to setinodebufCannot allocate space for inode buffercannot increase directory listcannot find inode %lluCLEAR I=%llu OWNER=MODE=%o SIZE=%llu MTIME=%s %lld %s I=%lluBAD STATE %d TO BLKERRcannot alloc %zu bytes to extend inoinfo CG %d: ALLOCINO: BAD MAGIC NUMBER CG %d: FREEINO: BAD MAGIC NUMBER bad ofsset %llu to readblkbad filesize %llu to expandfileINTERNAL ERROR: expandfile() failed to allocate a new block PARTIALLY TRUNCATED INODE I=%lluYOU MUST RERUN FSCK AFTERWARDS (CLEARED)aB:b:c:dFfm:npPqUyx:XzAlternate super block location: %d no-eaconversion levelUsing maximum conversion level of %dbad mode to -m: %o** lost+found creation mode %o Cannot use -x or -X without -nCan't check %s can't take snapshot of %s-%c flag requires a %sstarting CAN'T CHECK FILE SYSTEM.** Last Mounted on %s ** Root file system ** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes INTERNAL ERROR: dups with -p INTERNAL ERROR: dups with softdep ** Phase 1b - Rescan For More DUPS ** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames ** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity ** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts ** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups ** Phase 6 - Check Quotas %llu files, %lld used, %lld free (%lld frags, %lld blocks, %lld.%lld%% fragmentation) %llu files missing %lld blocks missing The following duplicate blocks remain: %lld,The following zero link count inodes remain: %llu, ***** UNRESOLVED INCONSISTENCIES REMAIN ***** ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED ***** ***** PLEASE RERUN FSCK ***** ***** REBOOT NOW ***** usage: %s [-adFfPpqUX] [-B byteorder] [-b block] [-c level] [-m mode] [-x snap-backup] [-y | -n] filesystem ... %s: phase 1: cyl group %d of %d (%d%%) CG %d: BAD MAGIC NUMBER too many inodes %llu cannot alloc %zu bytes for inoinfo cannot realloc %zu bytes to %zu for inoinfo EXCESSIVE BAD BLKS I=%lluCONTINUEEXCESSIVE DUP BLKS I=%lluDUP TABLE OVERFLOW.PARTIALLY ALLOCATED INODE I=%llubad size %llu:HOLD BAD BLOCKbad size %llu ndb %lld:cannot read symlinkconvert symlink %llu(%s) of size %lld bad direct addr ix %d: %d [ndb %lld] bad direct addr ix %d: %lld [ndb %lld] bad indirect addr: %d bad indirect addr: %lld LINK COUNT TABLE OVERFLOWNON-ZERO EXTATTR FIELDS I=%lluCLEAR EXTATTR FIELDS AND SET PERMS TO 0INCORRECT BLOCK COUNT I=%llu (%lld should be %lld)UNKNOWN FILE TYPE I=%llu (SKIPPING) (CORRECTED)%s: phase 1b: cyl group %d of %d (%d%%) ROOT INODE UNALLOCATEDCANNOT ALLOCATE ROOT INODEDUPS/BAD IN ROOT INODEROOT INODE NOT DIRECTORYBAD STATE %d FOR ROOT INODE%s: phase 2: dir %ld of %d (%d%%) DIRECTORY TOO SHORT%s %s: LENGTH %lld NOT MULTIPLE OF %dDEFERRED MISSING '..' FIXBAD INODE NUMBER FOR '..'BAD INODE NUMBER FOR '.'BAD TYPE VALUE FOR '.'MISSING '.'ADD '.' ENTRY FIRST ENTRY IN DIRECTORY CONTAINS %s REPLACE WITH '.'BAD TYPE VALUE FOR '..'MISSING '..'ADD '..' ENTRYSECOND ENTRY IN DIRECTORY CONTAINS %s REPLACE WITH '..'EXTRA '.' ENTRYEXTRA '..' ENTRYI OUT OF RANGEREMOVEBAD WHITEOUT ENTRYDUP/BADZERO LENGTH DIRECTORY%s %s %s IS AN EXTRANEOUS HARD LINK TO DIRECTORYBAD TYPE VALUEBAD STATE %d FOR INODE I=%d (IGNORED)(FIX DEFERRED)%s: phase 3: dir %d of %d (%d%%) ORPHANED DIRECTORY LOOP DETECTED I=%luCOULD NOT FIND NAME IN PARENT DIRECTORY%s: phase 4: cyl group %d of %d (%d%%) skipping unreferenced journal inode %lld skipping unreferenced quota inode %lld ZERO LENGTHBAD/DUPBAD STATE %d FOR INODE I=%lluCG %d: ALLOCBLK: BAD MAGIC NUMBER DELETING CLUSTERING MAPS DELETE CLUSTERING MAPSCREATCANNOT %s CLUSTER MAPS CREATE CLUSTER MAPS%sING CLUSTER MAPS cannot reallocate cg spaceUNKNOWN ROTATIONAL TABLE FORMAT %d%s: phase 5: cyl group %d of %d (%d%%) CG %d: PASS5: BAD MAGIC NUMBER CG %d: UNABLE TO READ ALTERNATE SUPERBLK ALTERNATE SUPERBLK(S) ARE INCORRECTBAD STATE %d FOR INODE I=%jucg %d: nffree: %d/%d nbfree %d/%d nifree %d/%d ndir %d/%d FREE BLK COUNT(S) WRONG IN SUPERBLKSUMMARY INFORMATION BADALLOCATED INODE %u MARKED FREE ALLOCATED FRAG %u MARKED FREE BLK(S) MISSING IN BIT MAPStotal: nffree: %lld/%lld nbfree %lld/%lld nifree %lld/%lld ndir %lld/%lld %2x USERGROUPCLEAR USER QUOTA INODECLEAR GROUP QUOTA INODE%s QUOTA INODE CLEARED CLEAR SUPERBLOCK QUOTA FLAGSUPERBLOCK QUOTA FLAG CLEAREDCan't stat %s: %s Can't open %s: %s NO WRITE ACCESS** %s (NO WRITE) ** %s Cannot allocate space for superblockLOOK FOR ALTERNATE SUPERBLOCKS%s %s %s %s %s %s SEARCH FOR ALTERNATE SUPER-BLOCKFAILED. YOU MUST USE THE-b OPTION TO fsck_ffs TO SPECIFY THELOCATION OF AN ALTERNATESUPER-BLOCK TO SUPPLY NEEDEDINFORMATION; SEE fsck_ffs(8).USING ALTERNATE SUPERBLOCK AT %d file system is journaled; not checking ** File system is journaled; replaying journal clean = %d %sile system is clean; not checking ** F** File system is already clean CONVERTING TO NEW SUPERBLOCK LAYOUT CONVERT TO NEW SUPERBLOCK LAYOUTDOWNGRADING TO OLD SUPERBLOCK LAYOUT DOWNGRADE TO OLD SUPERBLOCK LAYOUTUNKNOWN FLAGS=0x%08x IN SUPERBLOCKUNDEFINED OPTIMIZATION IN SUPERBLOCKSET TO DEFAULTIMPOSSIBLE MINFREE=%d IN SUPERBLOCKIMPOSSIBLE INTERLEAVE=%d IN SUPERBLOCKIMPOSSIBLE NPSECT=%d IN SUPERBLOCKINCORRECT BMASK=0x%x IN SUPERBLOCKINCORRECT FMASK=0x%x IN SUPERBLOCKINCORRECT MAXFILESIZE=%lld IN SUPERBLOCKINCORRECT MAXSYMLINKLEN=%d IN SUPERBLOCKINCORRECT QBMASK=%#llx IN SUPERBLOCKINCORRECT QFMASK=%#llx IN SUPERBLOCKCONVERTING TO NEW INODE FORMAT CONVERT TO NEW INODE FORMATCONVERTING TO NEW CYLINDER GROUP FORMAT CONVERT TO NEW CYLINDER GROUP FORMATcannot alloc %u bytes for summary info BAD SUMMARY INFORMATIONcannot alloc %u bytes for blockmap cannot alloc %u bytes for inostathead cannot alloc %u bytes for inphead cannot alloc %u bytes for cylinder group appleufsisappleufs = %d, dirblksiz = %d quota hash shift %d, %d entries, mask 0x%x Cannot allocate space for quotas hash MISSING APPLEUFS VOLUME LABEL INCORRECT APPLE UFS VERSION NUMBER (%d should be %d)APPLE UFS LABEL NAME TOO LONGTRUNCATEMISSING APPLE UFS LABEL NAMEAPPLE UFS LABEL NAME CONTAINS ILLEGAL CHARACTERINVALID APPLE UFS CHECKSUM (%#04x should be %#04x)MAGIC NUMBER WRONGCAN'T FIND SUPERBLOCKIncompatible options -B and -pIncompatible options -B and -nCONVERT TO LITTLE ENDIANCONVERT TO BIG ENDIANINTERNAL ERROR: unknown endian** Swapped byte order SIZE PREPOSTEROUSLY LARGEoffset %#x, original 0x%08x, alternate 0x%08x VALUES IN SUPER BLOCK DISAGREE WITH THOSE IN FIRST ALTERNATEBAD SUPER BLOCK: %s %s: CANNOT FIGURE OUT FILE SYSTEM PARTITION %s: NOT LABELED AS A BSD FILE SYSTEM (%s) %s: CANNOT FIGURE OUT SECTOR SIZE %s: CANNOT FIGURE OUT SECTORS PER CYLINDER %s: CANNOT FIGURE OUT FRAG BLOCK SIZE %s: CANNOT FIGURE OUT FRAGS PER GROUP %s: CANNOT FIGURE OUT OLD CYLINDERS PER GROUP SNAPSHOT INODE %u ALREADY ON LIST%ssuperblock mismatches (FIXED) (TRUNCATED)bad file type 0%o INTERNAL ERROR: GOT TO reply()%s? no %s? yes cannot allocate buffer pooldeadlocked buffer poolWRITING %sZERO'ED BLOCK %lld TO DISK PARTIALLY UPDATE STANDARD SUPERBLOCKUPDATING STANDARD SUPERBLOCK Panic: lost %d buffersMARKING FILE SYSTEM CLEAN MARK FILE SYSTEM CLEANcache missed %ld of %ld (%d%%) READTHE FOLLOWING DISK SECTORS COULD NOT BE READ: %lld (%lld),THE FOLLOWING SECTORS COULD NOT BE WRITTEN:SALVAGEUNKNOWN INODESC FIX MODE %dinoinfo: inumber %llu out of rangecannot allocate space for compat storecannot allocate quota entryCANNOT %s: BLK %lldDISABLING EXTATTR SUPPORTENABLING EXTATTR SUPPORT ***** FILE SYSTEM MARKED CLEAN ***** (SALVAGED)detected ufs1 superblock not yet updated for ufs2 kernels%s: unknown fs_fragshift %dffs_isblockffs_isfreeblockffs_clrblockffs_setblock%.*s/%s%s/XXXXXXXXXX/dev/rfss%dSORRY, CAN'T EXPAND QUOTA INODE INTERNAL ERROR: addfreeq2e didn't fill free list CAN'T READ QUOTA BLOCK %s QUOTA INODE %llu IS A DIRECTORYUNALLOCATED %s QUOTA INODE %lluINTERNAL ERROR: wrong quota inode %llu type %d WRONG TYPE %d for %s QUOTA INODE %lluCORRUPTED %s QUOTA INODE %lluNO %s QUOTA INODEcan't re-read %s quota header QUOTA ENTRY NOT IN LISTcan't read %s quota entry %s QUOTA MISMATCH FOR ID %d: 0/0 SHOULD BE %llu/%lluALLOCInvalid quota magic number no user quota inode no group quota inode CAN'T READ QUOTA BLOCKDUPLICATE QUOTA ENTRYQUOTA uid %d IN WRONG HASH LIST %d%s QUOTA MISMATCH FOR ID %d: %llu/%llu SHOULD BE %llu/%llu (ALLOCATED)wapbl_replay_start: vp=%p off=%lld count=%zu blksize=%zu Unrecognized wapbl magic: 0x%08x wapbl_replay: head=%lld tail=%lld off=%lld len=%lld used=%zu /home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/sys/kern/vfs_wapbl.cwapbl_replay_free!((wr)->wr_scratch != 0)wapbl_replay_writewapbl_replay_can_read(len % fsblklen) == 0wapbl_replay_readwapbl_space_usedhead == 0wapbl_blkhash_initwr->wr_blkhash == 0wapbl_blkhash_clearwr->wr_blkhashcnt > 0wr->wr_blkhashcnt == 0wapbl_blkhash_freeUnrecognized wapbl type: 0x%08x wapbl_blkhash_remwapbl_circ_advance((len >> wr->wr_log_dev_bshift) << wr->wr_log_dev_bshift) == lenwapbl_circ_readwapbl_replay: corrupted recordswapbl_replay_stop calledwapbl_write: %zd bytes at block %lld on fd 0x%x wapbl_read: %zd bytes at block %lld on fd 0x%x CANNOT REPLAY JOURNAL IN -n MODE; continuing anyway UNABLE TO REPLAY JOURNAL BLOCKSwapbl_replay: not cleaning inode %u mode %o INVALID JOURNAL VERSION %dCLEARING EXISTING JOURNAL INVALID JOURNAL LOCATION %dUNABLE TO READ JOURNAL FOR REPLAYCLEARING JOURNAL FLAGS INVALID JOURNAL FLAGS %d[-a alignment] [-b blocknr] [-i index] [-l label][-s size] [-t type]a:i:s:b:l:t:index %u out of range (%u max)Entry at index %u is not freeNo available table entriesUnable to make UUIDNot enough space available on device for an aligned partitionNot enough space available on devicePartition %d added: %s %llu %llubiosboot[-A] [-c bootcode] [-i index] [-L label] [-b startsec]Ac:i:L:b:No valid Protective MBR foundError reading bootcodeNo bootable partitionCannot update Protective MBRPartition %d marked as bootable/usr/mdec/gptmbr.binCan't allocate memory for bootpathCan't allocate memory for sectorCan't open `%s'The bootcode in `%s' does not match the expected size %uError reading from `%s'[-AfP] [-p partitions]AfPp:Device contains a MBRNo room for the PMBRError reading MBRCan't write PMBR[-r]Device doesn't contain a GPTRecoverability not possibleError writing primary headerError writing backup headerError deleting PMBRRead failedBad CRC in GPT header at sector %juCannot read LBA table at sector %juBad CRC in GPT table at sector %ju%s GPT at sector %juPriSecGPT partition: type=%s, start=%ju, size=%juCannot allocate `%s'Cannot openCannot statCannot get sector sizeSector size can't be 0Cannot get media sizeMedia size can't be 0Media size not a multiple of sector size (%u) Need 6 sectors, we have %jumediasize=%ju; sectorsize=%u; blocks=%juNo GPT foundCan't update wedge informationYou need to run "dkctl %s makewedges" for the changes to take effect No primary GPT header; run create or recoverNo secondary GPT header; run recoverCorrupt maps, run recoverError writing crc mapError writing crc table Usage: %s%s %s %s%s %*s%s %s %s%s Device already contains a GPT, destroy it firstNo room for the GPT headerNo room for the backup headerNo room for the GPT tableCan't allocate the primary GPT tableCan't add the primary GPT tableCan't add the secondary GPT tableAlready set to %jd new `%s'Number `%s' < 1-a is already setUnknown find option `%c'Partition %d %sHeader %sUnknown alignment/index/size option `%c'Entry not specifiedAlignment (%#jx) must be a multiple of sector size (%#x)Size (%#jx) must be a multiple of sector size (%#x)Unrecognized attribute `%s'%s%10.10s %s [%#jx]Nothing to setIndex %u out of range (%u max)Entry at index %u is unusedPartition %d attributes updatedCan't parse uuid/type `%s'Can't copy string%s: %juUnknown GPT header type %dError allocating %s GPT headerError adding %s GPT headerMBR not found at sector %juSuspicious PMBR at sector %juSuspicious MBR at sector %juMalformed MBR at sector %juMBR part: flag=%#x type=%d, start=%ju, size=%juLegacy BIOS boot partitionbootmeBootable partitionbootfailedPartition that marked bootonce failed to bootbootonceAttempt to boot this partition only oncenoblockioUEFI won't recognize file system for block I/OPartition required for platform to functionMedia SizeSector Size: %u Number of Sectors- GPT Header Revision: %u.%u - First Data Sector- Last Data Sector- Media GUID: %s - Number of GPT Entries: %u Header Information:- GPT Header not found-a <-l label | -f file>[-b blocknr] [-i index] [-L label] [-s sectors] [-t uuid] <-l label | -f file>label changedab:i:L:s:t:f:l:Can't label from `%s'Can't find mapmap entry doesn't fit media: new start + new size < start + size (%jx + %jx < %jx + %jx)partition(%ju,%ju) mirroredbogus map current=%s new=%sCan't create mapnegative size or alignmentCan't delete, next map is not foundCan't delete, next map is in useCan't coalesce %ju <= %juCan't expand map, no space after itCan't expand map, next map after it in useCan't expand map, not enough space in the next map after it*unknown*mbr partitionprimary gpt headersecondary gpt headerprimary gpt tablesecondary gpt tablegpt partitionprotective mbrHm:nqrs:T:vUnknown command: %sCommand %s needs a device parameter[-nrqv] [-m mediasize] [-s sectorsize] [-T timestamp]Usage: %s %s command device Usage: %s %s device command Commands: Can't parse timestamp `%s'migrate[-Afs] [-p partitions]Afp:sNo MBR in disk to convertMBR partition %u type %sunknown partition type (%d)Cant write PMBR*%u*Error reading labelMBR partition without disklabelrawofs=%juDisklabel partition %u type %sUnknown FreeBSD partition (%d)Partition %u unknown type %s, using "Microsoft Basic Data"Device contains an MBRNo primary or secondary GPT headers, can't recoverNo primary or secondary GPT tables, can't recoverMedia size has changed, please use '%s resizedisk'Recreated PMBR (you may need to rerun 'gpt biosboot'Bad table type %dAdding %s GPT table failedWriting %s GPT table failedRecovered %s GPT table from %sWriting %s GPT header failedRecovered %s GPT header from %s[-b blocknr] [-i index] [-L label] [-s sectors] [-t type]ab:i:L:s:t:resize[-i index | -b blocknr] [-a alignment] [-s size] [-q]a:i:s:b:qCould not find map entry corresponding to indexpartition does not need resizingPartition %d resized: %llu %lluresizedisks:qNew size %ju too smallspecified number of sectors %jd is larger then the disk %jdNo valid PMBR foundNo primary GPT table; Run recoverNo secondary GPT tableDevice is already the specified sizeNot enough space at %llu for secondary GPT tableNot enough space for new secondary GPT tableMoving secondary GPT headerCreating new secondary GPT headerError adding secondary GPT tableNo valid PMBR partition foundError writing PMBR-a attribute [-i index] [-b startsec]-N [-i index] [-b startsec]a:b:i:lNshow[-aglux] [-i index]gi:b:luax %*s %*jx %*ju%5d Type: %s TypeID: %s GUID: %s Size: Label: %s Attributes: UnusedExtended - %sPri GPT headerSec GPT headerPri GPT tableSec GPT tableMBR part [partition not found?] (active)GPT part %lsUnknown %#xCould not find index %dDetails for index %d: StartType: %s (%s) %s: %llu%5dGPT not found, displaying data from MBR. None index contents-a -T newtype[-b blocknr] [-i index] [-L label] [-s sectors] [-t type] -T newtypetype changedab:i:L:s:t:T:l-a attribute -i index-a attribute -b startseca:b:i:l%s%18.18s %s %08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%8x-%4hx-%4hx-%2hhx%2hhx-%2hhx%2hhx%2hhx%2hhx%2hhx%2hhxappleapple-ufsbiosBIOS BootEFI Systemfbsd-legacyFreeBSD legacyfbsd-swapFreeBSD swapfbsd-ufsFreeBSD UFS/UFS2fbsd-vinumFreeBSD vinumzfslinux-dataLinux datalinux-raidLinux RAIDlinux-swapLinux swaplinux-lvmLinux LVMWindows basic datawindows-reservedWindows reservedwindows-recoveryWindows recoveryNetBSD ccd componentNetBSD Cryptographic DiskNetBSD FFSv1/FFSv2NetBSD LFSNetBSD RAIDFrame componentNetBSD swapobsdOpenBSD datavmcoreVMware VMkernel core dumpvmfsvmreseredVMware reservedCan't open `/dev/urandom'Can't read `/dev/urandom'EOF from /dev/urandomread too much: %zd > %zu[-b blocknr] [-i index] [-L label] [-s sectors] [-t type] [-U newuuid]UUID changedab:i:L:s:t:U:[-o outfile]/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/sbin/gpt/backup.cgpt->secsz <= INT_MAXsector_sizembr_arrayGPT_HDRGPT_TBLi <= INT_MAXstart_headstart_sectorstart_cylinderend_headend_sectorend_cylinderlba_start_lowlba_start_highlba_size_lowlba_size_highproplib failurerevisionguidstore_gptle32toh(hdr->hdr_entries) <= INT32_MAXstore_tblgpt_array[-F] [-i infile]Fi:Device contains a GPT/dev/stdinUnable to read/parse backup fileSector size does not match backupbackup is not revision 1.0%s: not able to convert to an UUIDBackup GPT doesn't fitnot enough memory to create a sector bufferCan't seek to beginningError writingCan't seek to endUnable to seek/write MBRUnable to write primary GPTUnable to write secondary GPTUnable to write primary headerUnable to write secondary headerEntity index out of bounds %u > %u ia6flagsia6flagIPv6 keywordsin6_constructoranycastpltimeinet6%s: getifnamein6_status inet6 %s -> %sANYCASTTENTATIVEDUPLICATEDDETACHEDDEPRECATEDNODADAUTOCONFTEMPORARY flags %s scopeid 0x%xSIOCGIFALIFETIME_IN6 pltime infty vltime SIOCAIFADDR_IN6SIOCDIFADDR_IN6SIOCGIFADDR_IN6eui64 address modifier not allowed for the AF%a%%Sinterface index is already filled, %s | %scould not determine link local addressinet6 address lifetime not allowed for the AF%s: getsockin6_addr_flagsSIOCGIFAFLAG_IN6 [ anycast | -anycast ] [ deprecated | -deprecated ] [ pltime n ] [ vltime n ] [ eui64 ] in_status inet %s netmask %#x broadcast %sTENTATIVEDUPLICATEDDETACHEDTRYTENTATIVESIOCAIFADDRSIOCDIFADDRSIOCGIFADDRin_addr_flagsSIOCGIFAFLAG_INcommit_addressbroadcast%s: getifflags%s is not a broadcast interfaceunsupported interface flagsnetmask not supportedpre-%sethercap/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/distrib/utils/x_ifconfig/../../../sbin/ifconfig/ether.cdo_setethercapssizeof(eccr) == prop_data_size(d)SIOCSETHERCAPvlan-hwfiltervlan-hwtaggingeeeVLAN_MTUVLAN_HWTAGGINGJUMBO_MTUVLAN_HWFILTEREEE ec_capabilities=%s ec_enabled=%s broadcast addresslist clonerswait DADno commandslocal address (address 1)destination/netmask (address 2)broadcast address (address 3)optional commandcommand-rootiface-opt-family-onlyifcapifflagclonecmdmiscopt-cloneoptional silent familyiface-opt-family-A is deprecated%s: prop_dictionary_createexec_matches%s: prop_dictionary_augment%s: lookup_af_bynum/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/distrib/utils/x_ifconfig/../../../sbin/ifconfig/ifconfig.cafp->af_addr_commit != NULLip4csum-txip4csum-rxtcp4csum-txtcp4csum-rxudp4csum-txudp4csum-rxtcp6csum-txtcp6csum-rxudp6csum-txudp6csum-rxip4csumtcp4csumudp4csumtcp6csumudp6csumtso4tso6unnumberedlink0link1link2trailers-linkstr-descr-descriptionNote: trailers are no longer sent, but always receivedSIOCSLINKSTRSIOCSIFDESCRSIOCGIFFLAGS %s%s: prop_dictionary_copy/createprintall%s: getifinfoUPBROADCASTDEBUGLOOPBACKPOINTOPOINTUNNUMBEREDRUNNINGNOARP PROMISC ALLMULTI OACTIVE SIMPLEX LINK0LINK1LINK2MULTICAST%s: flags=%sSIOCGIFMETRIC %s metric %d mtu %d%s: getifcapsTSO4 IP4CSUM_Rx IP4CSUM_Tx TCP4CSUM_Rx TCP4CSUM_Tx UDP4CSUM_RxUDP4CSUM_TxTCP6CSUM_RxTCP6CSUM_TxUDP6CSUM_RxUDP6CSUM_TxTSO6LRO capabilities=%s enabled=%s description: "%s" malloc linkstr buf failedfailed to query linkstr linkstr: %s linkstate: %s SIOCZIFDATA input: queue drop, %llu unknown protocol output: collision%s%llu %s%s, %s byte%sclock_gettimeparser_init(iface_opt_family_only)parser_init(iface_only)parser_init(iface_start)do_setifcapssizeof(ifcr) == prop_data_size(d)SIOCSIFCAPSIOCIFGCLONERS for countunable to allocate cloner name bufferSIOCIFGCLONERS for namesclone_commandsetifaddrprefixlen_to_masksetifnetmasksetifbroadaddrsetifdstormasksetifflagssetifmetricSIOCSIFMETRICdo_setifpreferenceSIOCSIFADDRPREFsetifmtuSIOCSIFMTUsetifprefixlen%s: prop_data_create_copy%s: prop_dictionary_setmalloc linkstr spacegetargstr linkstr faileddescription too longmalloc description spacegetargstr descr failedusageusage: %s [-h] %s[-v] [-z] %sinterface [ af [ address [ dest_addr ] ] [ netmask mask ] [ prefixlen n ] [ alias | -alias ] ] [ up ] [ down ] [ metric n ] [ mtu n ] [-m] [-L] [ arp | -arp ] [ preference n ] [ link0 | -link0 ] [ link1 | -link1 ] [ link2 | -link2 ] [ linkstr str | -linkstr ] [ unnumbered | -unnumbered ] [ description str | descr str | -description | -descr ] %s -a [-b] [-d] [-h] %s[-u] [-v] [-z] [ af ] %s -l [-b] [-d] [-s] [-u] %s -C %s -w n %s interface create %s interface destroy no carrierno networkmastermedia keywordsunmediaoptSIOCSIFMEDIA mode %s instance %dmedia_status%s: SIOCGIFDATA%s: no media types?SIOCGIFMEDIA media: %s supported %s media: media mediaopt media_constructorinstanceanymedia-mediaopt/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/distrib/utils/x_ifconfig/../../../sbin/ifconfig/media.csetmediainstinitmedia%s: prop_dictionary_set_boolinit_current_media%s: no link type?setmediasubtypeunknown %s media %s: %ssetmediaoptsetmediamode status: [#%d] no ringinserted [ media type ] [ mediaopt opts ] [ -mediaopt opts ] [ instance minst ] %u.%u%n%s: prefixlen_to_mask(%d, %ld)paddr_matchunknown keyword type %dtundsttunsrcdeletetunnelSIOCDIFPHYADDR%s.%dsettunnelsource and destination address families do not matchscope mismatchtunnel src/dst is multicastSIOCSLIFPHYADDR tunnel %s %s%s --> %s%s [ [ af ] tunnel src_addr dest_addr ] [ deletetunnel ] bad hexadecimal digitshexadecimal digits too longstrings too long"%.*s"print_link_addresses%s: getifaddrs%s: ioctl SIOCGLIFADDRaddress:SIOCGIFADDRPREF preference %hdVLAN tagvlantag-vlanif%s: getvlansetvlanSIOCSETVLANvalid only with vlan(4) interfacessetvlanif vlan: %d parent: %s [ vlan n vlanif i ] [ -vlanif i ] 802.11 keywordsieee80211 boolean-bssid-channwid-nwkeySIOCS80211BSSIDieee80211 listsioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS)The interface must be up before scanning.socket(PF_ROUTE,SOCK_RAW)read(PF_ROUTE)SIOCS80211unable to get scan results%-*.*s %-17.17s %4s %4s %-7s %3s %4s RATES:NCAPS%-*.*s %s %3d %3dM %3d:%-3d %3d %-4.4s SSID RATES XRATES DSPARMS<%u> COUNTRY ERP<0x%x> WPA WME VEN RSN%s<%.*s>%s<%c%c%c %u-%u,%u %u,%uBEBKVOVI: or @ speccan't get net id for host "%s": %sg:m:n:o:s:u:failed to parse nodes `%s'ram/ram%failed to parse size `%s'cannot stat `%s'tmpfs on %sversion=%d, size_max=%llu, nodes_max=%llu, root_uid=%llu, root_uid=%s, root_gid=%llu, root_gid=%s, root_mode=%o syntax error in ram fraction: ram/%s at %sram fraction must be a positive number: ram/%shw.physmem64can't get "hw.physmem64"syntax error in ram percentage: ram%%%s at %sram percentage must be a between 0 and 100 ram%%%susage: %s [-g group] [-m mode] [-n nodes] [-o options] [-s size] [-u user] tmpfs mount_point -mfsNT:V:a:b:d:e:f:g:h:i:m:n:o:p:q:s:u:B:FGINO:S:T:V:Za:b:d:e:f:g:h:i:l:m:n:o:q:r:s:v:WARNING: -G may create file systems which cause kernel panics sector size `%s' is not a power of 2.expected files per directorynumber of inodesunknown optimization preference: use `space' or `time'.invalid quota type %sbad mode `%s'Apple UFS volume name cannot contain ':' or '/'Apple UFS volume name cannot be zero lengthin-filesystem quota is incompatible with -O0mount `%s' failedbase=%p, size=%ld can't open file %scan't fstat opened %s%s: open for read%s is a block device. use raw device%s: open for write%s: getmntinfo%s is mounted on %sno default sector size%s partition is unavailableUnable to determine file system sizesize %llu exceeds maximum file system size on `%s' of %llu sectorscan't ftruncate %s to %lldcan't fstatvfs `%s'can't malloc buffer of %dCreating file system image in `%s', size %lld bytes, in %d byte chunks. writing imageWarning: chosen fsize of %d is less than Apple UFS minimum of %dWarning: chosen bsize of %d is greater than Apple UFS maximum of %d%s %s %d%%Warning: changing optimization to spacebecause minfree is less thanmfs:%d%s: mount: %sabnormal termination-B byteorder byte order (`be' or `le')-F create file system image in regular file-G make sanity calculations non-fatal (testing only!)-I do not check that the file system type is '4.2BSD'-N do not create file system, just print out parameters-O N filesystem format: 0 => 4.3BSD, 1 => FFSv1, 2 => FFSv2, 2ea => FFSv2 with extattrs-S secsize sector size-T disktype disk type-V verbose output verbosity: 0 ==> none, 4 ==> max-Z pre-zero the image file-a maxcontig maximum contiguous blocks-b bsize block size-d maxbsize maximum extent size-e maxbpg maximum blocks per file in a cylinder group-f fsize frag size-g avgfilesize average file size-g groupname group name of mount point-h avgfpdir average files per directory-i density number of bytes per inode-m minfree minimum free space %-n inodes number of inodes (overrides -i density)-o optim optimization preference (`space' or `time')-q (user|group) enable specified quota-p perm permissions (in octal)-s fssize file system size (sectors)-u username user name of mount point-v volname Apple UFS volume nameunknown gname %sunknown user %susage: %s [ fsoptions ] special-device mount-point usage: %s [ fsoptions ] special-device%s [disk-type]illegal expected average file size %d illegal expected number of files per directory %d block size must be a power of 2, not %d fragment size must be a power of 2, not %d fragment size %d is too small, minimum is %d block size %d is too small, minimum is %d block size %d is too large, maximum is %d block size (%d) cannot be smaller than fragment size (%d) Maxcontig raised to %d fragment size %d is too small, minimum with block size %d is %d Too many fragments (0x%llx) for a FFSv1 filesystem Filesystem size %lld < minimum size of %d CGSIZE miscalculated %d > %d %s: %.1fMB (%lld sectors) block size %d, fragment size %d using %d cylinder groups of %.2fMB, %d blks, %d inodes. preposterous size %lld %s%*llu,Error making filesystemNo space for superblocksetblock bad fs_fragshift %d isblock bad fs_fragshift %d clrblock bad fs_fragshift %d fsinit: inode value out of range (%llu). rdfs: read error for sector %lld: %s wtfs: write error for sector %lld: %s ilog2: %d is not a power of 2Cannot allocate I/O buffersuper-block backups (for fsck_ffs -b #) at:Panic: cylinder group too big Too many cylinder groups to fit summary information into first cylinder groupinternal error: can't find block in cyl 0first cylinder group ran out of spacecg 0: bad magic numberD:FINO:S:V:Zb:f:i:l:m:n:s:v:Bad inode size %d (only 128 and 256 supported)Volume name cannot be zero lengthusage: %s [ fsoptions ] special-device block size must be a power of 2, not %ufragment size must be a power of 2, not %ufragment size %u is too small, minimum is %ublock size %u is too small, minimum is %ublock size %u is too large, maximum is %ublock size (%u) can't be different from fragment size (%u)GOOD_OLD_REV file system format doesn't support %d byte inodeFilesystem size %lld < minimum size of %lldFailed to generate uuidVolume name is too longCan't allocate descriptors buffer%s: %u.%1uMB (%lld sectors) block size %u, fragment size %u using %u block groups of %u.0MB, %u blks, %u inodes. Preposterous size %lld%s: read error for sector %lldrdfs%s: can't allocate block for lost+found fsinit%s: can't allocate blocks for lost+found %s: can't allocate block for root dir %s: large_file rocompat feature is required to enable resize feature for this filesysteminit_resizeino%s: Can't allocate a dindirect block%s: Can't allocate buffer for a dindirect block%s: Can't allocate buffer for group descriptor blocks%s: too many reserved group descriptors (%u) for resize inode%s: too many block groups for the resize feature%s: inconsistent bitmap%s: can't allocate buffer for inodeiput%s: no free inode %llu in block group %u%s: inode %llu already in use%s: inode value out of range (%llu)%s: write error for sector %lldwtfs%s: %u is not a power of 2ilog2super-block backups (for fsck_ext2fs -b #) at:Cannot create socketCannot shutdown for readsetuidac:CdDfg:h:i:I:l:Lnop:PqQrRs:t:T:vw:Bad/invalid number of packets: %sBad/invalid interval: %sTiming interval %g too largeBad/invalid preload value: %sOnly one of -P and -p allowedBad/invalid packet size: %spacket size is too largebad tos value: %sttl out of range: %s-gBad/invalid maxwait time: %sMust be superuser to use -fMust be superuser to use < 1 sec ping intervalMust be superuser to use -lPacket interval must be at least 1 nsSorry, no audible output for flood pingsCan't allocate %d bytesCan't turn on socket debuggingSO_DONTROUTECan't set special IP headerCan't disable multicast loopbackCan't set multicast time-to-liveCan't set multicast source interfaceCan't set source interface/addressPING %s (%s): %d data bytes Cannot set the receive buffer sizerecvfromenablesignals: sigprocmaskpacket too short (%d bytes) from %s remote host does not support record route remote host does not support source route wrong total length %d instead of %d[*** sequence gap of %u packets from %u ... %u ***] wrong data byte #%d should have been %#x but was %#x LSRR: (same route) RR: NOP unknown option 0x%x%d bytes from %s: icmp_seq=%u DUP! ttl=%d time=%.*f ms ----%s PING Statistics---- %d packets transmitted, %d packets received, +%d duplicates, -- somebody's duplicating packets!%.1f%% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max/stddev = %.*f/%.*f/%.*f/%.*f ms %.1f packets/sec sent, %.1f packets/sec received Destination Net UnreachableDestination Host UnreachableDestination Protocol UnreachableDestination Port Unreachablefrag needed and DF set. Next MTU=%dSource Route FailedUnreachable unknown netUnreachable unknown hostUnreachable host isolatedNet prohibited accessHost prohibited accessBad TOS for netBad TOS for hostCommunication prohibitedHost precedence violationPrecedence cutoffBad Destination Unreachable Code: %dSource QuenchRedirect NetworkRedirect HostRedirect Type of Service and NetworkRedirect Type of Service and HostRedirect--Bad Code: %d New router addr: %sEcho Request: ID=%d seq=%dRouter Discovery AdvertRouter Discovery SolicitTime To Live exceededFrag reassembly time exceededTime exceeded, Bad Code: %dParameter problem: pointer = 0x%02xTimestampTimestamp ReplyInformation RequestAddress Mask RequestAddress Mask ReplyBad ICMP type: %d%d bytes from %s: TCP: from port %u, to port %u UDP: from port %u, to port %u ID=%u icmp_seq=%u for icmp_seq=%u%s (%s) %1x %1x %02x %04x %04x %1x %04x %02x %02x %04x %15s't turn off special IP headerfailed to clear cached routesendtowrote %s %d chars, ret=%dblocksignals: sigprocmask"-p %s": patterns must be specified with 1-32 hex digits %2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2xPATTERN: 0xCannot resolve "%s" (%s)%s only supported with IPusage: %s [-aCDdfLnoPQqRrv] [-c count] [-g gateway] [-h host] [-I addr] [-i interval] [-l preload] [-p pattern] [-s size] [-T ttl] [-t tos] [-w maxwait] host Vr HL TOS Len ID Flg off TTL Pro cks Src Dstdlnpqvxzhalted by %spowered off by %srebooted by %s: %srebooted by %s~SIGTSTP initSIGTERM all processesSIGKILL all processesWARNING: some process(es) wouldn't diereboot()(can't restart init): usage: %s [-dln%sqvxz] [-- ] atalkhopcountlockrestnostaticproto1proto2recvpiperttrttvarsendpipessthreshx25xnsflushallnocloningnoconnectednoblackholenorejectmplsbotched keyword: %sUsage: %s [-%s] cmd [[-] args] RTM_ADD: Add RouteRTM_DELETE: Delete RouteRTM_CHANGE: Change Metrics, Flags or GatewayRTM_GET: Report MetricsRTM_LOSING: Kernel Suspects PartitioningRTM_REDIRECT: Told to use different routeRTM_MISS: Lookup failed on this addressRTM_LOCK: fix specified metricsRTM_OLDADD: caused by SIOCADDRTRTM_OLDDEL: caused by SIOCDELRTRTM_OOIFINFO: iface status change (pre-1.5)RTM_OIFINFO: iface status change (pre-64bit time)RTM_IFANNOUNCE: iface arrival/departureRTM_IEEE80211: IEEE80211 wireless eventRTM_IFINFO: iface status changeRTM_NEWADDR: address being added to ifaceRTM_DELADDR: address being removed from ifaceRTM_CHGADDR: address being changed on ifaceroute-sysctl-estimateactual retrieval of routing table(address family %s) writing to routing socket: %swrite to routing socket, got %d for rlen%-20.20s routing message version %d not understood #%d: len %d, if# %d, %s, flags: pid %d, metric %d, addrflags: if# %d, what: re-associatedisassociatescan completejoinmichaelreplay mac %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x src %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x dst %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x cipher %hhu keyix %hhu key rsc %#llx frame rsc %#llxarrivalpid %d, seq %d, errno %d, flags: sockaddrs: locks: inits: not in tableentry in userouting table overflowold usage of trailing 0assuming route to ifold usage of trailing digitassuming route via gatewaymissing destination specificationmissing gateway specification-host and -net conflict: gateway %sInternal Error%s: bad value%s: address resolved to multiple valuesprefixlen is not supported with af %dsoup->so_dstsoup->so_gatesoup->so_masksoup->so_genmasksoup->so_ifpsoup->so_ifa%s: inet %s; %s: link %s; %s: inet6 %s; %s: (%d) %s; Examining routing table from sysctl (truncated)sysctl of routing table%-*.*s %-*.*s %-6.6s FlagsInternetInternet6EncapAppleTalk Protocol Family %d: %-6.6s (%d) %s%u.%u.%u.%u/%dillegal prefixlenaf %d: %s0123456789abcdef%6s %8s link#%dRouting tablesunspecswaponADUacdfghklmnop:qst:znoblk%s: there are swap or dump devices defined in /etc/fstab %s: no swap or dump devices in /etc/fstab usage: %s -a [-t blk|noblk] %s ... WARNING: %s is readable by the worldWARNING: %s is writable by the worldcould not set dump device to %s%s: setting dump device to %s could not get dump devicedump device is major %llu minor %llu %s: adding %s as swap device at priority 0 %s: removing %s as swap device swpriority=nfsmntpt=empty mountpoint/sbin/mount_nfs%s: mount failed/sbin/umount%s: adding %s as swap device at priority %d %s: failed to add %s as swap device %s: failed to remove %s as swap device %s: umount failedusage: %s -A [-f|-o] [-n] [-p priority] [-t blk|noblk|auto] %s -a [-p priority] path %s -q %s -c -p priority path %s -D dumpdev|none %s -d path %s -l | -s [-k|-m|-g|-h] %s -U [-n] [-t blk|noblk|auto] %s -z no dump device setno swap devices configuredSWAP_STATSSWAP_STATS different to SWAP_NSWAP (%d != %d)KBytesMBytesGBytes%-*s %*s %8s %8s %8s %s DeviceCapacityPriority%-*s %*ld %8ld %8ld %5.0f%% %d %-*s %*s %8s %8s %5.0f%% %d %s/%s swap space %ld/%ld %s swap space total: %s allocated, %s used, %s available. total: %ld %s allocated, %ld %s used, %ld %s available %-*s %*s %8s %8s %5.0f%% Total%-*s %*ld %8ld %8ld %5.0f%% fR%s: not currently mountedumount_%s%s: execvpUsage: %s [-fR] special | node Using %s mode to transfer files. changetype: unknown type %dTYPE %s %sTYPE %sbinarytenexWe only support %s mode, sorry. We only support %s format, sorry. We only support %s structure, sorry. local-fileremote-fileAPPESTOUSTORlocal-filesGlob pattern `%s' not foundr+Restart is not supported by the remote server. RETRremote-filesmregetSkipping non-relative filename `%s' Can't open source file %s Version: %s %s NetBSD-ftp20230516%s %s. Bell modeEditing support not compiled in; ignoring command. Packet tracingmark: bad bytecount value `%s'. Hash mark printing %s (%d bytes/hash mark)Verbose modeUse of PORT/LPRT cmdsProgress barInteractive modeDisabling gate-ftp mode - no gate-ftp server defined. Gate ftp: %s, server %s, port %s. GlobbingPreserve modification times%s: bad debugging value. Debugging %s (debug=%d). remote-directoryCWD command not recognized, trying XCWD. XCWD %sCan't chdir `%s'Local directory now: %s Unable to determine local directory DELE %sfrom-nameto-nameRNFR %sRNTO %sMLSD is not supported by the remote server. MLSDnlistNLSTpageroutput to local-file:mlsCan't execute `%s'Can't fork a subshell; try again laterusernameUSER %sPassword: PASS %sAccount: ACCT %sLogin failed. Unable to determine remote directory Remote directory: %s Local directory: %s directory-nameMKD command not recognized, trying XMKD. XMKD %sRMD command not recognized, trying XRMD. XRMD %scommand line to sendarguments to SITE commandSITE SITE CHMOD %s %sSITE UMASKSITE UMASK %sSITE IDLESITE IDLE %sHELPHELP %sQUITAccount:?Ambiguous command. ?Invalid command. ?Invalid proxy command. Not connected. Case mappingCarriage Return strippingNtrans off. Nmap off. mapoutPassive mode: %s; fallback to active mode: %s. EPSV/EPRT on IPv4EPSV/EPRT on IPv6Store uniqueReceive uniqueGet transfer rate throttle: %s; maximum: %d; increment %d. Put transfer rate throttle: %s; maximum: %d; increment %d. CDUPCDUP command not recognized, trying XCUP. XCUPrestart: Invalid offset `%s' No restart point defined. Restarting at %lld for next get, put or append SYSTLimit of 16 macros have already been defined. macro nameEnter macro line by line, terminating it with a null line. macdef: end of file encountered. Macro not defined - 4 KiB buffer exceeded. %s %lld %s %sSTATSTAT %sLocal file "%s" is newer than remote file "%s". sndbufxferbuf%s: size must be positive. Socket buffer sizes: send %d, receive %d. %-*s %s No such option `%s'. Setting `%s' to `%s'. Unsetting `%s'. FEAT is not supported by the remote server. FEATMLST is not supported by the remote server. MLSTMLST %sOPTS is not supported by the remote server. OPTS %sOPTS %s %s%s: unknown mode. nmap: unbalanced brackets. Continue with%s %s [anpqy?]? %s; %s aborted Prompting off for duration of %s. Interactive mode: off. confirmation options: a answer `yes' for the duration of %s n answer `no' for this file p turn off `prompt' mode q stop the current %s y answer `yes' for this file ? this help list accountbyecdupepsvepsv4epsv6featuresfgetidlelcdlpwdmacdefmdeletemgetmlstmodtimemputmsendnewernmapntranspassivepdirpmlsdquoteremoptsrhelprmdirrstatusruniquesendportsitesuniquethrottleanonpassftp_proxyhttp_proxyhttps_proxyno_proxyrpromptsslnoverify'%s' macro not found. Invalid URL `%s'http://file://ftp://Unsupported URL scheme `%.*s'localhostNo support for non local file URL `%s'Invalid URL (no file after host) `%s'No file after directory (you must specify an output file) `%s'copiedCan't seek to restart `%s'Copying %s (restarting at %lld)retrievedCan't restart via proxy URL `%s'Can't connect to `%s:%s'Requesting %s Writing HTTP requestalready done Size of `%s' differs from save file `%s'/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.bin/ftp/fetch.cfetch_urlrcvbuf_size > 0Unexpected EOF reading chunk-sizeInvalid chunk-sizeChunk-size `%.*s'Unexpected data following chunk-sizeUnexpected EOF reading chunk CRLFUnexpected data following chunkReading fileCan't change modification time to %sImproper response from `%s:%s'parse_url: invoked with NULL argument!Invalid %s `%s'Invalid address `%s' in %s `%s'Invalid IPv6 address `%s' in %s `%s'Unknown port `%s' in %s `%s'Scoped address notation `%s' disallowed via web proxyproxy URLMalformed proxy URL `%s'Can't LOOKUP `%s:%s': %sTrying [%s]:%s ... Trying %s:%s ... Can't create socket for connection to `%s:%s'$init %s: HTTP fetch timeout. (%svia %s:%uGET %s HTTP/1.0 GET %s HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Connection: close Range: bytes=%lld- restarting at %lldHost: %sHost: [%s]Pragma: no-cache Cache-Control: no-cache FTPUSERAGENTUser-Agent: %s User-Agent: %s/%s %swith authorization%swith proxy authorizationProxy-Authorization: %s Content-Length:Content-Range:Received unexpected Content-Range headerLast-Modified:Location:Transfer-Encoding:Bogus transfer encoding `binary' (fetching anyway)chunkedUnsupported transfer encoding `%s'Proxy-Authenticate:WWW-Authenticate:BasicNot expecting partial content headerNo redirection Location provided by serverToo many redirections requestedRedirected via %s Redirected to %s Error retrieving file `%s'Unknown error retrieving fileReceiving HTTP reply: %s %s: HTTP fetch aborted. ;type=a;type=i;type=dDirectory listing via a URL is not supportedInvalid suffix `%s' in URL `%s'*?[]{}Can't connect or login to host `%s:%s'%s: unknown transfer type %dfetch_ftp ftp: The `CWD ' command (without a directory), which is required by RFC 3986 to support the empty directory in the URL pathname (`//'), conflicts with the server's conformance to RFC 959. Try the same URL without the `//' in the URL pathname. Can't lookup `%s:%s': %sCan't determine my address of connection to `%s:%s'Can't fdopen socketConnected to %s. No control connection for command421 Service not available, %s. local: %s %s: not a plain file. REST %lld/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.bin/ftp/ftp.csendrequestsndbuf_size > 0Writing to networkCan't access `%s'Can't chmod `%s'recvrequestReading from networkWARNING! %d bare linefeeds received in ASCII mode. File may not have transferred correctly. Can't change modification time on %s to %sCan't create socket for data connectionEPSVwrong server: return code must be 229 PASVLPSVPassive mode refused. Passive mode AF mismatch. Shouldn't happen! wrong server: return code must be 227 Passive mode address scan failure. Shouldn't happen! Passive mode address mismatch. wrong server: return code must be 228 %u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%uUnknown passive mode AF. %c%c%c%d%cparse error! Can't set SO_REUSEADDR on data connectionCan't bind for data connectionCan't determine my address of data connectionCan't listen to data connectionEPRT |%u|%s|%s|PORT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%dLPRT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%dCan't poll waiting before acceptPoll timeout waiting before acceptCan't accept data connectionproxy server does not support third party transfers. No primary connection. PORT %slocal: %s remote: %s Error aborting proxy commandError resetting connectionrunique: can't find unique file name. Lost control connection for abortCan't send abort message%cABOR Usage error remote server timed out. Connection closeduser interrupt. Connection closedremote server has closed connection receive sendabortxfer: unknown direction `%s' aborted. Waiting for remote to finish abort. remote abort aborted; closing connection. FTPSERVERPORTftpgateNETRC$NETRC `%s': %sFTPMODEUnknown $FTPMODE `%s'; using defaultspftpFTPSERVERNeither $FTPSERVER nor GATE_SERVER is defined; disabling gate-ftp:46Aab:defgH:inN:o:pP:q:r:Rs:tT:u:vVx:Bad buflen value: %sBad quit value: %sBad retry value: %sBad throttle value `%s'Bad xferbuf value: %s-%c: unknown option-%c: missing argumentunimplemented option -%cCan't lookup `%s': %sanonymous/.netrc%s/.netrc: %sFTPANONPASSPAGERFTPPROMPTftp> FTPRPROMPTFTPSSLNOVERIFYRetrying in %d seconds... prompt: no such option `prompt'rprompt: no such option `rprompt'Sorry, input line is too long. %sommands may be abbreviated. Commands are: Proxy c?Ambiguous %s command `%s' ?Invalid %s command `%s' getoptionvalue: invoked with NULL namegetoptionvalue: invoked with unknown option `%s'usage: %s [-46AadefginpRtVv] [-H HEADER] [-N NETRC] [-o OUTPUT] [-P PORT] [-q QUITTIME] [-r RETRY] [-s SRCADDR] [-T DIR,MAX[,INC]] [-x XFERSIZE] [[USER@]HOST [PORT]] [[USER@]HOST:[PATH][/]] [file:///PATH] [ftp://[USER[:PASSWORD]@]HOST[:PORT]/PATH[/][;type=TYPE]] [http://[USER[:PASSWORD]@]HOST[:PORT]/PATH] ... %s -u URL FILE ... %s -? %s: transfer aborted because stalled for %lu sec. %3d%% |%.*s%*s| %5lld %-3s %3lld.%02d %.2sB/s --:-- ETA - stalled -%02d:%02d ETA%lld byte%s %s in %d day%s %02d:%02d (%lld.%02d %.2sB/s) ETA: %02d:%02d (stalled)KiBMiBGiBTiBPiBEiBCan't read `%s'Error: .netrc file is readable by othersRemove password or make file unreadable by othersRemove account or make file unreadable by othersMissing macdef name argument. Macro definition missing null line terminator. 4 KiB macro buffer exceeded. Unknown .netrc keyword `%s'Token in .netrc too longAlready connected to %s, use close first. main: gateserver not definedConnecting via pass-through server %s non-print Remote system type is %.*s. unix215 TOPS20Remember to set tenex mode when transferring binary files from this machine. lostpeer due to signal %dName (%s:%s): Name (%s): %s; %s aborted. Login failedSorry, arguments too long. (%s) operationftpXXXXXXXXXXUnable to create temporary file `%s'Can't find list of remote filesSIZE is not supported by remote server. SIZE %sMDTM is not supported by remote server. MDTM %s191Y2K warning! Incorrect time-val `%s' received from server. Converted to `%s' %Y%m%d%H%M%SCan't parse time `%s'. %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z Can't convert RFC 2822 time: buffer too small%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT%a, %d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S GMT%a, %b %d %H:%M:%S %YUnable to determine real path of `%s'crankrate invoked with unknown signal: %dUnable to determine rcvbuf sizeUnable to determine sndbuf sizeUnable to set sndbuf size %dUnable to set rcvbuf size %d EOF receivedError encounteredInput line is too longCan't bind to `%s'Can't %s socket flags for connect to `%s:%s'Can't set socket non-blocking for connect to `%s:%s'Option %s must be boolean (1 or 0) Unable to allocate %ld bytes of memoryUnable to allocate memory for stringlistUnable to add `%s' to stringlistftp_strdup: called with NULL argumentUnable to allocate memory for string copyMDTMREST STREAMTVFSInput line is too long (specify -b > 16384)123456789cdhlVn(stdin)can't read stdin(stdin): unexpected end of fileread of uncompressed size%12llu %12llu %2.2d.%5s%%malloc failedfailed to read stdin%s: unexpected end of file%s: trailing garbage ignoredinput not gziped (MAGIC0)input not gziped (MAGIC1)unknown compression method1.3.1failed to inflateInitZ_NEED_DICT errordata stream errorinternal stream errormemory allocation errorunknown error from inflate(): %derror writing to outputtruncated inputinvalid compressed data--crc errorinvalid compressed data--length errordecompression errordeflateInit2 faileddeflate faileddeflateEnd failed%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%csnprintfcan't stat: %s%s is a directory%s is not a regular file.gzcan't stat %s%s: unknown suffix -- ignoredcan't read %scouldn't close inputcouldn't close output%s: uncompress failedcouldn't open (leaving original): %scouldn't stat (leaving original): %sstat gave different size: %lld != %lld (leaving original)could not create output: %susage: %s [-123456789cdhlVn] [ [ ...]] compressed uncompressed ratio uncompressed_name%lu: %s: unexpected EOF (pending }'s)0123456789/\$%lu: %s: command expected%lu: %s: invalid command code %c%lu: %s: command %c expects up to %d address(es), found %d%lu: %s: unexpected }%lu: %s: extra characters at the end of %c command%lu: %s: command %c expects \ followed by text%lu: %s: extra characters after \ at the end of %c command%lu: %s: filename expectedw commandread commandbranch%lu: %s: empty label%lu: %s: substitute pattern can not be delimited by newline or backslash%lu: %s: unterminated substitute pattern%lu: %s: extra text at the end of a transform command%lu: %s: unterminated regular expression%lu: %s: expected context address%lu: %s: whitespace after %s%lu: %s: duplicate label '%s'%lu: %s: \ can not be used as a string delimiter%lu: %s: newline can not be used as a string delimiter%lu: %s: unbalanced brackets ([])%lu: %s: RE error: %s%lu: %s: \%c not defined in the RE%lu: %s: unescaped newline inside substitute pattern%lu: %s: unterminated substitute in regular expression%lu: %s: more than one number or 'g' in substitute flags%lu: %s: overflow in the 'N' substitute flag%lu: %s: no wfile specified%lu: %s: bad flag in substitute command: '%c'%lu: %s: transform pattern can not be delimited by newline or backslash%lu: %s: unterminated transform source string%lu: %s: unterminated transform target string%lu: %s: transform strings are not the same length%lu: %s: undefined label '%s'%lu: %s: unused label '%s'EGI::ae:f:gi::lnrusetting line buffered output failedsetting unbuffered output failed ..."-I or -i may not be used with stdinrename()fclose()%s: %s %sin-place editing onlyworks for regular files%s/.!%ld!%sUsage: %s [-aEGglnru] command [file ...] %s [-aEGglnru] [-e command] [-f command_file] [-I[extension]] [-i[extension]] [file ...] malloc(%zu)realloc(%zu)calloc(%zu, %zu)first RE may not be empty%lu: %s: \%u not defined in the RE\%c\abfrtv\%03oG:g:u:too many supplementary groups providedsetgroupssetgid-ino such user `%s'no such group `%s'Usage: %s [-G group,group,...] [-g group] [-u user] newroot [command] Could not initialize menu system, please check your terminal type. ExitZeroconf/sbin/reboot -q/bin/sh -i -E/sbin/halt -q%-35s %.50s.tgzgoogle-public-dns-a.google.com (IPv4)google-public-dns-b.google.com (IPv4)google-public-dns-a.google.com (IPv6)google-public-dns-b.google.com (IPv6) mdnsd onlyrun mdnsd and resolve local namesdo not run mdnsdmdnsd+nsswitchAdditional packagesaes-xtsaes-cbc3des-cbcblowfish-cbcencblkno1encblkno8pkcs5_pbkdf2/sha1pkcs5_pbkdf2storedkeyurandomkeyshell_cmdre-enter9600192003840057600115200BIOSWindow too short (m->h %d, m->numopts %d, exithadd %d, y %d, max_lines %d, hadd %d) for menu "%.30s" Screen too narrow (%d + %d > %d) for menu "%s" Could not create window (%d + %d, %d + %d, %d, %d) for menu "%s" <: page up, >: page down%c: Help: exit: x, page up: u <, page down: d >Installation messages in Englishen_US.ISO8859-1Out of memory!SomeOnOffunchangedDelete?reinstall sets forupgradeNetBSD/i386 10.99.12 This menu-driven tool is designed to help you install NetBSD to a hard disk, or upgrade an existing NetBSD system, with a minimum of work. In the following menus type the reference letter (a, b, c, ...) to select an item, or type CTRL+N/CTRL+P to select the next/previous item. The arrow keys and Page-up/Page-down may also work. Activate the current selection from the menu by typing the enter key. Thank you for using NetBSD! You have chosen to install NetBSD on your hard disk. This will change information on your hard disk. You should have made a full backup before this procedure! This procedure will do the following things: a) Partition your disk b) Create new BSD file systems c) Load and install distribution sets d) Some initial system configuration (After you enter the partition information but before your disk is changed, you will have the opportunity to quit this procedure.) Shall we continue? Ok, let's upgrade NetBSD on your hard disk. As always, this will change information on your hard disk. You should have made a full backup before this procedure! Do you really want to upgrade NetBSD? (This is your last warning before this procedure starts modifying your disks.) Ok, let's unpack the NetBSD distribution sets to a bootable hard disk. This procedure just fetches and unpacks sets onto a pre-partitioned bootable disk. It does not label disks, upgrade bootblocks, or save any existing configuration info. (Quit and choose `install' or `upgrade' if you want those options.) You should have already done an `install' or `upgrade' before starting this procedure! Do you really want to reinstall NetBSD distribution sets? (This is your last warning before this procedure starts modifying your disks.) Mounting %s failed. Continue? I can not find any hard disks for use by NetBSD. You will be returned to the original menu. I found only one disk, %s. Therefore I assume you want to %s NetBSD on it. On which disk do you want to %s NetBSD? Available disksExisting "wedges"mount point (or '-')MBGBYou can use a simple editor to set the sizes of the NetBSD partitions, or apply the default partition sizes and contents.If you do not want to use the existing partitions, you can use a simple editor to set the sizes of the NetBSD partitions, or remove existing ones and apply the default partition sizes. You will then be given the opportunity to change any of the partition details. The NetBSD (or free) part of your disk ($0) is $3. A full installation requires at least $4 without X and at least $5 if the X sets are included.Choosing mega- or gigabytes will give partition sizes close to your choice, but aligned to cylinder boundaries. Choosing sectors will allow you to more accurately specify the sizes. On most disks, there is little to gain from cylinder alignment. On very old disks, it is most efficient to choose partition sizes that are exact multiples of your actual cylinder size. Choose your size specifierYou can now change the sizes for the system partitions. The default is to allocate all the space to the root file system. However, you may wish to have separate /usr (additional system files), /var (log files etc) or /home (users' home directories) file systems. Free space will be added to the partition marked with a '+'.Other markers: $0 partition.'=' existing'@' externalMount point?Size for %s in %s?Change input units (sectors/cylinders/MB/GB)NetBSD partitionWhole diskBoot partitionAdd a user defined partitionGo on. Free space $0 $1.Abort. Not enough space, $0 $1 missing!The start value you specified is beyond the end of the disk. With this value, the partition end is beyond the end of the disk. Your partition size has been truncated. This disk ($0) is too large ($3) for a $2 partition table (max $4), hence only the start of the disk is usable. What would you like to do to the existing partitions?keep (use only part of disk)delete (all data will be lost!)convert to another partitioning methodCould not convert all partitionsWe now have your $2 partitions for $0 below. This is your last chance to change them. Flags: $3(N)ewfs$4. Total size: $5, free: $6FS typePartition sizes okThe current values for this partition are displayed below. Select the field you wish to change:mount optionsToggleRestore original valuesSelect the typeother typesSpecial values that can be entered for the size value: -1: use until the end $0: use until the given partitionSize (max $1 $2)Special values that can be entered for the offset value: -1: start at the beginning $0: start at the end of given partition $1: start at the beginning of given free spaceStart ($2)Badly formed numberPlease enter a name for your NetBSD diskOk, we are now ready to install NetBSD on your hard disk (%s). Nothing has been written yet. This is your last chance to quit this process before anything gets changed. Shall we continue? Ok, the first part of the procedure is finished. Sysinst has written a disklabel to the target disk, and newfs'ed and fsck'ed the new partitions you specified for the target disk. Ok, the first part of the procedure is finished. Sysinst has written a disklabel to the target disk, and fsck'ed the new partitions you specified for the target disk. Could not open %s, error message was: %s. mount of device $0 on $1 failed. The extraction of the selected sets for NetBSD-10.99.12 is complete. The system is now able to boot from the selected hard disk. To complete the installation, sysinst will give you the opportunity to configure some essential things first. The installation of NetBSD-10.99.12 is now complete. The system should boot from hard disk. Follow the instructions in the INSTALL document about final configuration of your system. We also recommend reading the afterboot(8) manpage; it contains a list of things to be checked after the first complete boot. At a minimum, you should edit /etc/rc.conf to match your needs. See /etc/defaults/rc.conf for the default values. The upgrade to NetBSD-10.99.12 is now complete. You will now need to follow the instructions in the INSTALL document as to what you need to do to get your system reconfigured for your situation. Remember to (re)read the afterboot(8) manpage as it may contain new items since your last upgrade. Unpacking additional release sets of NetBSD-10.99.12 is now complete. You will now need to follow the instructions in the INSTALL document to get your system reconfigured for your situation. The afterboot(8) manpage can also be of some help. If you unpacked the etc set, you will need to edit /etc/rc.conf to get a multi-user system. At a minimum, you will need to change rc_configured=NO to rc_configured=YES. Your disk is now ready for installing the kernel and the distribution sets. As noted in your INSTALL notes, you have several options. For ftp or nfs, you must be connected to a network with access to the proper machines. Sets selected %d, processed %d, Next set %s. The NetBSD distribution is broken into a collection of distribution sets. There are some basic sets that are needed by all installations and there are some other sets that are optional. You may choose to install a core set (Minimal installation), all of them (Full installation), or a custom group of sets (Custom installation). The following are the $1 site, directory, user, and password that will be used. If "user" is "ftp", then the password is not needed. e-mail addressEnter the nfs host and server directory where the distribution is located. Remember, the directory should contain the $0 files and must be nfs mountable. Enter the floppy device to be used and transfer directory on the target file system. The set files must be in the root directory of the floppies. Enter the CDROM device to be used and directory on the CDROM where the distribution is located. Remember, the directory should contain the $0 files. Could not locate a CD medium in any drive with the distribution sets! Enter the correct data manually, or insert a disk and retry. Cancel installationBack to source selection & retryAvailable CDs Multiple CDs found. Please select the one containing the install CD.The installation sets have not been found at the default location on this CD. Please check the device and path name.Enter the unmounted local device and directory on that device where the distribution is located. Remember, the directory should contain the $0 files. Enter the already-mounted local directory where the distribution is located. Remember, the directory should contain the $0 files. I can not find any network interfaces for use by NetBSD. You will be returned to the previous menu. The following network interfaces are active: %s Does one of them connect to the required server?Which network device would you like to use?Available interfacesTo be able to use the network, we need answers to the following: Your DNS domainYour host nameYour IPv4 addressServer IPv4 addressIPv4 NetmaskYour name serverIPv4 gatewayNetwork media type (empty to autoconfigure)Wi-Fi SSID?Wi-Fi passphrase?The following are the values you entered. DNS Domain: %s Host Name: %s Nameserver: %s Primary Interface: %s Media type: %s Host IP: %s Netmask: %s IPv4 Gateway: %s The following are the values you entered. Are they OK? DNS Domain: %s Host Name: %s Nameserver: %s Primary Interface: %s Media type: %s Host IP: %s Server IP: %s Netmask: %s IPv4 Gateway: %s IPv6 autoconf: %s Are they OK? Waiting while network interface comes up. Could not create /etc/resolv.conf. Install aborted. Could not change to directory $0: $1. Install aborted.Delete after installRelease set $0 does not exist.All selected distribution sets unpacked successfully.There were problems unpacking distribution sets. Your installation is incomplete. You selected %d distribution sets. %d sets couldn't be found and %d were skipped after an error occurred. Of the %d that were attempted, %d unpacked without errors and %d with errors. Aborting installation. Please recheck your distribution source and consider reinstalling sets from the main menu.Partitioning aborted.The distribution was not successfully loaded. You will need to proceed by hand. Installation aborted. The distribution was not successfully loaded. You will need to proceed by hand. Upgrade aborted. Unpacking additional sets was not successful. You will need to proceed by hand, or choose a different source for release sets and try again. There is a big problem! Can not create /mnt/etc/fstab. Bailing out! Help! No /etc/fstab in target disk %s. Aborting upgrade. Help! Can't parse /etc/fstab in target disk %s. Aborting upgrade. I cannot save %s/bin/X as %s/bin/X.old, because the target disk already has an %s/bin/X.old. Please fix this before continuing. One way is to start a shell from the Utilities menu, examine the target %s/bin/X and %s/bin/X.old. If %s/bin/X.old is from a completed upgrade, you can rm -f %s/bin/X.old and restart. Or if %s/bin/X.old is from a recent, incomplete upgrade, you can rm -f %s/bin/X and mv %s/bin/X.old to %s/bin/X Aborting upgrade.There was a problem in setting up the network. Either your gateway or your nameserver was not reachable by a ping. Do you want to configure your network again? ("No" allows you to continue anyway or abort the install process.) Would you like to continue the install process anyway, and assume that the network is working? ("No" aborts the install process.) Making device nodes ... It appears that $0 is not a $1 file system or the fsck was not successful. Try mounting it anyway? (Error number $2.) target root is missing %s. The completed new root file system failed a basic sanity check. Are you sure you installed all the required sets? Floppy file system typeCould not find the file on the floppy. The floppy was not mounted successfully. Please load the floppy containing the file named "%s.%s". If the set has no more disks, select "Set finished" to install the set. Select "Abort fetch" to return to the install media selection menu. Is the network information you entered accurate for this machine in regular operation and do you want it installed in /etc? The following is the list of distribution sets that will be used. Distribution set Selected ---------------------------------- -------- BaseBase 32-bit compatibility librariesBase 64-bit compatibility librariesConfiguration files (/etc)Compiler toolsDevicetree hardware descriptionsGamesGraphics driver firmwareManual pagesManual pages (HTML)MiscellaneousKernel modulesRecovery toolsTest programsText processing toolsX11 setsX11 base and clientsX11 configurationX11 fontsX11 serversX11 programmingSource and debug setsKernel sourcesBase sourcesShare sourcesGNU sourcesX11 sourcesDebug symbolsDebug symbols (32-bit)Debug symbols (64-bit)X11 debug symbolsSelect all the above setsDeselect all the above setsInstall selected setsThere was an error in extracting the file %s. That means some files were not extracted correctly and your system will not be complete. Continue extracting sets?There must be a single partition marked to be mounted on '/'.partitions $0 and $1 overlap.No bootcode for specified FS type of root partitionSorry, the root file system can't be FFSv2 due to lack of bootloader support on this port. You can either edit the partition table by hand, or give up and return to the main menu. Edit the partition table again?Could not open config file $0Please choose the timezone that fits you best from the list below. Press RETURN to select an entry. Press 'x' followed by RETURN to quit the timezone selection. Default: %s Selected: %s Local time: %s %s Back to main timezone listThe disk that you selected has a swap partition that may currently be in use if your system is low on memory. Because you are going to repartition this disk, this swap partition will be disabled now. Please beware that this might lead to out of swap errors. Should you get such an error, please restart the system and try again.Sysinst failed to deactivate the swap partition on the disk that you chose for installation. Please reboot and try again.The root password of the newly installed system has not yet been initialized, and is thus empty. Do you want to set a root password for the system now?The root password of the newly installed system has not yet been initialized. If you do not want to set a password, enter an empty line.You can now select which shell to use for the root user. The default is /bin/sh, but you may prefer another one. There is no defined root file system. You need to define at least one mount point with "/". Press to continue. Enter slattach flags Pick an option to turn on or off.ScriptingLogging Status: Command: RunningFinishedCommand failedCommand ended on signalNetBSD-10.99.12 Install SystemExit Install SystemInstall NetBSD to hard diskUpgrade NetBSD on a hard diskRe-install sets or install additional setsReboot the computerUtility menuConfig menuBack to main menuNetBSD-10.99.12 UtilitiesRun /bin/shSet timezoneConfigure networkPartition a diskLogging functionsHalt the systemYes or no?Hit enter to continueChoose your installationUse existing $1 partitionsSet sizes of NetBSD partitionsUse default partition sizesManually define partitionsDelete everything, use different partitions (not $1)GigabytesMegabytesCylindersInstall fromFTPHTTPNFSCD-ROM / DVD / install image mediaFloppyUnmounted fsLocal directorySelect your distributionFull installationInstallation without X11Minimal installationCustom installation** hidden **Base directoryBinary set directorySource set directoryFile extensionTransfer directoryDownload viaUserPasswordProxyGet DistributionContinueWhat do you want to do?Try againSet finishedSkip setSkip set groupAbandon installationAbort fetchFile system Select DNS serverother Perform autoconfiguration?Root shellUser shellColor schemeWhite on blackBlack on whiteWhite on blueGreen on blackThe directory where the old a.out shared libraries should be moved to could not be created. Please try the upgrade procedure again and make sure you have mounted all file systems.Either the /emul/aout or /emul directory on your system was a symbolic link pointing to an unmounted file system. It has been given a '.old' extension. Once you bring your upgraded system back up, you may need to take care of merging the newly created /emul/aout directory with the old one. Sendmail is no longer in this release of NetBSD, default MTA is postfix. The file /etc/mailer.conf still chooses the removed sendmail. Do you want to upgrade /etc/mailer.conf automatically for postfix? If you choose "No" you will have to update /etc/mailer.conf yourself to ensure proper email delivery.To use the network interface %s, you must agree to the license in file %s. To view this file now, you can type ^Z, look at the contents of the file and then type "fg" to resume.To configure the binary package system, please choose the network location to fetch packages from. Once your system comes up, you can use 'pkgin' to install additional packages, or remove packages.Enabling binary packages with pkgin requires setting up the repository. The following are the host, directory, user, and password that will be used. If "user" is "ftp", then the password is not needed. Making backup of rc.conf failed. Continue?rc.conf backup saved to %s.Restoring backup rc.conf failed.Deleting old %s entry failed.Package directoryconfigure a prior installation ofpassword setDONEAbandoned***EMPTY***TimezoneChange root passwordEnable installation of binary packagesEnable sshdEnable ntpdRun ntpdate at bootEnable multicast DNS supportEnable xdmEnable cgdEnable lvmEnable raidframeAdd a userConfigure the additional items as needed.Finished configuringInstall pkgin and update package summaryYour system is now configured to use pkgin to install binary packages. To install a package, run: pkgin install from a root shell. Read the pkgin(1) manual page for further information.Fetch and unpack pkgsrcInstalling pkgsrc requires unpacking an archive retrieved over the network. The following are the host, directory, user, and password that will be used. If "user" is "ftp", then the password is not needed. pkgsrc directoryNetwork configuration failed. Retry?Quit without installing pkgsrcQuit installing binary pkgsInstallation of pkgin failed, possibly because no binary packages exist. Please check the package path and try again.Mountpoint (or 'raid', 'cgd', 'lvm')?Extended partitioningEdit partitionsPreconfigured "wedges" dk(4)RemoveAddThis removes all partitions on the disk!Save changes before finishing?Changes cannot be saved.No root partition defined. Cannot continue Username to add (maximum 8 characters)Do you wish to add this user to group wheel?Delete partitionThe selected partition does not seem to have a valid file system. Do you want to newfs (format) it?A swap partition (named $1) seems to exist on $0. Do you want to use that?BSD disklabeldisklabel (NetBSD only)The disk seems not to have been partitioned before. Please select a partitioning scheme from the available options below. Please select a different partitioning scheme from the available options below. Some schemes have size limits and can only be used for the start of huge disks. The limit is displayed below.This device ($0) is $1 big.Max:Add a partition (no partition defined)Invalid file system type code (0 .. 255)CancelInvalid valueInvalid GUIDRe-editAbort installationFile system type code (upto 255)Too many partitions$0 already defined!This is an already existing partition. To change its size, the partition will need to be deleted and later recreated. All data in this partition will be lost. Would you like to delete this partition and continue?Non-deletable system partitionavg file size$0 bytes (for number of inodes)4 fragmentsSelect file system block sizeSelect file system fragment sizeaverage file size (bytes)Invalid numeric!Too large!Space at $0..$1 $3 (size $2 $3) FFSv2eaFFSLinux Ext2 (old)Other typeEdit name of the diskThe name of the disk is arbitrary. It is useful for distinguishing between multiple disks. It may also be used when auto-creating dk(4) "wedges" for this disk. Enter disk nameDo you want to re-edit the $1 partitions?We are now going to install NetBSD on the disk $0. NetBSD requires a single partition in the disk's $1 partition table, this is split further by the $2. NetBSD can also access file systems in other $3 partitions. If you select 'Use the entire disk' then the previous contents of the disk will be overwritten and a single $3 partition used to cover the entire disk. If you want to install more than one operating system then edit the $3 partition table and create a partition for NetBSD. About $5 is enough for a basic installation, but you should allow extra for additional software and user files. Allow at least $6 if you want to build NetBSD itself.What would you like to do?Edit the $1 partition tableUse the entire disk Total size of $0 is $1, available: $2FlagPartition table OKDon't changeOtherThere is no NetBSD partition in the $1.There are multiple NetBSD partitions in the $1. You should set the 'install' flag on the one you want to use.Your disk currently has a non-NetBSD partition. Do you really want to overwrite that partition with NetBSD? Partition OKThe Current $2 partition table of $0 is shown below. Flags: (I)nstall here$3. Select the partition you wish to change: , (C)lone(I)nstall, Guid Partition Table (GPT)LabelGPT TypeUse this partitions anyway, (B)ootable(Other: $0)current systemClone external partition(s)Please select an external source partition:Your currently selected source partitions are:Clone with dataAdd another partitionAdd at endInsert cloned partitions before:cloned partition(s)Source selection OK, proceed to target selectionYour network seems to work fine. Should we skip the configuration and just use the network as-is?Keyboard typeInstalling the bad block table ... Would you like to install the normal set of bootblocks or serial bootblocks? Normal bootblocks use the BIOS console device as the console (usually the monitor and keyboard). Serial bootblocks use the selected serial port as the console. Selected bootblock: Serial port com%d at %d baudUnchangedBootblocks selectionUse BIOS consoleUse serial port com0Use serial port com1Use serial port com2Use serial port com3Set serial baud rateUse existing bootblocksInstalling boot blocks on %s.... This disk matches the following BIOS disk: BIOS # cylinders heads sectors total sectors GB ------ --------- ----- ------- ------------- ---- This is the correct geometrySet the geometry by handUse one of these disksThis disk matches the following BIOS disks: BIOS # cylinders heads sectors total sectors GB ------ --------- ----- ------- ------------- ---- %-1d: %#6x %9d %5d %7d %13u %3u Note: since sysinst was able to uniquely match the disk you chose with a disk known to the BIOS, the values displayed above are very likely correct, and should not be changed (the values for cylinders, heads and sectors are probably 1023, 255 and 63 - this is correct). You should only change the geometry if you know the BIOS reports incorrect values. Choose disk: The NetBSD part of the disk lies outside of the range that the BIOS on your machine can address. Booting from it may not be possible. Are you sure you that you want to do this? (Answering 'no' will take you back to the partition edit menu.)You have more than one operating system on this disk, but have not specified a 'bootmenu' for either the active partition, or the NetBSD partition that you are going to install into. Do you want to re-edit the partition to add a bootmenu entry?You have requested that an extended partition be included in the bootmenu. However your system BIOS doesn't appear to support the read command used by that version of the bootmenu code. Are you sure you that you want to do this? (Answering 'no' will take you back to the partition edit menu.)Your configuration requires the NetBSD bootselect code to select which operating system to use. It is not currently installed, do you want to install it now?The bootcode in the Master Boot Record does not appear to be valid. Do you want to install the NetBSD bootcode?Do you want to update the bootcode in the Master Boot Record to the latest version of the NetBSD bootcode?Kernel (GENERIC)Kernel (GENERIC_KASLR)KindMountBootmenuYou have not marked a partition active. This may cause your system to not start up properly. Should the NetBSD partition of the disk be marked active? You will be prompted for the geometry. Please enter the number of sectors per track (maximum 63) and number of heads (maximum 256) that the BIOS uses to access the disk. The number of cylinders will be calculated from the disk size. Sysinst could not automatically determine the BIOS geometry of the disk. The physical geometry is %d cylinders %d sectors %d heads Using the information already on the disk, my best guess for the BIOS geometry is %d cylinders %d sectors %d heads real geom: %d cyl, %d heads, %d sec (NB: for comparison only) BIOS geom: %d cyl, %d heads, %d sec Partition kind (0..255)There can only be one extended partition, (a)ctive, (d)efault bootWriting the $2 partition table to $0... Rewrite of MBR failed. I can't continue.The partition needs to start within the Extended PartitionThe Extended Partition must be able to hold all contained partitionsCan not delete a non-empty extended partition!This partition is not inside the extended partition and there is no free slot in the primary boot recordNo space in the primary boot block. You may consider deleting one partition, creating an extended partition and then re-adding the deleted oneMaster Boot Record (MBR)Invalid partition type (0 .. 255)Fill with zerosFill with random data0 - No parity, simple striping.1 - Mirroring. The parity is the mirror.4 - Striping with parity stored on the last component.5 - Striping with distributed parity. Device is blocked. Editing it may cause problems. Do you want to force unblock it and continue?Do you want to try?Create cryptographic volume (CGD)Create virtual disk image (VND)Create volume group (LVM VG)Create logical volumeCreate software RAIDUpdate device listSave changesBLOCKEDUNCHANGED(mounted)(unused)GPT-labeled diskFinish partitioningLimit for the device count was reached!Invalid device!Available disks:Cannot allocate device node!This is the extended partition manager. All disks, partitions, etc. are listed below. To use RAID, LVM, or CGD: 1) Create partitions with the appropriate type; 2) Create RAID/LVM VG/CGD using these partitions; 3) Save changes; 4) Create partitions for RAID/CGD or Logical Volumes for LVM.$0 (level $1)EMPTY RAID!DisksSparesRAID levelnumRowsectPerSUSUsPerParityUnitSUsPerReconUnitMulti-dimensional arrays are NOT supported!numRow?numCol?numSpare?sectPerSU?SUsPerParityUnit?SUsPerReconUnit?Disks in RAID:PATH NOT DEFINED!ASSIGNFile pathCreate new imageRead-onlySet geometry by handBytes per SectorSectors per TrackTracks per CylinderFile path?Size (MB)?Bytes per Sector?Sectors per Track?Tracks per Cylinder?Cylinders?DISK NOT DEFINED!Base deviceEncryptionKey sizeIV algorithmKey generationVerification methodDisks in VGEMPTY VG!PV'sNameMaxLogicalVolumesMaxPhysicalVolumesPhysicalExtentSizeName?MaxLogicalVolumes?MaxPhysicalVolumes?PhysicalExtentSize?Logical volumeContiguousLogicalExtentsNumberMinor numberMirrorsMirrorLogRegionSizePersistent minor numberReadAheadSectorsStripesStripeSizeZeroing of the first KBLogicalExtentsNumber?Minor number?Mirrors?MirrorLogRegionSize?ReadAheadSectors?Stripes?Operation not supported!Switch partitioning schemeFormat as RAIDFormat as LVM PVEncrypt (CGD)Safe eraseUndo changesUnconfigureForce umountSet up entropyNot now, continue!This system seems to lack a cryptographically strong pseudo random number generator. There is not enough entropy available to create secure keys (e.g. ssh host keys). If you plan to use this installation for production work and will for example have ssh host keys generated, we strongly advise to complete the entropy setup now! You may use random data generated on another computer and load it here, or you could enter random characters manually. If you have a USB random number device, connect it now and select the "Re-test" option.Manually input random charactersLoad raw binary random dataImport a NetBSD entropy fileRe-testEnter one line of random characters.They should contain at last 256 bits of randomness, as in 256 coin tosses, 100 throws of a 6-sided die, 64 random hexadecimal digits, or (if you are able to copy & paste output from another machine into this installer) the output from running the following command on another machine whose randomness you trust:A line of any length and content will be accepted and assumed to contain at least 256 bits of randomness. If it actually contains less, the installed system may not be secure.Please select how you want to transfer the random data file to this machine:Download via ftpDownload via httpStart downloadLoad from a NFS shareLoad from a local file system (e.g. a USB device)Path/fileLoad random dataRandom data file pathSelect a server, a share and the file path to load the $0.Since not enough entropy is available on this system, all crytographic operations are suspect to replay attacks. Please only use trustworthy local networks.random data binary fileOn a system with cryptographically strong pseudo random number generator you can create a file with random binary data like this:NetBSD entropy seed fileOn a NetBSD system with cryptographically strong pseudo random number generator you can create an entropy snapshot like this:Path and filenameEnter the unmounted local device and directory on that device where the random data is located.MSGTXTSmsg_prompt_win: newwin(%d, %d, %d, %d) failed [sysinst: environment variable TERM not set. Dr:f:C:m:p%u:%usysinst: screen too small 10.99.12xfer dir/usr/INSTALLext dirext src dirftp hostnyftp.NetBSD.orgnycdn.NetBSD.orgftp dirpub/NetBSD-daily/HEAD/latestftp prefix/i386/binary/setsftp src prefix/source/setsftp userftp passftp proxynfs hostnfs dir/bsd/releasecd devfd dev/dev/fd0alocal devlocal fslocal dirtargetroot mount/targetrootdist postfixdist tgz postfixpkg hostpkg http hostpkg dirpub/pkgsrc/packages/NetBSDpkg prefix/i386/10.0/Allpkg userpkg passpkg proxypkgsrc hostpkgsrc http hostpkgsrc dirpkgsrc prefixpub/pkgsrc/stablepkgsrc userpkgsrc passpkgsrc proxy/usr/share/sysinst/catalogsysinstmsgs.usage: sysinst [-C bg:fg] [-Dp] [-f definition_file] [-m message_catalog_dir] where: -C bg:fg use different color scheme -D run in debug mode -f definition_file override built-in defaults from file -m msg_catalog_dir use translation files from msg_catalog_dir -p only run the partition editor, no installation Log ended at: %s # Script ended at: %s sysinst terminated. /etc/openssl/cert.pem/etc/openssl/certs/usr/X11R6/usr/X11R7/bin/XDynamic menu creation failed. /tmp/sysinst.logLog started at: %s could not open /tmp/sysinst.log: %s %s: failed to open %s collect%s: failed for %s vasprintf(&scmd, "%s", ...)/tmp/sysinst.sh#!/bin/sh # Script started at: %s script filerealloc(argv) for %s:%%.*s%ssysinst: failed to allocate output window. openpty() failedfork() failedexecuting: %s &&chroot(%s) for %sexecvp %sselect(2) failed but no child died?select failure: %s /sbin/route -n show | while read dest gateway flags; do [ "$dest" = default ] && { echo "$gateway"; break; }; donecat /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null | while read keyword address rest; do [ "$keyword" = nameserver ] && { echo "$address"; break; }; donecat /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null | while read keyword domain rest; do [ "$keyword" = domain ] && { echo "$domain"; break; }; donecat /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null | while read keyword search rest; do [ "$keyword" = search ] && { echo "$search"; break; }; done0xff0000000xffff00000xffffff00/sbin/ifconfig lo0 </etc/resolv.conf ; ; BIND data file ; %s %s; Created by NetBSD sysinst onsearch %s nameserver %s EOF /sbin/ifconfig %s inet %s %s up-s 115200 -l /dev/tty00/sbin/slattach /sbin/ifconfig %s inet %s netmask %s/sbin/ifconfig %s inet %s/sbin/route -n flush -inet/sbin/route -n add default %s/sbin/ifconfig -w 15 -W 5https-_.+!,-_.+!,/%s://%s%s/%s/sbin/mount -r -o -2,-i,-r=1024 -t nfs %s:%s /mnt2/mnt2/%shostname=%s /etc/ifconfig.%scat <>%s%s %s netmask %s media %s %s netmask %s /etc/hostscat <>%s/etc/hosts defaultroutedefaultroute="%s" dhcpcd=YES dhcpcd_flags="-qM %s" wpa_supplicant=YES wpa_supplicant_flags="-B -s -i %s -D bsd -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf" /sbin/ifconfig -l 2>/dev/nullAborting: Could not run ifconfig. Could not run ifconfig.greipipgiffaithlo0ppptunnet.inet.ip.stats/sbin/route get -inet defaultnet.inet6.ip6.stats/sbin/route get -inet6 defaultiwi/libdata/firmware/if_iwi/LICENSE.ipw2200-fwipw/libdata/firmware/if_ipw/LICENSEhw.%s.accept_eula%s=1/sbin/ifconfig %s inet6 2>/dev/null inet6 tentativeduplicatedfe80:%%%02X-a /usr/bin/ftp %s%s/%s%s# Added by NetBSD sysinst localhost.%s %s /usr/sbin/wpa_supplicantcat <>%s/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf # network={ ssid="%s" psk="%s" key_mgmt=NONE scan_ssid=1 } /sbin/ifconfig %s up/usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant -B -s -i %s -D bsd -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf/sbin/dhcpcd%s -d -n %smanual/sbin/ifconfig %s media %s/sbin/ifconfig -m %s |while IFS=; read line; do [ "$line" = "${line#*media}" ] || echo $line; donemcd*fd*xbd/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.sbin/sysinst/arch/i386/../../disks.c:853: internal errordisk %s: is too big (%llu blocks, %s), will be truncated /dev//r%s/sbin/newfs -V2 -O2ea %s-i %u/sbin/newfs %s-tffs -o async-i %u -b %u -f %u /sbin/newfs -V2 -O %s %s-tffs -o log-b %u/sbin/newfs_lfs %s-tlfs/sbin/newfs_msdos-tmsdos/sbin/newfs_sysvbfs-tsysvbfs/sbin/newfs_v7fs-tv7fs/sbin/newfs_ext2fs -O 0/sbin/newfs_ext2fs-text2fs/etccat <%s/etc/fstab Making %s/etc/fstab (%s). Failed to make /etc/fstab! # NetBSD /etc/fstab # See /usr/share/examples/fstab/ for more examples. NAME=%s / ffs rw 1 1 NAME=%s none swap sw,dp 0 0 /mnt,dp%s none swap sw%s 0 0 tmpfs /tmp tmpfs rw,-m=1777,-s=ram%%%llu tmpfs /tmp tmpfs rw,-m=1777,-s=%lluM /stand%s%s %s %s rw%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s %d %d ,log,noauto,async,noatime,nodev,nodevmtime,noexec,nosuidkernfs /kern kernfs rw ptyfs /dev/pts ptyfs rw procfs /proc procfs rw /dev/%s /cdrom cd9660 ro,noauto %stmpfs /var/shm tmpfs rw,-m1777,-sram%%25 /kern/proc/dev/pts/cdrom/var/shm/sbin/newfs_%s/dev/%s %s ffs %s/dev/%s %s ufs %sNAME=%s %s ffs %s/dev/%%s %%s %s %%sNAME=%%s %%s %s %%s/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.sbin/sysinst/arch/i386/../../disks.cmount_disks(size_t)(l - fstabbuf) == num_entriesbootxx_ffsv2bootxx_ffsv1progress -f %s -b 1m dd bs=1m of=%s%s (%s@%s)/dev/drvctldrvctl-commandget-propertiesdevice-namedrvctl-argumentsdrvctl-errordrvctl-result-datadisk-info%s (%s, %.*s)%s (%s, %s)%s (%s, %s %s)hw.usermem64/sbin/fsck_%s%s -p -q %s%s -p -b 16 -c 4 %s%s -p -c 3 %s -o %s [%llu @ %llu] %s [%llu @ %llu] kern-GENERICgamesgpufwmanhtmlrescuetestsxbasexcompxetcxfontxserversyssrcsharesrcgnusrcxsrcxdebug%-40s %s/bin/sh MAKEDEV allvasprintf(&spatterns, "%s", ...)sed -an -e '%s;H;$!d;g;w %s' %s/sbin/mount -rt %s /dev/%s /mnt2%s/%s/%s/.sysinst/usrrm -rf usr/X11R7/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/pcprogress -zf %s tar --chroot -xpf - '%s'progress -zf %s tar --chroot -xpf -rm %skern.entropy.needed/etc/rc.d/random_seed stopmkdir -m 755 /mnt2 %d%d%s%d%d%d%d%d%d/usr/sbin/postinstall -s /.sysinst -d / check mailerconf/usr/sbin/postinstall -s /.sysinst -d / fix mailerconf/usr/sbin/postinstall -s /.sysinst -d / fix/etc/rc.d/random_seed start/usr/sbin/certctl rehash/varrandom_file=/etc/entropy-file /boot.cfgsh -c 'sed -e s./var/db/./etc/. < /boot.cfg > /tmp/boot.cfg.tmp'/tmp/boot.cfg.tmp/sbin/umount /mnt2/netbsd/sbin/init/etc/rc/etc/rc.subr/etc/rc.conf/sbin/fsck/sbin/fsck_ffs/sbin/mount/sbin/mount_ffs/etc/localtimeUTCzoneinfo/usr/share/zoneinfo/ Please consult the install documents./usr/share/zoneinfo/%scat <>%s/etc/rc.conf /etc/rc.conf.tmp.XXXXXX/etc/rc.conf.bak.XXXXXX/etc/sysctl.confcat <>%s/etc/sysctl.conf s/^rc_configured=NO/rc_configured=YES/fsck_lfsCan't convert to localtime 0x%jx (%s) preposterous clock time /home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.sbin/sysinst/arch/i386/../../util.cstr_arg_subst(size_t)(t-out) == lenvndconfigcgdconfig/sbin/mount -r -t %s %s /mnt2sh -c '/bin/cat /mnt2/%s.%s %s %s/%s/%s%s'get_available_cdsm >= 0 && m <= n/dev/r%s%cCD001/sbin/mount -rt cd9660 /dev/%s /mnt2 dd if=/dev/random bs=32 count=1 | openssl base64 rndctl -L %s/tmp/entr.%06x %s rndctl -S /tmp/entropy-filedd if=/dev/random bs=32 count=1 of=/tmp/random.tmp/usr/bin/ftp %s -o %s %s/tmp/ent-mnt.XXXXXXmount -t nfs -r %s:/%s %smount -t %s -r /dev/%s %sdd if=%s of=/dev/random/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.sbin/sysinst/arch/i386/../../label.cedit_and_check_labelcnt == pset->parts->num_part+3+C_M_ITEMS+may_add+may_edit_packNTFS a-%c %c%c-%c%s %s %s %s %s%s %s %s%llu - %llu %s, %sedit_fs_type_extndx == cnt%*s -%*s : %s%*s : %llu %s%*s : %u%*s : async noatime nodev nodevmtime noexec nosuid log noauto ------------ ------------ ------------ %s ---------------- %12.12s %12.12s %12.12s %*s %*s %s %s %12llu [%zu %s]%12llu %12llu %12llu %s%12llu %12llu %12llu %*.*s %*s %s/altroot/bin/cp %s %smv %s %scp -p %s %s/sbin/mount %s %s %s%s/sbin/umount %s/sbin/umount %s%sif [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "%s does not exist!"; fi /bin/mkdir -p %scd to %s cd %s machdep.bootmethodUEFIwscons=YES sed -an -e '/^ttyE[1-9]/s/off/on/;H;$!d;g;w /etc/ttys' /etc/ttyssed -an -e 's/vt100/wsvt25/g;H;$!d;g;w /etc/ttys' /etc/ttys/usr/mdec/mbr_ext/usr/mdec/mbr_bootsel/usr/mdec/mbrCan't find %sgpt biosboot -b %llu %s/EFI/boot/usr/mdec/bootia32.efi/usr/mdec/bootx64.efi/usr/mdec/bootconsole=%s,speed=%u/usr/sbin/installboot -f -o %s %s %sWarning: disk is probably not bootableOut of memory %d%d%d%d%d%u%untpdatepasswd -l rootchpass -s %s root/usr/sbin/useradd -m -s %s -G wheel %s/usr/sbin/useradd -m -s %s %spasswd -l %s/bin/sh /etc/rc.d/certctl_init onestartpkg_add %s/pkgin/usr/pkg/etc/pkgin/repositories.confs,^[^#].*$,%s,/usr/pkg/bin/pkgin -y update/usr/pkg/bin/pkgin -y install %ssource for 3rd-party packagess,^%s$,%s=%s,adding %s=%s replacement pattern is %s files dnsfiles multicast_dns dnssetting hosts: %s /etc/nsswitch.confs/^hosts:.*/hosts: %s/chroot %s /usr/bin/awk -F: '$1=="root" { print $NF; exit }' /etc/passwdgetent passwd root | cut -d: -f2chroot %s getent passwd root | chroot %s cut -d: -f2buf %s strlen(buf) %zu %-50s %-10s/tmp/checkrc.shchroot %s /bin/sh %s 2>&1var %s is %s Could not open %s for writing#!/bin/sh . /etc/defaults/rc.conf . /etc/rc.subr #!/bin/sh . /etc/rc.conf . /etc/rc.subr if checkyesno %s then echo YES else echo NO fi %s (%u)/dev/%s%c/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.sbin/sysinst/arch/i386/../../disklabel.cdisklabel_set_part_infoinfo->fs_type == 0 || info->fs_type == parts->l.d_partitions[part].p_fstype/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.sbin/sysinst/arch/i386/../../disklabel.c:547: internal errordisklabel_write_to_diskparts->l.d_secsize != 0parts->l.d_nsectors != 0parts->l.d_ntracks != 0parts->l.d_ncylinders != 0parts->l.d_secpercyl != 0fictious/tmp/disklabel.%ucat <%s %s|NetBSD installation generated:\ :nc#%d:nt#%d:ns#%d:\ :sc#%d:su#%u:\ :se#%d:\ :p%c#%u:o%c#%u:t%c=%s:b%c#%u:f%c#%u:%s -f %s %s '%s' '%s'disklabel -w -rdisklabel -r %sdisklabel_change_geomdisklabel_freedisklabel -D %s%s. %s/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.sbin/sysinst/arch/i386/../../part_edit.cedit_outer_partsparts && parts->pschemeUser answered no to destroy other data, aborting. %s [%s %s]select_part_schemestrlen(ms) < totalouter_fill_part_menu_opts(op - opts) >= 0 && (size_t)(op - opts) == num_opts------------- ------------- ---- %13s %13s %-4s %13llu %13llu %-4slibICE.so.6.3libPEX5.so.6.0libSM.so.6.0libX11.so.6.1libXIE.so.6.0libXaw.so.6.1libXext.so.6.3libXi.so.6.0libXmu.so.6.0libXp.so.6.2libXt.so.6.0libXtst.so.6.1liboldX.so.6.0/usr/lib/emul/aout/emulmv -f %s %s/emul.oldmkdir %s aout.old/usr/aoutln -s %s %susr/lib.oldetc/ld.so.conf.oldmkdir -p %s /etc/ld.so.conf/usr/X11R6/libmv -f %s %s/%s/dev/wskbd0sed -an -e 'H;$!d;g' -e 's/\nencoding [a-zA-Z0-9.]*\n/\ encoding %s\ /; t done' -e 's/\n#encoding [a-zA-Z0-9.]*\n/\ encoding %s\ /; t done' -e 's/$/\ encoding %s/' -e ':done' -e 'w %s/etc/wscons.conf' %s/etc/wscons.confUser-definedUS-EnglishukUK-EnglishBelgianBrazilianCanadian FrenchczCzechDanishDutchEstonianFinnishFrench (AZERTY)bepoFrench (BEPO)de.nodeadGerman (QWERTZ)neoGerman (Neo 2)GreekHungarianIcelandicItalianJapaneseLatin AmericanNorwegianPolishPortugueseRussianSpanishSwedishSwiss FrenchSwiss GermanTurkish (Q-Layout)uaUkrainianus.colemakUS-Colemakus.dvorakUS-Dvorak%llu%s %-37.37s %s %s%llu%%%s <%s>%zu %s%-35.35s %c %s/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.sbin/sysinst/arch/i386/../../bsddisklabel.creplace_by_defaultparts->num_part == 0normalize_clones(target-ui) >= 0 && (size_t)(target-ui) == *num (%s, %s-%d) (lvl %d, %d disks, %d spare)/dev/zeroumount -f /dev/%scgdconfig -u %svndconfig -u %sraidctl -u %sdkctl %s delwedge %seject -t disk /dev/%sddkctl %s makewedges/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.sbin/sysinst/arch/i386/../../partman.cpm_whole_diskpm_from_pe%-15s: %s%-15s: %dpartmanPartman device: %s %s: %u%-20s: %s%dMvg%.2d%-20s: %lli%-20s: %dlvol%.2d%-43.42s %25.24s%s (%s) %s %-56s (%s) %-56s %svnd%dcgd%d (%s-%d)VG '%s'%lli/%llipartitining error %s RAIDframe configuring error #%d CGD configuring error #%d /tmp/raid.%d.confCould not open %s for writing START array %d %d %d START disks START spare START layout %d %d %d %d START queue fifo 100 raidctl -C %s raid%draidctl -I %d raid%draidctl -vi raid%draidctl -v -A yes raid%dcgdconfig -g -V %s -i %s -k %s -o /tmp/cgd.%d.conf %s %dcgdconfig -V re-enter cgd%d '%s' /tmp/cgd.%d.conflvm pvremove -ffy /dev/r%slvm pvcreate -ffy /dev/r%s /dev/r -l %d -p %d -s %dlvm vgcreate %s %s %s -C %c -M %c -Z %c --minor %d -m %d -R %d -r %d -i %d -I %d -L %lliMlvm lvcreate %s %sdd if=/dev/zero of=%s bs=1m count=% lli progress=100 msgfmt=humanvndconfig %s vnd%d %s %d %d %d %dvndconfig %s vnd%d %s/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.sbin/sysinst/arch/i386/../../gpt.cgpt_get_uuid_part_typegpt_get_part_alignmentparts->disk_size > 0gpt_get_part_devicep->gp_flags & GPEF_WEDGE%s_%lli@%llisysvv71kv8otherhpfshfsjfs2minixfs3vmwresv/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.sbin/sysinst/arch/i386/../../gpt.c:1106: internal error/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.sbin/sysinst/arch/i386/../../gpt.c:1153: internal error-p %zugpt create %s %sgpt -n remove -b %llu %sgpt -n resize -b %llu -s %llus %s-l '%s'gpt -n add -b %llu -s %llus -t %s %s %sgpt -n add -b %llu -s %llus %s %sgpt type -b %llu -T %s %sgpt label -b %llu -l '%s' %sgpt set -N -b %llu %sgpt %s %s -b %llu %sgpt -r show -b %llu %s 2>/dev/nullStart:Size:Type:TypeID:GUID:Label:Attributes:gpt_read_from_diskstart == 0have_gptgpt -rq header %sgpt -r show -a %s 2>/dev/nullgpt_create_newgpt_freeparts != NULLgpt destroy %sWindows FAT32, LBAExtended partition, LBAFreeBSD/386BSDNTFS volume setPReP BootDOS FAT16, <32MDOS FAT16, >32MWindows FAT16, LBAWindows FAT32(U)EFI system partition/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.sbin/sysinst/arch/i386/../../mbr.cmbr_get_generic_part_typembr_get_part_devicewedge_dev[0] != 0/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.sbin/sysinst/arch/i386/../../mbr.c:1744: internal error/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.sbin/sysinst/arch/i386/../../mbr.c:1774: internal errorinside_ext_partadjust_ext_partmbr_add_partinfo->nat_type != NULL/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.sbin/sysinst/arch/i386/../../mbr.c:2199: internal error/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.sbin/sysinst/arch/i386/../../mbr.c:2101: internal error/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/usr.sbin/sysinst/arch/i386/../../mbr.c:2068: internal errormbr_write_to_diskparts->geo_sec != 0write_mbrmbr_read_from_diskmbr_init_default_alignmentsparts->dp.disk_size > 0mbr_create_newmbr_freeb:ef:l:p:zinput sizegzip -l %sreading compressed file lengthclosing compressed file length pipegzip pipefork for gzipexec()ing gzipmalloc for buffersizefork for output pipecould not exec %sreading inputwriting %u bytes to output pipeusage: %s [-ez] [-b buffersize] [-f file] [-l length] %*.s [-p prefix] cmd [args...] %s: no terminatorcontrol_recvdata%s: no arg buffer%s: no args%s: eloop_event_add%s: unexpected event 0x%04xcontrol_handle1.unprivunpriv./var/run/dhcpcd/%s%s%s%ssockcontrol_handle_data%s: writecontrol_handle_writecontrol_handle_read/libexec/dhcpcd-run-hooksexiting due to oneshotdhcpcd_daemonisedhcpcd_selectprofile%s: no profile %s%s: selected profile %s%s: carrier lostNOCARRIERdhcpcd_handlecarrier%s: carrier unknown, assuming up%s: carrier acquired%s: waiting for carrier%s: IAID %s%s: IA type %u IAID %s%s: ipv6_start%s: dhcp6_start%s: interface departedDEPARTEDdhcpcd_handleinterface%s: interface updated%s: interface added%s: getsockoptdhcpcd_linkoverflowroute socket overflowed (rcvbuflen %d) - learning interface statedrained %zu messagesdhcpcd_handlehwaddr%s: hardware address type changed from %d to %d%s: old hardware address: %s%s: new hardware address: %sdhcpcd_signal_cbreceived %s, %sSIGINTstoppingSIGTERMSIGALRMreleasingSIGHUPSIGUSR1renewingSIGUSR2reopening loglogopenreceived signal %d but don't know what to do with it--version10.0.8--getconfigfile--getinterfaces--listencontrol command: %s--helpdhcpcd 10.0.8 %s /etc/dhcpcd.conf:146bc:de:f:gh:i:j:kl:m:no:pqr:s:t:u:v:wxy:z:ABC:DEF:GHI:JKLMNO:PQ:S:TUVW:X:Z:/var/run/dhcpcd/%s%s%spid%s: chdir: /%s: eloop_init%s: eloop_signal_masksending signal %s to pid %dwaiting for pid %d to exitsending commands to dhcpcd processsend OK%s: control_send%s: dhcpcd_readdump%s: control_opendhcpcd is not running/var/db/dhcpcd%s: mkdir: %s/var/run/dhcpcd%s: pidfile_lock: %sdhcpcd already running on pid %d (%s)dhcpcd-10.0.8 starting%s: setsid[launcher]spawned manager process on PID %d%s: pidfile_lock %d%s: control_start[manager] [ip4] [ip6]%s: if_opensocketsdhcp_vendor%s: if_discover%s: interface not found%s: interface has an invalid configurationno valid interfaces foundaborting as link detection is disabledno interfaces have a carrier%s: eloop_start%s: control_stopdhcpcd exited%s: waiting for an %s addressSTOPPEDconfigure_interface1%s: carrier lost - roamingNOCARRIER_ROAMINGdhcpcd_reportssid%s: connected to Access Point: %sDUID %s%s: IAID conflicts with one assigned to %sPREINITdhcpcd_prestartinterface%s: removing interfaceRECONFIGUREEXPIRE6EXPIREdup2 %dpid %d failed to exitdhcpcd_readdumptimeoutdhcpcd_readdump0dhcpcd_readdump1dhcpcd_readdump2dhcpcd_fork_cb%s: dhcpcd manager hungup%s: truncated read %zd (expected %zu)forked to backgrounddhcpcd_handlelinkdhcpcd_initstate1%s: config file changed, expiring leasesInterface options: ND options: DHCPv6 options: DHCPv4 options:Compiled in features: INET INET6 DHCPv6usage: dhcpcd [-146ABbDdEGgHJKLMNPpqTV] [-C, --nohook hook] [-c, --script script] [-e, --env value] [-F, --fqdn FQDN] [-f, --config file] [-h, --hostname hostname] [-I, --clientid clientid] [-i, --vendorclassid vendorclassid] [-j, --logfile logfile] [-l, --leasetime seconds] [-m, --metric metric] [-O, --nooption option] [-o, --option option] [-Q, --require option] [-r, --request address] [-S, --static value] [-s, --inform address[/cidr[/broadcast_address]]] [--inform6] [-t, --timeout seconds] [-u, --userclass class] [-v, --vendor code, value] [-W, --whitelist address[/cidr]] [-w] [--waitip [4 | 6]] [-y, --reboot seconds] [-X, --blacklist address[/cidr]] [-Z, --denyinterfaces pattern] [-z, --allowinterfaces pattern] [--inactive] [interface] [...] dhcpcd -n, --rebind [interface] dhcpcd -k, --release [interface] dhcpcd -U, --dumplease interface dhcpcd --version dhcpcd -x, --exit [interface]/var/db/dhcpcd/duidDUID too big (max %u): %sduid_get%s: does not have hardware addresspicked interface %s to generate a DUIDno interfaces have a fixed hardware address%s: cannot write duid/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/external/bsd/dhcpcd/dist/src/eloop.celoop != NULLcb != NULL && cb_arg != NULLeloop_event_deleteeloop_q_timeout_deleteeloop_exiteloop_entereloop_signal_set_cbeloop_q_timeout_addcallback != NULLnseconds <= NSEC_PER_SEC%s: hardware address randomised to %s%s: is a Virtual Interface Master, skipping%s: ignoring due to interface type and no config%s: unsupported interface type 0x%.2x%s: if_initreconfigurevendorclassidleasetimepersistentinform6userclasswaitipallowinterfacesnoarpnobackgroundnohooklastleasenogatewayxidhwaddrclientidnolinknoipv4llnooptionprintpidfilerequiredumpleasevariableswhitelistblacklistdenyinterfacesipv4onlyipv6onlyrandomise_hwaddrarpingfallbacknoipv6rsipv6ra_autoconfipv6ra_noautoconfipv6ra_forknoipv4noipv6noaliasiaidia_naia_taia_pdhostname_shortdefinenddefine6vendoptvendclassauthprotocolauthtokennoauthrequirednodhcpnodhcp6controlgroupslaacbootpnodelaynouplastleaseextendinactivemudurllink_rcvbufnoconfigurearp_persistdefencerequest_timefallback_timeipv4ll_timeread_config%s: embedded config too bigdefault_configunknown option: %s%s: per interface scripts are no longer supportedparse_option%s: hostnamehostname cannot begin with .failed to convert leasetime %sfailed to convert metric %sfailed to convert timeout %sinvalid vendor format: %svendor option should be between 1 and 254 inclusivefailed to convert reboot %sskip_hooks=%slltbothdisableinvalid FQDN value: %sstatic assignment requiredip_address=subnet_mask=broadcast_address=ms_classless_static_routes=all routes need a gatewayrouters=interface_mtu=invalid MTU %sip6_address=%s: failed to convert prefix leninvalid AF_INET6: %soption does not take an IPv4 address: %sinvalid IAID %s%s: IA_PD not compiled inIA with IAID must belong in an interface blockinvalid IAID: %sembed must be after a define or encapencap must be after a defineinvalid syntax: %sinvalid code: %sinvalid syntaxfailed to convert lengthincomplete request typeoptionalincomplete optional typeincomplete index typeincomplete array typeunknown type: %signoring length for type: %signoring array for stringsmissing bitflag assignmenttype %s requires a variable namevendor class is too bigno authentication supportcontrolgroup: %s: not foundslaac token: no token specifiedslaac token: invalid tokentemporaryinvalid request time: %sinvalid fallback time: %sinvalid ipv4ll time: %soption %d requires an argumentadd_environ%s: no assignment: %snd_dhcp6_invalid CIDR: %sinvalid IP address: %ssplitv/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/external/bsd/dhcpcd/dist/src/route.crt_headclear0&ctx->froutes != rtsrt_disposert_new0rt_setifrt_newrt_proto_addrt->rt_ifp != NULLrt_freert_recvrtrt->rt_ifp->ctx != NULLpid %d deleted%s: if_initrtrt_buildif_missfilterif_missfilter_applyrt_compare_protort1->rt_ifp != NULLrt2->rt_ifp != NULLrt_desccmd != NULL(null)%s: %s host route to %s%s: %s host route to %s via %s%s: %s default route%s: %s default route via %s%s: %s%s route to %s/%d reject%s: %s%s route to %s/%d via %srt_addnrt != NULLchangingif_route (CHG)if_route (DEL)if_route (ADD)deletingrt_delete/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/external/bsd/dhcpcd/dist/src/sa.csa_addroffsetsa != NULLsa_addrlensa_is_unspecifiedsa_is_allonessa_is_loopbacksa_toprefixsa_cmp(sa, &ss.sa) == 0sa_fromprefixsa_toprefix(sa) == prefixsa_addrtoplen > 0sa_cmpsa1 != NULLsa2 != NULLsa_in_initsa_in6_init - %s /home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/external/bsd/dhcpcd/dist/src/script.cscript_buftoenv*(bufp + 1) != '\0'*(bufp - 1) == '\0'STATIC6ROUTERADVERTnew_script_runreasonDUMP%s: executing: %s %s%s: control_queueifcarrierifwirelessinterface_orderPATH=%s/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbinpid=%dreason=%sTESTinterface=%sprotocol=%sif_configured=%sifcarrier=%sifmetric=%difwireless=%difflags=%uifmtu=%difssid=%sprofile=%sinterface_order=if_up=%sif_down=%sif_afwaiting=%daf_waiting=%dsyslog_debug=truemake_envstatic6%s_%sscript_run%s: %s: WEXITSTATUS %dscript_status%s: %s: %slocalhost. embed uint8 int8 uint16 int16 uint32 int32 ipaddress ip6address bitflags dname ascii raw binhex uri rfc3361 rfc3442 norequest%s-%s%s-%s:%s-%s:%s/var/db/dhcpcd/%s%s.lease/var/db/dhcpcd/%s%s.lease6%s: %s %ddhcp_envoption%s_%s%d%s: %s %d.%d/%zu: malformed embedded option%s: %s %d.%d/%zu: missing embedded option%s: %s %d.%d/%zu%s: SO_RERRORif_opensockets_os%s: SO_USELOOPBACK%s: socket(PF_LINK)/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/external/bsd/dhcpcd/dist/src/if-bsd.cif_carrierifadata != NULLif_route%s: SIOCGIFINFO_FLAGS%s: SIOCSIFINFO_FLAGSepairfwefwipvetherxvifif_copysadst != NULLsrc != NULL%s: SIOCGIFALIASif_ifa%s: if_addrflags6Berkley Packet Filter/dev/bpf/dev/bpf%dBPF version mismatch - recompile%03d %s%s_ip_address=%s%s_subnet_mask=%s%s_subnet_cidr=%d%s_broadcast_address=%s%s_network_number=%s%s_filename=%s%s_server_name=%s%s: soliciting a DHCP lease (requesting %s)%s: soliciting a %s leaseBOOTP%s: using static address %s/%dSTATIC%s: received approval for %sINFORMTIMEOUT%s: leased %s for infinity%s: minimum lease is %d seconds%s: rebind time greater than lease time, forcing to %u seconds%s: renewal time greater than rebind time, forcing to %u seconds%s: leased %s for %u secondsREBINDREBOOTBOUND%s: renew in %u seconds, rebind in %u seconds%s: writing lease: %sdhcp_writefile: %sdhcp_bind%s: waiting for 3rd party to configure IP address3RDPARTY%s: cannot add IP address in test mode/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/external/bsd/dhcpcd/dist/src/dhcp.cdhcp_informia != NULL%s: releasing lease of %s%s: %s: short frame header %zudhcp_packet%s: checksum failure from %sdhcp_recvmsg%s: truncated packet (%zu) from %s%s: delaying IPv4 for %0.1f seconds%s: pid %d deleted IP address %sip_addresssubnet_cidrnetwork_numberserver_nameMS %s: using %sClassless Static Routes%s: duplicate xid on %s%s: renewing lease of %sget_leasebootp != NULL%s: failed to renew DHCP, rebinding%s: expire in %u seconds%s: DHCP lease expired, extending lease%s: DHCP lease expired%s: sending %s with xid 0x%x%s: sending %s (xid 0x%x), next in %0.1f seconds%s: dhcp_sendudp%s: dhcp_makeudppacket%s: bpf_sendDISCOVERREQUESTDECLINERELEASEFORCERENEW%s: if_getmtu%s: if_setmtuDuplicate address detected%s: VIVCO option too big%s: DHCP message too big%s: packet exceeded frame length (%zu) from %s%s: non whitelisted DHCP packet from %s%s: blacklisted DHCP packet from %s%s: ignoring DHCP reply (expecting BOOTP)discarding Force Renewunauthenticated Force Renewbound, ignoringprobing, ignoringreject DHCPreject NAKNAK:%s: message: %sIPv6-Only Preferred received (%u seconds)no address givenreject invalid addressdeclined duplicate addressoffereddhcp_handledhcpignoring offer ofnot ACK or OFFERignoring ack ofacknowledgedlog_dhcp%s: %s %s %s %s%s: %s %s %s %s %s%s: %s %s %s%s: failed to request the lease%s: waiting for DAD on %s%s: redirecting DHCP message to %sdhcp_readudp%s not founddhcp_openbpfdhcp_readbpfdhcp_start1%s: dhcp_init%s: discarding expired lease%s: using ClientID %s%s: using hwaddr %sreading standard input%s: reading lease: %s%s: %s: truncated leaseread_lease%s: informing address of %s%s: rebinding lease of %s%s: timed out contacting a DHCP server, using last lease%s: DAD completed for %s%s: DAD detected %s%s: deleting IP address %sipv4_deladdripv4_getstateipv4_addaddr%s: adding IP address %s %s %s%s: if_addaddress%s: IP address %s already exists%s: added address vanishedipv4_handleifa/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/external/bsd/dhcpcd/dist/src/ipv4.cinet_dhcproutesstate->addr%s: forcing router %s through interface%s: router %s requires a host route%s: deleting address %sipv6_deleteaddripv6_addlinklocalcallbackipv6_newaddr%s_ip6_address=%s%s: pid %d deleted address %s/var/db/dhcpcd/secret%s: cannot read secretipv6_readsecret%s: cannot write secret%s: adding %saddress %stemporary %s: pltime infinity, vltime infinity%s: pltime infinity, vltime %u seconds%s: pltime %useconds, vltime infinity%s: pltime %u seconds, vltime %u secondsipv6_addaddr1ipv6_getstate%s: IPv6 static DAD completed%s: waiting for %s to complete%s: too many duplicate temporary addressesipv6_tempdadcallback%s: regen temp addr %sipv6_regentempaddr0cannot find a loopback interface to reject via%s: %s is %sreachable againnd%zu%s_from=%s%s_acquired=%lld%s_now=%lld%s_hoplimit=%u%s_flags=%s%s%s%s%s%s_lifetime=%u%s_addr%zu=%s%s: %s: router expired%s: expired %s %sipv6nd_expirera%s: expired route %s%s: part of a Router Advertisement expiredIPv6 ICMP packet too short from %sipv6nd_recvmsginvalid IPv6 type %d or code %d from %s%s: delaying IPv6 router solicitation for %0.1f secondsipv6nd_applyraIPv6 RA packet too short from %sinvalid hoplimit(%d) in RA from %sRA from non local address %s%s: ignoring RA from ourself %sipv6nd_handlera%s: Router Advertisement from %s%s: short option%s: zero length option%s: option length exceeds message%s: reject RA (option %s) from %s%s: reject RA (option %d) from %s%s: invalid option len for prefix%s: invalid prefix len%s: invalid prefix in RA%s: pltime > vltimeipv6_createtempaddr%s: short MTU option%s: invalid MTU %d%s: advertised MTU %d is greater than link MTU %d%s: short RDNSS option%s: invalid route info option%s: invalid route info prefix length%s: reject RA (no option %s) from %s%s: %s: became stale%s: %s: no longer a default router (lifetime = 0)%s: no global addresses for default routedhcp6_start: %s%s: No DHCPv6 instruction in RA%s: unable to obtain a stable private addressipv6nd_dadcallbackipv6_makestableprivate%s: Router Advertisement DAD completed%s: waiting for Router Advertisement DAD to complete%s: soliciting an IPv6 routeripv6nd_startrs1%s: delaying Router Solicitation for LL address%s: sending Router Solicitationipv6nd_sendrsprobe%s: no IPv6 Routers availableipv6nd_handledata%05d %sDHCPv6 packet too short from %sdhcp6_recvmsg%s: incorrect client ID from %s%s: no DHCPv6 server ID from %s%s: RECONFIGURE6 recv from %s, not LL%s: wrong xid 0x%02x%02x%02x (expecting 0x%02x%02x%02x) from %s%s: redirecting DHCP6 message to %sdhcp6_openudp%s: delaying DHCPv6 for LL addressdhcp6_handleifa%s_dhcp6dhcp6_startrenew%s: ignoring unicast option as not manager%s: DHCPv6 Vendor Class too big%s: %s %s with xid 0x%02x%02x%02x%s%smulticastingunicasting%s: %s %s (xid 0x%02x%02x%02x)%s%s, next in %0.1f secondsdelaying%s: %s: sendmsgdhcp6_sendmessage%s: sent %d times with no replySOLICIT6ADVERTISE6REQUEST6REPLY6RENEW6REBIND6CONFIRM6INFORM6RELEASE6RECONFIGURE6%s: DHCPv6 reply received but not running%s: DHCPv6 reply received but already bound%s: reject DHCPv6 (no option %s) from %s%s: reject DHCPv6 (option %s) from %s%s: %s acknowledged DECLINE6%s: discarding ADVERTISEMENT from %s%s: SOL_MAX_RT %llu -> %u%s: invalid SOL_MAX_RT %u%s: INF_MAX_RT %llu -> %u%s: invalid INF_MAX_RT %u%s: unauthenticated %s from %s%s: invalid DHCP6 type %s (%d)%s: invalid state for DHCP6 type %s (%d)dhcp6_recvif%s: ADV (no address) from %s%s: ADV %s from %s%s: status truncatedUnknown Status (%d)dhcp6_checkstatusok%s: DHCPv6 REPLY: %sSuccessUnspecified FailureNo Addresses AvailableNo BindingNot On LinkUse MulticastNo Prefix Available%s: DHCPv6 lease truncated%s: no useable IA found in lease%s: option overflow%s: IA option truncated%s: ignoring unrequested IAID %s%s: IAID %s T1(%d) > T2(%d) from %s%s: %s: DHCPv6 REPLY missing IA Address%s: IA Address option truncated%s: IA Address pltime %u > vltime %u%s: DHCPv6 DAD completed%s: declining failed DHCPv6 addressesdhcp6_startdecline%s: failed to decline duplicated DHCPv6 addressesdhcp6_startrequest%s: failed to request DHCPv6 address%s: no advertising IPv6 router wants DHCP%s: extending DHCPv6 lease%s: %s received from %sTIMEOUT6BOUND6REBOOT6%s: %s will expire before renewal%s: ignoring T1 %u due to address expiryUNKNOWN6%s: refresh in %u seconds%s: leased for infinity%s: renew in %u, rebind in %u, expire in %u seconds%s: will expire%s: DHCPv6 lease expired%s: %s: no valid lifetime%s: waiting for DHCPv6 DAD to complete%s: requesting DHCPv6 informationdhcp6_startinform%s: failed to request DHCPv6 informationdhcp6_start1dhcp6_recvdhcp6_startinitdhcp6_readlease%s: prior DHCPv6 has a duplicated address%s: confirming prior DHCPv6 leasedhcp6_startconfirm%s: failed to confirm prior DHCPv6 address%s: failed to renew DHCPv6, rebinding%s: rebinding prior DHCPv6 leasedhcp6_startrebindSTOP6dhcp6_startrelease%s: soliciting a DHCPv6 leasedhcp6_startdiscovera:b:c:dfHg:h:I:i:l:mnNop:qS:s:tvwWx:X:invalid socket buffer sizeillegal number of packets -- %sMust be superuser to flood pingillegal hoplimit %sillegal hoplimit -- %sillegal timing interval %s%s: only root may use interval < 1sInterval %s too largeInterval too small; raised to 0.01Must be superuser to preloadillegal preload value -- %sinvalid source address: %sillegal datalen value -- %sdatalen value too large, maximum is %dBad/invalid deadline time: %s-p: No fill space; increase packet size with -sgetaddrinfo failedgetaddrinfo for the gateway %s: %sgateway resolves to multiple addressessetsockopt(IPV6_NEXTHOP)setsockopt(IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS)setsockopt(IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS)-f and -i incompatible optionsUnable to allocate packetIPV6_MULTICAST_HOPSsetsockopt(IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU)setsockopt(IPV6_RECVPATHMTU)setsockopt(ICMP6_FILTER)setsockopt(IPV6_RECVRTHDR)can't allocate enough memory%s: invalid interface nameUDP socketUDP setsockopt(IPV6_PKTINFO)UDP setsockopt(IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS)UDP setsockopt(IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS)UDP connectgetsocknameyou need -b to increase socket buffer sizesetsockopt(SO_SNDBUF)setsockopt(SO_RCVBUF)setsockopt(IPV6_RECVPKTINFO)setsockopt(IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT)PING6(%lu=40+8+%lu bytes) %s --> new path MTU (%d) is notified --- %s ping6 statistics --- %ld packets transmitted, %ld packets received, +%ld duplicates, round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = %.3f/%.3f/%.3f/%.3f ms path MTU for %s is notified. (ignored) invalid peernamepacket too short (%d bytes) from %sfailed to get receiving hop limitfailed to get receiving packet information%d bytes from %s, icmp_seq=%u hlim=%d dst=%s time=%.3f ms(DUP!) wrong data byte #%d should be 0x%x but was 0x%xrefused, type 0x%xunknown, type 0x%xunknown code 0x%x, type 0x%xNodeInfo NOOPunknown qtypeTTL=%d:meaninglessTTL=%d:invalidTTL=%d03 draftno nameinvalid namelen:%d/%luNodeInfo Supported Qtypes, compressed bitmap, raw bitmap-%u(TTL=infty)(TTL=%u)Destination Unreachable, Bad Code: %d Packet too big mtu = %d Time exceeded, Bad Code: %d Parameter problem: Erroneous Header Unknown Nextheader Unrecognized Option First Fragment Has Incomplete Chain Bad code(%d) pointer = 0x%02x Echo RequestEcho ReplyListener QueryListener ReportListener DoneRouter AdvertisementNeighbor SolicitationNeighbor AdvertisementDestination: %s New Target: %sNode Information QuerySupported qtypesDNS nameIPv4 nodeaddr, subject=%s(%s), oldfqdn, no subject, subject=%s(invalid), invalidNode Information ReplyIP6HBH DSTOPT FRAG RTHDR ICMP6: type = %d, code = %d TCP: from port %u, to port %u (decimal) UDP: from port %u, to port %u (decimal) Unknown Header(%d) %1x %02x %05x %04x %02x %02x %s->IPv6 addressDNS labelRefused HbH Options: Dst Options: Routing: nxt %u, len %u (%lu bytes) Jumbo Payload Opt: Length %u Router Alert Opt: Type %u Received Opt %u len %lu nxt %u, len %u (%d bytes), type %u, %d segments, segments unknown, %d left [%d] [%d]%s ping6: wrote %s %d chars, ret=%d patterns must be specified as hex digitsff02::2:0000:0000usage: ping6 [-dfHmNnqtvWw] [-a addrtype] [-b bufsize] [-c count] [-g gateway] [-h hoplimit] [-I interface] [-i wait] [-l preload] [-p pattern] [-S sourceaddr] [-s packetsize] [-X deadline] [-x maxwait] host no addressRedirectTime to live exceededDestination Unreachable Beyond ScopeDestination Administratively UnreachableNo Route to DestinationESPVr TC Flow Plen Nxt Hlim/etc/group/etc/master.passwd: (malloc) Error in malloc(): out of memory : (malloc) Error in posix_memalign(): invalid alignment : (malloc) Error in posix_memalign(): out of memory : (malloc) Error in calloc(): out of memory : (malloc) Error in realloc(): out of memory /etc/malloc.confMALLOC_OPTIONS: (malloc) Unsupported character in malloc options: '___ Begin malloc statistics ___ Assertions Boolean MALLOC_OPTIONS: PuZ CPUs: Pointer size: Quantum size: Max small size: Chunk size: (2^--- End malloc statistics --- : (malloc) Error in munmap(): : (malloc) Error initializing arena alnumcntrlgraphpunctxdigit646towlowertowupperUnknown error numberUnknown signal number[:<:]][:>:]]NULSOHSTXETXEOTENQalertBSVTvertical-tabFFform-feedcarriage-returnSODC1DC2DC3DC4SYNETBSUBESCIS4IS3IS2IS1exclamation-markquotation-marknumber-signdollar-signpercent-signampersandapostropheleft-parenthesisright-parenthesisasteriskplus-signcommahyphenhyphen-minusperiodfull-stoptwothreefourfiveseveneightninesemicolonless-than-signequals-signgreater-than-signquestion-markcommercial-atleft-square-bracketreverse-solidusright-square-bracketcircumflexcircumflex-accentunderscorelow-linegrave-accentleft-braceleft-curly-bracketvertical-lineright-braceright-curly-bracketDELshut up gccYP FAKE error %d %ju%s%0*jusnap ,archivedsappendschangesimmutableuappenduchangeuimmutablelink#%hu%d:[%d,%d]sat_len=%u, sat_family=%u, sat_port=%u, sat_addr.s_net=%u, sat_addr.s_node=%u, sat_range.r_netrange.nr_phase=%u, sat_range.r_netrange.nr_firstnet=%u, sat_range.r_netrange.nr_lastnet=%usun_len=%u, sun_family=%u, sun_path=%*ssin_len=%u, sin_family=%u, sin_port=%u, sin_addr.s_addr=%08xsin6_len=%u, sin6_family=%u, sin6_port=%u, sin6_flowinfo=%u, sin6_addr=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x, sin6_scope_id=%usdl_len=%u, sdl_family=%u, sdl_index=%u, sdl_type=%u, sdl_nlen=%u, sdl_alen=%u, sdl_slen=%u, sdl_data=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x/dev/XtyXX/dev/ptmpqrstuwxyzPQRST0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ%s%s.pida.m.p.m.januaryfebruarymarchaprilmayjunejulyaugustseptemberseptoctobernovemberdecembersundaysumondaymotuesdaytueswednesdaywedneswedsthursdaythursthurfridaysaturdaygmtutcwetwatnftndtmstmdtpstpdtystydthdtahstidlwcetmetmewtmestswtsstfwtfsteetbtzp4zp5zp6wastawstwadtawdtcctsgthktjstacstcadtacdteastaesteadtaedtgstnztnzstnzdtmidnightnoonmiddayyearmonthfortnightweektomorrowyesterdaytodaylastthiseleventwelveagoautoselect11a11b11gfh11na11ng11acEthernetTokenRingFDDIIEEE802.11CARP10baseT10baseT/UTP10UTP10BASE-T10base210base2/BNC10BNC10BASE210base510base5/AUI10AUI10BASE5100baseTX100TX100BASE-TX100baseFX100FX100BASE-FX100baseT4100T4100BASE-T4100baseVG100VG100VG-AnyLAN100baseT2100T2100BASE-T21000baseSX1000SX1000BASE-SX10baseSTP10STP10BASE-STP10baseFL10FL10BASE-FL1000baseLX1000LX1000BASE-LX1000baseCX1000CX1000BASE-CX1000BASE-BX101000BASE-KX1000baseKX1000baseT1000T1000BASE-THomePNA1HPNA12500BASE-KX2500baseKX2.5GBASE-T2500baseT5GbaseT10GbaseLR10GLR10GBASE-LR10GbaseSR10GSR10GBASE-SR10Gbase-LRM10Gbase-Twinax10Gbase-Twinax-Long10Gbase-T10GbaseCX410GCX410GBASE-CX42500baseSX2500SX1000BASE-SGMII10GBASE-AOC10GBASE-CR110GBASE-ER10GBASE-KR10GBASE-KX410GBASE-LX410GBASE-SFI10GBASE-ZR20GBASE-KR225GBASE-ACC25GBASE-AOC25G-AUI25GBASE-CR25GBASE-CR-S25GBASE-ER25GBASE-KR25GBASE-KR-S25GBASE-LR25GBASE-SR25GBASE-T40GBASE-AOC40GBASE-CR440GBASE-ER440GBASE-FR40GBASE-KR440GBASE-LR440GBASE-SR440GBASE-T40G-XLPPI50GAUI-150GAUI-250GBASE-CR50GBASE-CR250GBASE-FR50GBASE-KR50GBASE-KR250GLAUI-250GBASE-LR50GBASE-SR50GBASE-SR256GBASE-R4100GBASE-ACC100GBASE-AOC100GBASE-CR2100GBASE-CR4100GBASE-CR10100GBASE-DR100GBASE-ER4100GBASE-FR100GBASE-KP4100GBASE-KR2100GBASE-KR4100GBASE-LR100GBASE-LR4100GBASE-SR2100GBASE-SR4100GBASE-SR10200GBASE-CR2200GBASE-CR4200GBASE-DR4200GBASE-ER4200GBASE-FR4200GBASE-KR2200GBASE-KR4200GBASE-LR4200GBASE-SR4400GBASE-CR4400GBASE-DR4400GBASE-ER8400GBASE-FR4400GBASE-FR8400GBASE-KR4400GBASE-LR4400GBASE-LR8400GBASE-SR4.2400GBASE-SR8400GBASE-SR16DB9/4Mbit4STPDB9/16Mbit16STPUTP/4Mbit4UTPUTP/16Mbit16UTPSingle-modeSMFMulti-modeMMFCDDI10baseT-FDX10BASE-T-FDX100baseTX-FDX100BASE-TX-FDX1000baseT-FDXFH1FH2DS1DS2DS5DS11DS22OFDM6OFDM9OFDM12OFDM18OFDM24OFDM36OFDM48OFDM54OFDM72DS/354KbpsDS/512KbpsOFDM/3MbpsOFDM/4.5MbpsOFDM/27MbpsVHTfull-duplexfdxhalf-duplexflowcontrolflag0flag1flag2hw-loopbackrxpausetxpauseEarlyTokenReleaseSourceRoutingSRCRTAllRoutesALLRdual-attachdasadhochostapturboibsswdsmeshMissing %s argumentInvalid %s argument `%s'ROOT.sysctl kern.root_device failedNAME=sysctl hw.disknames failed/rdkno match for `%s'kern.labelusesmbrCannot copy string; %zu chars needed %zu providedCannot append to string; %zu chars needed %zu providedCannot copy stringCannot allocate %zu bytesCannot allocate %zu blocks of size %zuCannot re-allocate %zu bytesCannot re-allocate %zu * %zu bytesCannot open `%s'Cannot format stringCannot convert string value '%s' with base %d to a number in range [%jd .. %jd]Cannot convert string value '%s' with base %d to a number in range [%ju .. %ju]%s%s%s%c/dev/zvol/%.*s/%s%s/dev/zvol/%sdskinitscrInkey wstate screwed - exiting!!!ESCDELAYTABSIZEould not malloc for key entry add_new_key: bad type passed inkey: Cannot allocate new key entry chunkInkey: Cannot allocate new keymapInkey state screwed - exiting!!!/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/lib/libcurses/refresh.cmakechcsp != &blank%p0%{10}%/%{16}%*%p0%{10}%m%+%p0%p0%{2}%*%-^Gkbskcub1kcud1^M^JTERM environment variable not setnot enough memory to create terminal structurecannot access the terminfo database%s: terminal not listed in terminfo databaseunknown error%s: generic terminal%s: hardcopy terminalansivt100vt220wsvt25xterm$TERMINFO$TERMCAPTERMINFO_DIRS%s/.terminfo/usr/share/misc/terminfo%s.cdb_ti_getnamepromote num,v3%s: %s: unknown capability%s: %s: cap name is too longno separator found: %s%s: description too long: %s%s: alias too long: %s%s: %s: string is too long%s: %s: invalid string%s: %s: not a number%s: %s: number %ld out of range%s: %s: illegal ^ character%s: %s: unprintable character%s: %s: non octal digitRCMD_CMD/usr/bin/rshCannot exec %sR%zu W%zu L%lld %d *1*02aargon2idargon2iargon2d./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzargon2: failed: %s $sha1$%.*s%s%u%s%u$%.*s$%2.2u$./ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789$1$ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/Argon2dArgon2iArgon2idOutput pointer is NULLOutput is too shortOutput is too longPassword is too shortPassword is too longSalt is too shortSalt is too longAssociated data is too shortAssociated data is too longSecret is too shortSecret is too longTime cost is too smallTime cost is too largeMemory cost is too smallMemory cost is too largeToo few lanesToo many lanesPassword pointer is NULL, but password length is not 0Salt pointer is NULL, but salt length is not 0Secret pointer is NULL, but secret length is not 0Associated data pointer is NULL, but ad length is not 0Memory allocation errorThe free memory callback is NULLThe allocate memory callback is NULLArgon2_Context context is NULLThere is no such version of Argon2Output pointer mismatchNot enough threadsToo many threadsMissing argumentsEncoding failedDecoding failedThreading failureSome of encoded parameters are too long or too shortThe password does not match the supplied hashUnknown error code$v=$m=,t=,p=incorrect header checkinvalid window sizeunknown header flags setheader crc mismatchinvalid block typeinvalid stored block lengthstoo many length or distance symbolsinvalid code lengths setinvalid bit length repeatinvalid code -- missing end-of-blockinvalid literal/lengths setinvalid distances setinvalid literal/length codeinvalid distance codeinvalid distance too far backincorrect data checkincorrect length checkneed dictionarystream endfile errordata errorinsufficient memorybuffer errorincompatible version/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/common/lib/libprop/prop_string.cprop_string_create_cstringstr != ((void *)0)prop_string_create_formatfmt != ((void *)0)prop_string_create_nocopyprop_string_append_cstringsrc != ((void *)0)_prop_string_rb_compare_nodesps1->ps_un.psu_immutable != ((void *)0)ps2->ps_un.psu_immutable != ((void *)0)_prop_string_rb_compare_keyps->ps_un.psu_immutable != ((void *)0)/home/source/ab/HEAD-llvm/src/common/lib/libprop/prop_object.c_prop_object_externalize_append_charctx->poec_capacity != 0ctx->poec_buf != ((void *)0)ctx->poec_len <= ctx->poec_capacity _prop_object_internalize_find_tag!((*cp) == '\0')?xml !DOCTYPE plist